LAUC Davis General Membership Meeting

May 15, 2012

Shields 1st Floor Conference Room


1.  Call to Order

2.  Minutes of the Last General Membership Meeting (2 February 2012)

3.  Announcements

4.  Report from the University Librarian

5.  Old Business

a.  Proposed change in review period - discussion

6.  New Business

a.  Suggested change to PEARLS Checklist of Documentation form

b.  LAUC-D slate of nominations

c.  LAUC-D concerns for the new UL

7.  Report from LAUC-D Chair

8.  Standing Committee Reports

a.  CAPA (Adam Siegel)

b.  Nominations and Elections Committee (Raquel Abad)

c.  Professional Activities Committee (Rebecca Davis)

d.  Professional Issues Committee (Ruth Gustafson)

e.  Program Committee (Jeremy Spencer)

f.  Research Committee (Xiaoli Li)

9.  Adjourn

Attending: Raquel Abad, Myra Appel, Melissa Browne, Jared Campbell, Michael Colby, Matt Conner, Cory Craig, Karleen Darr, Elaine Franco, Sarah Gardner, Daniel Goldstein, Ruth Gustafson, Helen Henry, Bob Heyer-Gray, Patsy Inouye, Deanna Johnson (Chair), Amy Kautzman, Karl Kocher, Carol La Russa, Xiaoli Li, Marcia Meister, David Michalski, John Sherlock, Adam Siegel, Randy Siverson, Lisa Spagnolo, Jeremy Spencer, Sandy Vella, Mary Wood (recorder), Gail Yokote

1. Called to order 9:35am

2. Minutes (2/2/12) approved, as written.

3. Announcements - none

4. UL R.Siverson Report - none

5. Old Business

a. Proposed review period change

C.Craig reviewed proposal using projected slides (handout Change-Review-Period-Analysis.pdf)

Discussion on slides included

how new calendar time line was determined (slide 5),

proposed PEARLS changes (slide 11),
how the term “review period” means different things at different times (slide 11),
whether interim reviews will have the same calendar, and
correction to capitalize “Near” (slide 11).

General discussion included

procedure: proposed revision requires LAUCD approval then Library Administration, VP

Academic Affairs, and AFT;

why the need to hurry this revision this year: might as well try, if unsuccessful this

year, will try again next, MIV will be required next year so spread out the challenges of change;

voting procedure: general membership voting will be electronic using SurveyMonkey,

voting opportunity from 5/15 through 5/22, once quorum met, simple majority rules.

6. New Business

a. Suggested changes to PEARLS

LAUC-D Exec. Board were asked to discuss possible solutions to the problem of review

documents potentially getting misplaced as review packet moves from one to another; proposed to make changes so that contents of packet are clearly stated and apparent to all those who may handle the packet. Standardization of terminology is also necessary to ensure that document names reflect document content and intent.

Procedure – if proposed changes approved at General Membership meeting, the changes to

procedures will go forward together and the changes made in the MOU.

Handouts were provided and discussion was held on each (in order of discussion):

Checklist of Documentation (ChecklistDocumentationR(9 23)-2_DRAFT_REV.doc)

Moved, voted on, approved changes (tracked document)

ChecklistDocumentationR(9 23)-2_DRAFT_REVTrackChanges.doc

Certification CertificationR(10 1)_DRAFT_REV.doc

Moved, voted on, approved changes (tracked document)

CertificationR(10 1)_DRAFT_REVTrackChanges.doc

Review Procedures ReviewProceduresR(10 1)_DRAFT_REV.doc

Moved, voted on, approved changes (tracked document)

ReviewProceduresR(10 1)_DRAFT_REVTrackChanges.doc

Reference Solicitation Reference Solicitation Form_DRAFT-REV.docx

Moved, voted on, approved changes (format change only)

Checklist for Librarians ChecklistLibrarians(10 1)-1_DRAFT_REV.doc

Moved, voted on, approved changes (tracked document)

ChecklistLibrariansR(10 1)-1_DRAFT_REVTrackChanges.doc

b. Nominations slate

R.Abad, N&E, presented 2012/13 LAUC-D slate and asked for nominations from the floor.

Slate accepted; electronic voting to take place next week, LAUC-D and LAUC statewide.


Vice Chair/Chair-elect Matt Conner (2012-14)

Secretary Raquel Abad (2012-13)


Vice Chair/Chair-elect Sandy Vella (2012-14)

Nominations & Elections

Susan Llano (2012-13)

Adam Siegel (2012-13)

Patsy Inouye (2012-13)

Professional Issues

Chair Carol LaRussa (2012-13)

Vice Chair/Chair-elect Deanna Johnson (2012-14)


Vice Chair/Chair-elect Rachael Smith (2012-14)

Research & Professional Activities

Registrar-elect Lisa Spagnolo (2012-14)

c. Concerns for new UL

A.Siegel proposed that the LAUC-D Chair write a letter of welcome to the new UL.

J.Spencer, Program Committee, said the Fall Reception will be a welcome for the new UL.

H.Henry said the Library will host an event of welcome the first week of her arrival.

A LAUC-D sponsored goodbye event for R.Siverson was also discussed.

7. LAUC-D Chair Report

D.Johnson, LAUC Professional Governance committee said that they had approved LAUC-D

proposed by-law changes and that there was no need to send to UCOP or to get approval by UCOP. Therefore, the proposed by-law changes have been accepted and the proposed changes to the constitution of LAUC-D committees now in effect.

8. Committee Reports

i. LAUC Committee on Professional Governance (CPG) – D.Michalski, local discussion scheduled

on “The NextGen LAUC Member” ( , May 29, 11-12:30, LIR

a. CAPA – A.Siegel, continues to meet

b. N&E – R.Abad, slate presented earlier, ballots/voting this week

c. PAC – no report

d. PIC – no report

e. Program – L.Spagnolo, progam this Thursday, 5/17, 2:00-3:30, LIR, Resilience in Times of

Change, Rob Wennerberg, Academic and Staff Assistance Program

f. Research – no report

9. Adjourned 11:10am