Growing Peer Support:

Thunder Bay Regional Conference

A Free Conference

for Self-Helpers, Volunteers and Professionals in Related Fields

Friday, March 3, 2006 -- 10 am to 4:15 pm

Waverly Auditorium, Thunder Bay Public Library

285 Red River Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Growing Peer Support

Self-help, mutual aid and peer support are informal networks of individuals who share a common experience or issue. Members meet to share emotional and practical support and exchange information. The Growing Peer Support Regional Conference is an opportunity for self-helpers, volunteers and professionals in related fields to learn more about self-help and peer support.

Conference workshops include Creating a Healthy Community (AM), Making Sense of Facilitation (PM) and Stress Management: Self-Care for Self-Helpers (PM).These workshops have been designed to provide excellent learning opportunities. The conference itself is also a chance to network—to share and to learn from each other. Lunch is provided.

To register please fill out and return the form below.

For information, please call The Ontario Self-Help Network

Toll Free: 1-888-283-8806 or e-mail:

Sponsored by

The Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition and The Ontario Self-Help Network

Funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Morning Workshop

Creating a Healthy Community Paul Filteau, Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition We will create a healthy community by comparison with growing a tree (deciduous or coniferous). In a hands-on exercise, participants will map their social, environmental and economic biases by colour, then create a community tree.

Afternoon Workshops

Making Sense of Facilitation Spencer Brennan, Coordinator, Ontario Self-Help Network. This will be an informal session in which people can share their questions, concerns, and successful facilitation techniques. Prepared materials will cover: icebreakers, guidelines, the use of silence, feedback, and several conflict resolution approaches. Come prepared to share your experience and have fun.

Stress Management: Self-Care for Self-HelpersSpencer Brennan, Coordinator, Ontario Self-Help Network. This workshop will look at the ways in which we create our own stress and offer suggestions and a few resources to begin changing that.

Registration Form


Mailing Address:______

Phone (day):______Email:______

Your Affiliation: (Please choose one)

___ Self-Help Group___ Non-Profit Organization ___ OSHNET Affiliate

___ Board of Health/Public Health Unit ___ Hospital___ Community Health Centre (CHC)

___ Community Centre___ Community Coalition ___ Other (please explain): ______

Would you like your contact information to be included on the Participant’s List for this conference? ____ Yes ____ No

If you have special dietary needs, please let us know______

The Waverly Auditorium is wheel-chair accessible from the rear entrance.

Please mail, fax or email your registration to:

Self-Help Resource Centre

40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 219

Toronto, ONM4R 1B9

Fax: 416-487-0344 Email:

Registrations are accepted until Monday, February 27, 2006