[1]Haikun Liu, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Bo Ma and Cheng-zhong Xu, "Vmckpt: Optimizing the Performance of Virtual Machine Checkpointing", Science China Information Sciences, Vol.55, No.12, December 2012, pp.2865-2880
[2]Jian-Jun Han, Xiaodong Wu, Dakai Zhu, Hai Jin, Laurence T. Yang and Jean-Luc Gaudiot, "Synchronization-Aware Energy Management for Vfi-Based Multicore Real-Time Systems", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.61, No.12, December 2012, pp.1682-1696
[3]Weiqi Dai, T. Paul Parker, Hai Jin and Shouhuai Xu, "Enhancing Data Trustworthiness Via Assured Digital Signing", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol.9, No.6, November-December 2012, pp.838-851
[4]Xiaobai Liu, Shuicheng Yan, Bin Cheng, Jinhui Tang, Tatsheng Chua and Hai Jin, "Label-to-Region with Continuity Biased Bi-Layer Sparsity Priors", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Vol.8, No.2, November 2012, Article No.50
[5]Shenglong Tan and Song Wu, "Genome Wide Analysis of Nucleotide-Binding Site Disease Resistance Genes in Brachypodium Distachyon", Comparative and Functional Genomics, Vol.2012, September 2012, pp.1-12
[6]Fei Luo, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao and Qin Zhang, "Scheduling in an Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Based High Performance Computing System", Kybernetes, Vol.41, No.9, September 2012, pp.1209-1215
[7]Wei Gao, Hai Jin, Song Wu, Xuanhua Shi and Jinyan Yuan, "Effectively Deploying Services on Virtualization Infrastructure", Frontiers of Computer Science, Vol.6, No.4, August 2012, pp.398-408
[8]Xuanhua Shi, Hai Jin, Hongbo Jiang, Xiaodong Pan, Dachuan Huang and Bo Yu, "Toward Scalable Web Systems on Multicore Clusters: Making Use of Virtual Machines", The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol.61, No.1, July 2012, pp.27-45
[9]Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Lili Zhong, Baochun Li, Hai Jin and Xiaofei Liao, "Flash Crowd in P2p Live Streaming Systems: Fundamental Characteristics and Design Implications", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.23, No.7, July 2012, pp.1227-1239
[10]Honglei Jiang, Hai Jin, Song Guo and Xiaofei Liao, "A Measurement-Based Study on User Management in Private Bittorrent Communities", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol.1, July 2012
[11]Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin and Linchen Yu, "A Novel Data Replication Mechanism in P2p Vod System", Future Generation Computing System, Vol.28, No.6, June 2012, pp.930-939
[12]Deke Guo, Yunhao Liu, Hai Jin, Zhong Liu, Wei Ming Zhang and Hui Liu, "Theory and Network Applications of Balanced Kautz Tree Structures", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol.12, No.1, June 2012, Article No.3
[13]Xiaofeng Ding and Hai Jin, "Efficient and Progressive Algorithms for Distributed Skyline Queries over Uncertain Data", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.24, No.8, June 2012, pp.1448-1462
[14]Song Wu, Gezhi Yan, Li Deng, Xuanhua Shi and Hai Jin, "Pasdis: A Dynamic Power-Aware Service Distribution Policy on Homogeneous Clusters", Advanced Science and Technology Letters, Vol.10, May 2012
[15]Weizhong Qiang, Aleksandr Konstantinov, Deqing Zou and Laurence Tianruo Yang, "A Standards-Based Interoperable Single Sign-on Framework in Arc Grid Middleware", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.35, No.3, May 2012, pp.892-904
[16]Xiaobai Liu, Shuicheng Yan, Tat-Seng Chua and Hai Jin, "Image Label Completion by Pursuing Contextual Decomposability", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Vol.8, No.2, May 2012, Article No.21
[17]Feng Zhao, Fei Fang, Fengwei Yan, Hai Jin and Qin Zhang, "Expanding Approach to Information Retrieval Using Semantic Similarity Analysis Based on Wordnet and Wikipedia", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.22, No.2, April-June 2012, pp.305-322
[18]Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Lei Chen, Yunhao Liu and Lionel M. Ni, "Optimizing Bloom Filter Settings in Peer-to-Peer Multi-Keyword Searching", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.24, No.4, April 2012, pp.838-851
[19]Feng Zhao and Hai Jin, "Automated Approach to Intrusion Detection in Vm-Based Dynamic Execution Environment", Computing and Informatics, Vol.31, No.2, March-April 2012, pp.271-297
[20]Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin and Haikun Liu, "Towards a Green Cluster through Dynamic Remapping of Virtual Machines", Future Generation Computing System, Vol.28, No.2, February 2012, pp.469-477
[21]Xiaofeng Ding, Xiang Lian, Lei Chen and Hai Jin, "Continuous Monitoring of Skylines over Uncertain Data Streams", Information Science, Vol.184, No.1, February 2012, pp.196-214
