Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2009


Larry Sherwood Lawrence Allen Vicci Letourneau Doug Cox

Victor Wearden Devin Scherger Lori Uhryn Sherry Heigh

Colleen Chorzempa Linda Herczeg Garry LaBine Trish Rizko

CALL TO ORDER: 7:05 PM by Larry Sherwood


·  Lori Uhryn added Midget e-mail

·  Garry LaBine added affiliations

·  Trish Rizko added registration


·  MOTION by Lori Uhryn to approve minutes.

·  Second by Garry LaBine.

·  All in favour.


·  Players’ Banquet - We need to set a date – Wednesday, March 25 was chosen. The community hall needs to be booked. Vicci offered to organize a caterer and make sure the VIP’s are invited. We will wait to see what the caterer is charging before setting prices.

·  Concession shifts – MOTION by Linda Herczeg to increase the penalty for missing a concession shift to $100.00. Second by Vicci Letourneau. Carried.

·  Devon Dispatch – The publisher of the Devon Dispatch called. It seems their photographer was removed from the visitor’s bench during a Bantam Rep game. There is a liability issue as our insurance doesn’t cover a spectator on the bench. We will see if there is a special permit that will cover this situation as we have appreciated all the pictures in the Dispatch this year.

·  Registration Fees – We haven’t received notification from the town yet regarding a rate increase for next year (it usually increases about 3.5% each year). Referee fees will also be increasing. Will need to set fees for next season soon.

·  Affiliation – MOTION by Garry LaBine that article 8.4a of the DMHA Rules and Regulations be reinstated excluding “to fill out lineups for tournaments”. Second by Trish Rizko. Carried.


Victor Wearden (Vice-President):

·  March 9 set for first meeting to review the DMHA Rules and Regulations. The committee to work on this includes Victor, Colleen, Doug, Trish, Larry and Garry.

·  Would like to know by the next meeting those who will not be returning to their positions in DMHA for next season.

Jackie Preece (Treasurer / IP Tom Thumb Coordinator): not present (report by Larry)

·  No financial information was available.

·  Needs another 30 volunteers for the Oilers 50/50 on March 24 (vs Detroit). Should we put a poster up on the bulletin board?

Colleen Chorzempa (Secretary): Nothing to report

Devin Scherger (Coaches Coordinator):

·  Would like to send the coaches for the Novice, Atom, PeeWee and Bantam Rep teams to a Development 1 clinic in Okotoks, April 4 & 5. The cost is $235.00 per person. MOTION by Victor Wearden that DMHA cover the fees, accommodations and mileage as well as $50.00 per day for meals for up to 6 coaches to attend the Development 1 Clinic in Okotoks on April 4 & 5, with Devin Scherger having the authority to choose which coaches will attend. Second by Lori Uhryn. Carried. DMHA has applied for the GM Coaches Grant and part of these proceeds could be put towards this clinic.

Trish Rizko (Registrar):

·  Registrations for next season can be done on-line – just need to set the registration fees. The DMHA Registrar would still have to collect the money.

Lori Uhryn (Referee-in Chief / Midget Coordinator):

·  Referee clinic for next year will be held September 19 & 20, probably from 8-4 at the Community Centre. A poster will be put up on the bulletin board for people to sign up. Must be 13 years old by January 1, 2010 to be eligible.

·  Held some mini-clinics this season that went over very well.

·  May know of someone willing to be Referee-in-Chief next year.

·  Midget e-mail - Lori received an e-mail from the St. Albert team that backed out of our Midget tournament last minute. The executive decided not to reimburse their registration fees as we had to cover the cost of ice and referees for the games that had to be cancelled. The team had to withdraw from the tournament because their travel permit had been revoked due to their excessive penalty minutes. (On December 18 Larry sent an e-mail to the president of S.A.M.H.A. to get their viewpoint.) The team is now threatening “other actions”. Larry will deal with this situation.

Doug Cox (Level Coordinator): nothing to report

Shanley Foerster (Atom Coordinator): not present

Jolene Burnstad (PeeWee Coordinator): not present

Lawrence Allen (Bantam Coordinator):

·  Bantam tournament is over. It went very well.

Linda Herczeg (Ice Coordinator): nothing to report

Vicky Sue Baron (Referee Assignor): not present

Pat Pelz (Central Cities and 16/60 Rep): not present

Sherri Heigh (Kitchen Coordinator):

·  Concession is winding down for the season.

Garry LaBine (Equipment Manager):

·  Teams can start arranging to return equipment by phoning Garry.

·  Still lots of old IP jerseys left over from the dance.

·  Dillon LaBine has old goalie equipment for sale-asking $1000.00 for the set. MOTION by Victor Wearden that DMHA purchases the goalie equipment from Garry LaBine for $1000.00. Second by Trish Rizko. Carried.

Vicci Letourneau (Fundraising):

·  Dance had a profit of $5028.49.

·  7 teams still have not handed in their $75.00 cheques for the silent auction prizes.

·  RCMP came out to investigate a couple of complaints. The situations were totally blown out of proportion. There was a small amount of damage to a piece of drywall. The person responsible reported the damage and will pay for it to be repaired.

·  Taxi service was provided for anyone who needed it.

·  The town would like to work with DMHA to improve things for next year.

·  Maybe we will hire people next year to work the doors, check I.D.’s, etc.


·  MOTION by Garry LaBine

·  Second by Vicci Letourneau

NEXT MEETING MARCH 16, 2009 @ 7:00 PM