
Board of Directors meeting for the Fox Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Dec. 11, 2014

Appleton Public Library meeting room D 7:00 – 9:00pm

Board members present were: Rick Schinler, Don Clothier, Roger Genske, Jim Jenkin, Tom Lager, John Hammond, Duane Velie, Rich Ericson and Joe Bach.

Tom Lager called the meeting to order a 7:03 P.M. and began with a moment of silence for all to mediate on the purpose of the meeting and FVTU

  1. Momentofsilence
  2. In your own way
  3. Approval ofNov Meeting Minutes-( Minutes Forwarded to All board members and posted on the website)Don Clouthier made a motion to accept the November meeting minutes. Seconded by Norm Christnacht and approved by the board.
  4. Financial Update Al Johnson (15 min)
  5. Monthly Financial Statement. Al Johnson presented the November. It was reviewed and approved by the board.
  6. Habitat Work for 2015 (Tom) (10 min)
  7. Funding $3000 of Wild Rose DNR LTE 2015
  8. Send to: Paul Kruse, 500 Saint Jude St, Green Bay, WI. 54303 payable to WI. DNR

Board agreed that Al Johnson would forward a $3,000 check to Paul Kruse for the 2015 LTE crew. The amount was previously approved by the board.

  1. Schedule development. It was noted that Joe Bach, Tom Lager and Norm Christnacht would attend the December 14th Northeast regional TU meeting and anticipate receiving the 2015 Habitat Development schedule from Shawn Sullivan of the WDNR and would forward the information to the board.
  1. Cabin Fever Day – Status of CFD Team Norm (50 min)
  2. Purchased items budget $2819
  3. St Croix Rod reel from Tom Beyer

Norm Christnacht gave an update on CFD planning preparations. Tom Lager updated the board on items that have been procured for the bucket raffle and silent auction. It was concluded the Norm has been doing a good job of planning CFD 2015. Rich Erickson is to submit the WIsTrout quarterly articles to the Post Cresant.

Speakers are all in place.

There was discussion regarding placement of stamps put on return envelopes for the Rod Raffle. It was concluded we would use the same process as previous years.

Joe Bach reported that we still need volunteers to step up to the plate. He will be sending out second requests.

  1. Monthly Programs: Duane Velie(15 min)
  2. Scheduled topics
  3. Needed topics

Duane has a speaker for the February meeting and needs on for March and April

  1. FaceBookStatus Jen (10 min)
  2. Number of “Likes” – content needs, posting, pictures …….Jenn needs to update the FB page with current pictures and adds for CFD.
  3. Recognition Program Update (Roger Genske) (20 min)
  4. Opportunity for recognition Jan 29 Culinary Arts Mtg

Roger and his committee will have awards ready to present at the Culinary Arts dinner in January.

  1. Website Up-dates Joe (10 min)
  2. Fund raising: benefit to cold water resources and return on investment
  3. Official documents Board Member access only

Joe is to list raffle items and silent auction items on the web site along with a recognition of sponsors.

Joe requested Al Johnson supply him with back dated financial reports so the may be recorded on the chapters website

  1. Wis Council TU Annual Banquet Feb 7 in Oshkosh – please plan to attend
  2. Tickets $35 each; Note Wives are also welcome! Tom Lager has tickets for the Banquet.

Meeting was adjurned at 8:55 by a motion of Joe Bach and second by Norm Christnact

Further agenda items were not discussed.

Business for Future Board Meetings

  1. New storage for FVTU stuff from Bulboltz Joe (5 min)
  2. Projector, tying gear, signage….
  3. FVTU equipment audit and condition evaluation
  4. Items recommended in John Hammonds audit
  5. A resolution should be a part of the permanent record as to who has authority to obligate our chapter as to debt. We need someone to draft this
  6. NewMemberRecruitment and current member retention
  7. Website – role and expectations