[22]Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Xucheng Luo, Yunhao Liu, Tao Gu, Kaiji Chen and Lionel M. Ni, "Bloomcast: Efficient and Effective Full-Text Retrieval in Unstructured P2p Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.23, No.2, February 2012, pp.232-241
[1]Ayad Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Ali A. Yassin and Deqing Zou, "Secure Rank-Ordered Search on Multi-Keyword Trapdoor over Encrypted Cloud Data", Proceedings of the IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC'12), IEEE Computer Society, December 6-8 2012, Guilin, China, pp.263-270
[2]Wenbin Jiang, Shuguang Wang, Hai Jin and Yong Huang, "A Novel Task Management System for Modelica-Based Multi-Discipline Virtual Experiment Platform", The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC'12), IEEE Computer Society, December 6-8 2012, Guilin, China, pp.157 - 164
[3]Xia Xie, Jie Cao, Hai Jin, Xijiang Ke and Wenzhi Cao, "Jrbridge: A Framework for Large-Scale Statistical Computing in R", The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2012), IEEE Computer Society, December 6-8 2012, Guilin, China, pp.27 - 34
[4]Pingpeng Yuan, Wenya Zhang, Hai Jin and Buwen Wu, "Statement Hypergraph as Partitioning Model for RDF Data Processing", The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC'12), IEEE Computer Society, December 6-8 2012, Guilin, China, pp.138 - 145
[5]Ali A. Yassin, Hai Jin, Ayad Ibrahim, Weizhong Qiang and Deqing Zou, "Cloud Authentication Based on Anonymous One-Time Password", Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE'12), Vol.214, Springer-Verlag, December 20-22 2012, Hong Kong, pp.423-431
[6]Pingpeng Yuan, Hai Jin, Yi Li, Binlin Chang, XiaomingNing and Li Huang, "Semrex: A Semantic Association Based Scientific Literature Sharing System", The 6th Chinese Semantic Web Symposium and the 1st Chinese Web Science Conference (CSWS'12), Springer New York, November 28-30 2012, Shenzhen, China, pp.161-167
[7]Chen Yu, Longbo Zhang and Hai Jin, "Waveform Decreasing Multi-copy based Routing in Low Node Density DTNs ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Application (ICPCA'12), Vol.7719, Springer-Verlag, November 28-30 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.757-768
[8]Wenbin Jiang, Hao Dong, Hai Jin, Hui Xu and Xiaofei Liao, "An Enhanced Security Mechanism for Web Service Based Systems", Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing and Application (ICPCA'12), Vol.7719, Springer-Verlag, November 28-30 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.282-296
[9]Ayad Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Ali A. Yassin and Deqing Zou, "Towards Distributed Ranked Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST12), IEEE Computer Society, November 21-23 2012, Suzhou, China
[10]Ali A. Yassin, Hai Jin, Ayad Ibrahim and Deqing Zou, "Anonymous Password Authentication Scheme by Using Digital Signature and Fingerprint in Cloud Computing", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC'12), IEEE Computer Society, November 1-3 2012, Xiangtan, China, pp.282 - 289
[11]Ayad Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Ali A. Yassin and Deqing Zou, "Towards Privacy Preserving Mining over Distributed Cloud Databases", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing conference (CGC'12), IEEE Computer Society, November 1-3 2012, Xiangtan, China, pp.130 - 136
[12]Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Ning Jin and Tao Gu, "Minimizing Inter-Server Communications by Exploiting Self-Similarity in Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'12), IEEE Computer Society, October 30-November 2 2012, Austin, Texas, USA, pp.1-10
[13]Xiaofei Liao, Jia Yu and Hai Jin, "Vtrim: A Performance Optimization Mechanism for Ssd in Virtualized Environment", IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'12), IEEE Computer Society, October 27-29 2012, Chengdu, China, pp.236 - 242
[14]Ali A. Yassin, Hai Jin, Ayad Ibrahim and Deqing Zou, "Encrypted Remote User Authentication Scheme by Using Smart Card", Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM'12), Vol.7529, Springer-Verlag, October 26-28 2012, Chengdu, China, pp.314-323
[15]Wang Duoqiang, Qin Qi and Yu Jiying, "The Algorithm of Coverage Base on Probability Sensing Model in Wireless Sensor Network", International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile(WiCOM'12), IEEE Computer Society, September 21-23 2012, Shanghai, pp.1 - 4
[16]Ayad Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Ali A. Yassin and Deqing Zou, "Approximate Keyword-Based Search over Encrypted Cloud Data", Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE'12), IEEE Computer Society, September 9-11 2012, Hangzhou, pp.238 – 245
[17]Longbo Zhang, Chen Yu and Hai Jin, "Dynamic Spray and Wait Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks", Proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Networking and Parallel Computing(NPC 2012), September 6-8, 2012, Gwangju, Korea, pp.69-76.
