Proyecto del capítulo 2: Unevento especial
Overview: Write and perform a dialogue (skit) about a special event. Write about how you prepared (past tense) for the event, and what you still need to do to get ready. Present your skit to the class. Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes long. Incorporate the following vocabulary and grammar requirements into your writing.
1)Write a rough draft of your script. All group members should participate in the writing. Each of you should be writing your own copy. Include the following vocabulary and grammar requirements:
- 20 vocabulary words from capítulos 2A and/or 2B
- 5 conjugations of verbs in the preterite (past) tense
- 2 uses of possessive adjectives
- 2 uses of demonstrative adjectives
2)Self-edit and peer-edit your drafts. Add missing punctuation and accent marks. Make sure your sentences are complete with verbs in their correct forms and good sentence structure. Adjectives should follow verbs. Highlight required vocabulary words. Underline required grammar.
3)Submit rough drafts (it should be evident that each group member participates in the writing) to Sra. Velasquez for editing and suggestions.
4)Write your final draft of the dialogue.
5)Present your dialogue to the class. Use props, have fun with it! Submit the final draft (1 per group) and rough drafts of your script to Sra. Velasquez.
Other options: Make a video of your skit, present the recording to the class.
0 to 6 Points Earned / 7 to 8 Points Earned / 9 to 10 Points EarnedGrammar and Vocabulary in Oral Presentation / Some grammar is used correctly. Some vocabulary words are used correctly. More than 7 errors in oral presentation. / Most grammar and vocabulary words are used correctly. 4-6 errors in oral presentation. / All grammar and vocabulary words are used correctly 0-3 errors in oral presentation.
Pronunciation and Fluency in Oral Presentation / Presentation is difficult to understand.
It is not clear or well-rehearsed. It is not polished (it is obvious it could have been practiced more). / Presentation is understood by class, may not be as loud, smooth, or clear as it could have been. Presentation is either too long or too short.Presentation is not memorized, but it is well-rehearsed. / Presentation is smooth, clear, loud, and easy to understand. Presentation is 2-3 minutes. Presentation is memorized. Time and effort were put into preparing for this presentation.
Written Drafts of Interview and Individual Writing / Rough draft is basic or not submitted for corrections. Multiple errors in grammar and usage of vocabulary make writing difficult to understand. Many corrections are not included in the final copy. / Most of the written requirements are submitted on time. May have some sentences that are difficult to understand because of incorrect grammar or misuse of vocabulary. Not all corrections are made to the final copy. Required vocabulary words are not highlighted in the rough draft. Required grammar is not underlined in the rough draft. / All written requirements are submitted on time. Rough draft is submitted with the final copy. There are very few or no errors in the final copy. Required vocabulary words are highlighted in the rough draft. Required grammar is underlined in the rough draft.
Written Requirements / Many of the written requirements are not met (missing more than 4 of the written requirements). Required Looks like little effort went into the final copy. Final draft is not polished or in blue/black ink or typed / Most of the written requirements are met (missing 3-4 of the written requirements). Looks like some effort went into the final copy but it is not polished or may not be in blue/black ink or typed. / All written requirements are met (see project description). Everything is polished and looks like a final project. Written project is typed or written in blue/black ink.
Visuals/ creativity/ effort / Class time was not used efficiently. Props were not included in the Dialogue.The written presentation is not neatly put together. Rubric was not submitted. / Most of the class time was used efficiently. Some props are included in the Dialogue. The written presentation is somewhat neat, attractive and or visually appealing. Rubric was not submitted. / Class time was used efficiently. Props are included in the Dialogue. The written presentation is very neat, attractive and visually appealing. Rubric was submitted with final project.
Total Points Earned
Rubric: Proyecto del capítulo 2Nombre ______