Appendix Table C22. Participant characteristics: Treatment, rhabdomyosarcoma
Study (Investigator, country, year) / Record Number / Group (N) / Age (mean) / Age (median) / Age (Range) / Race (%) / Gender M, F (%) / Disease Stage/category / Disease Histology/Site (%) / Comment /Bisogno, Italy, 2009 / 75340 / HSCT (70) / <1 year (1)
<10 years (38)
>=10 (32) / 47% Male
53% Female / metastatic most common primary sites include head and neck, limbs and abdomen/pelvis / 63% Alveolar RMS
36% Embryonal
1% not otherwise spec
Carli, Italy, 1999 / 16010 / HSCT (52) / 31 pts. < 10 21 Pts. > 10 / metastatic / Alveolar (44%) Embryonal/NOS (56%)
Primary site Extremity, parameningeal , other (75%), Genitourinary tract and Head and Neck (25%)
Doelken, Germany, 2005 / 6570 / HSCT (2) / Pt 1-11.5
Pt 2-13 / 2 males / Pt 1-Stage IV with mets to lung, pancreas and marrow
Pt2-initial stage T1b N0M0, metastatic disease at transplant / Both Alvelolar RMS with various metastatic sites at transplant
Donker, Netherlands, 2009 / 1420 / HSCT (1) / 8 years / White / Female / Stage IV RMS / extensive local, abdominal and thoracic lymph node metastases, no BM invasion.
Grundy, UK, 2001 / 14200 / HSCT (1) / diagnosed at birth / Male / congenital alveolar RMS/right thigh and multiple skin nodules
Hara, Japan, 1998 / 17950 / HSCT (7) / 6.8 at diagnosis / 3 / 1-18 years / stage III (2), stage IV (3), relapsed (2) / 43% Alveolar
57% Embryonal
Koscielniak, Germany, 1997 / 19800 / HSCT (36) / 6 at diagnosis / (<1-22) / RMS alveolar (61%)
RMS embryonal (36%)
Undifferentiated (3%) / Patient population contains at least one patient over the age of 21. 27 patients had metastatic disease and 9 had relapsed disease.
Kuroiwa, Japan, 2009 / 390 / HSCT (1) / <1 at transplant / Alveolar RMS/primary skin lesions
Kwan, Hong Kong, 1996 / 20800 / HSCT (1) / 14 years / Female / Stage IV/ Group IV / Alveolar RMS/primary site left thenar region/metastatic to the breast
Lucidarme, France, 1998 / 17610 / 2-17 for whole study / 5/8 had metastatic disease at transplant
Matsubara, Japan, 2003 / 10810 / HSCT (22) / 8.5 at transplant / 2-22 years / 14 males (64%)
8 Females (36%) / group III (14) or IV at transplant (8) / Alveolar 7 (32%) and Embryonal 15 (68%)
varied primary sites parameningeal was the most common (7)
Matsubara, Japan, 2005 / 7580 / HSCT (5) / 17.6 months at diagnosis / 16 months at diagnosis / 3-41 / 20% Male, 80% Female / distant metastasis
McDowell, UK, 2010 / 75350 / HSCT (101) / HR'
4.28 / HR'
0.52-9.93 / HR'
56% Male
60% Male / Metastatic / 21% Embryonal, 64% Alveolar, 8% unspecified, 6% unknown
primary sites include 28% Orbit,
Misawa, Japan, 2003 / 11040 / HSCT (1) / 17 at presentation / Female / Stage I, Clinical Group III undifferentiated RMS / Alveolar RMS
Moritake, Japan, 1998 / 18280 / HSCT (1) / 10 at diagnosis / male / metastatic to BM / Unspecified subtype/ primary nasal tumor
Navid, USA, 2006 / 5930 / HSCT (8) / 15.5 / 13.1 / (1.6-18.7) / 38% Male
62% Female / metastatic/ / Alveolar RMS/various primary sites
Oue, Japan, 2003 / 10950 / HSCT (1) / 4.6 years / female / metastatic / primary site Lt. buttock metastatic to the Lt. femur
Sato, Japan, 1998 / 48070 / HSCT (5) / 5.34 at diagnosis / 7 / .7-10 years / 60% Male
40% female / Stage III RMS / 60% Embryonal, 40% undifferentiated
retroperitoneum (2), parameningeal (1), Femur (1), Orbit (1)
Scully, USA, 2000 / 14580 / HSCT (1) / ~ 5 at transplant / Female / local recurrence / Local recurrence of embryonal RMS/upper arm primary site
Shaw, Israel, 1996 / 20050 / HSCT (9) / 8.5 years / 4-15 / Stage IV various primary sites
Taguchi, Japan, 2005 / 7430 / HSCT (1) / 4 / M / metastatic / maxilla and mandible
Walterhouse, USA, 1999 / 17240 / HSCT (8) / 14 / 12.5 / 3-17 years / 63% Female
37% Male / Stage IV/group 4 RMS various primary sites / 63% Alveolar, 25% Embryonal, 12% unknown various metastatic sites
Williams, Canada, 2004 / 9010 / HSCT (4) / TX. < 10 '
Comp 7<10'
6>10 / TX'
75% Female
25% Male'
54% Male'
47% Female / Stage IV mets to lung / Embryonal RMS/ primary head and neck, parameningeal, bladder/prostate