[18]Linchen Yu, Hai Jin, Wenbin Jiang, Guangxian Liao and Xiaofei Liao, "Self-Adaptive Schedule Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Multi-Rate Live Streaming System", IEEE 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication & IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (HPCC-ICESS'12), IEEE Computer Society, June 25-27 2012, Liverpool, pp.666 - 672
[19]Linchen Yu, Hai Jin, Yang Yu, Xiaofei Liao and Wenbin Jiang, "A Distributed Index Service for Peer-to-Peer Vod", IEEE 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication & IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (HPCC-ICESS'12), IEEE Computer Society, June 25-27 2012, Liverpool, pp.202 - 207
[20]Xin Peng, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Xuepeng Fan, Xuping Tu and Linchen Yu, "An Efficient Distributed Transactional Memory System." IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications(TrustCom'12), IEEE Computer Society, June 25-27 2012, Liverpool, pp.1918 - 1923
[21]Wenbin Jiang, Lei Zhang, Weizhong Qiang, Hai Jin and Yaqiong Peng, "Mystore: A High Available Distributed Storage System for Unstructured Data", The 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC'12), IEEE Computer Society, June 25-27 2012, Liverpool, UK, pp.233 - 240
[22]Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Lingchao Guo, Shaoliang Wu and Tao Gu, "Audio-on-Demand over Wireless Sensor Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'12), IEEE Computer Society, June 4-5 2012, Coimbra, Portugal, pp.1 - 9
[23]Ali A. Yassin, Hai Jin, Ayad Ibrahim, Weizhong Qiang and Deqing Zou, "A Practical Privacy Preserving Password Authentication Scheme for Cloud Computing", Proceedings of the IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum (IPDPSW'12), IEEE Computer Society, May 21-25 2012, Shanghai, pp.1210 - 1217
[24]Lulu He, Zhibin Yu and Hai Jin, "Fractalmrc: Online Cache Miss Rate Curve Prediction on Commodity Systems", IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE Computer Society, May 21-25 2012, Shanghai, China, pp.1341-1351
[25]Xiao Ling, Hai Jin, Shadi Ibrahim, Wenzhi Cao and Song Wu, "Efficient Disk I/O Scheduling with Qos Guarantee for Xen-Based Hosting Platforms", Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid'12), IEEE Computer Society, May 13-16 2012, Ottawa, Canada, pp.81 - 89
[26]Shadi Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Lu Lu, Bingsheng He, Gabriel Antoniuy and Song Wu, "Maestro: Replica-Aware Map Scheduling for Mapreduce", Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid'12), IEEE Computer Society, May 13-16 2012, Ottawa, Canada, pp.435 - 442
[27]Ali A. Yassin, Hai Jin, Ayad Ibrahim, Weizhong Qiang and Deqing Zou, "Secure Password by Using Two Factor Authentication in Cloud Computing", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (ISA'12), Vol.1, SERSC, April 28-30 2012, Shanghai, China, pp.113-115
[28]Xuepeng Fan, Hai Jin, Liang Zhu, Xiaofei Liao, Chencheng Ye and Xuping Tu, "Function Flow: Making Synchronization Easier in Task Parallelism", International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores(PMAM'12), ACM, February 25-29 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp.74-82
[29]Qi Zhang, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Dingding Li and Wei Deng, "Fios: A Flexible Virtualized I/O Subsystem to Alleviate Interference among Virtual Machines", International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication(ICUIMC'12), ACM, February 20-22 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp.61
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