Everett 40 Days for Life

Media Contact: Cynthia Ulrich – / 425-830-9296

>40 Days for Life spokespeople available for interview; call to schedule.

Americans See Human Baby . . .

Planned Parenthood Sees

Lucrative Profit-Margin

Everett 40 Days for Life Vigil Starts Wednesday, September 23rd

September 22rd, 2015 - Everett, WA: Today, local organizers of Everett’s 40 Days for Life protest against abortion and Planned Parenthood publicly announced the annual protest vigil begins Tuesday, September 23rd and continues seven days a week, 8:00am to 8:00pm, through Sunday, November 1st.

The vigil is one of peace and prayer and will happen in front of Everett’s Planned Parenthood facility located at 1509 32nd Street. Everett’s 40 Days for Life protest is one part of the larger international organization’s efforts to end abortion.

“An rapidly growing number of Americans and people around the world are responding in horror, and rightfully so, to the video series about Planned Parenthood recently released by the Center for Medical Progress,” said Ed Mohs, a member of the Everett 40 Days for Life organizing team.

He continued, “Statements made within the videos by Planned Parenthood officials detail the for-profit dismemberment of babies. These admissions on the part of Planned Parenthood’s leaders distinctly demonstrate the gross reality of the organization’s long-term mission – a mission played out in the wretched act of slaughter of both pre-born and birthed babies --- all for the purpose of huge financial gain,”

Mohs’ colleague on the organizing team, Rachel Carrier, said, “Planned Parenthood claims scientific advancement comes from their mutilation of babies. How in the world can this be their rationale? We must remember that these are callous acts similar to World War II German atrocities committed upon a precious culture of humanity, people deemed by those in power as ‘not human’ and, therefore, deserving elimination.”

Planned Parenthood’s marketing plan is as deeply deceptive as it is highly profitable. Reputable resources report Planned Parenthooddevelops their supply chainof pregnant womenby offering them flawed contraceptives including defective condoms, most free of charge, thus increasing the rate of pregnancy and insuring theorganization'ssupply of aborted baby parts does not diminish.

Said Carrier, “When pregnancies occur due to their purposeful distribution of unreliable contraceptives, Planned Parenthood aborts the children and, even in situations when the child is born alive, babies are dissected and their body parts sold.”

She added, “Their strategy is devious, theiractionscold, merciless and immoral. We are delightedPlanned Parenthood is finally facing a Congressional investigation of their actions.”

“Such heinous acts should never be part of any culture, especially our American culture,” said Mohs. “The pro-life community across Washington State calls upon our federal congressional representatives to work to defund Planned Parenthood immediately thereby unequivocally stand with integrity for all that is decent and moral.”

“We demand all of our elected representatives defend humanlife at all of its stages, especially the lives of the most vulnerable among us…babies,” said Carrier.

Like-minded members of the public are invited to participate in Everett’s 40 Days for Life prayer vigil at the city’s Planned Parenthood facility. Drop-ins are welcome. Those wishing to participate on a specific day and time can sign-up online at:https:www. 40DaysForLife.com/Everett

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FACT SHEET – 40 Days for Life:

  1. The first coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign took place in 2007. From then through the end of 2014, 40 Days for Life national leaders report these global campaign statistics:
  • 3,588 total campaigns world-wide
  • Campaigns have happened in 579 cities in 30 countries
  • 650,000 individual participants
  • Among those, 17,500 people are church participants
  • 10,331 lives saved from abortion
  • 118 abortion workers quit their jobs
  • 60 abortion facilities closed
  1. Vision: 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion.
  2. Mission: The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.
  3. 40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion. It draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of a three-point program:
  • Prayer and fasting
  • Constant vigil
  • Community outreach

4. The international countries where 40 Days for Life campaigns have taken place include: the United States, Canada, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Congo, Croatia, Denmark, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Latvia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Uganda and Wales.

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