This form must be received by the Department of Agriculture at least 10 working days before isolation commences or if no isolation is required, 10 days before the scheduled date of departure. Please note that all fields must be completed.

1. Exporter Details



Licence Number



Contact Name:









2. Importer Details



Transit Port/s




3. Description of Livestock


(of animals to be exported) /


(Species and breed)



(Breeder,feeder or slaughter)



(ear tags, etc)





4. Transport Details

Departure Airport: /

Departure Date:


Arrival Date:

Flight number (s):
Transport Route:
Description of Travel:

5. Veterinarian assisting with preparation of Animals





Date of Examination:

6. Isolation / Premises Details

Expected Arrival Date: / / / /

Expected Departure Date:

/ / /

Premises Operator:



Premises name:







7. Preparation for Export

  1. I have attached the relevant Australian standards for the export of livestock and plans to meet the requirements. 
  2. Testing and Treatment Schedule in accordance with the importing country requirements is attached.
  3. The import permit and importing country conditions (and certified translation if required) is attached (if required). 
  4. I have attached relevant documentation to meet the exporter supply chain assurance system (ESCAS) requirements (See section 8 below) 

Additional Information:
Section 1.
Exporter Details / The Notice of Intention (NOI) must provide the Department of Agriculture with details of the person exporting the livestock.
For the export of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, deer and camelids) by air transportation, the exporter must hold a current livestock export licence. To obtain a livestock export licence, please contact the Department of Agriculture Live Animal Exports Program on 02 6272 4581.
We also ask that you provide details of the person that the Department of Agriculture are able to contact regarding your export.
Section 2.
Importer Details / The importer details are required on the Health Certificate and Export Permit, so it is important for these details to be completed correctly.
Section 3.
Description of Live Animals or Animal Reproductive Material / EXAMPLE OF DETAILS REQUIRED
Number / Kind / Class or Condition / Identification / Sex / Age
50 / Bovine / Angus / Breeder / Ear Tags (list attached) / Female / 2-3yr
300 / Caprine/Australian goat / slaughter / Ear tags / Male / 1 – 3yrs
Section 4.
Transport Details / Port of Departure – The airport that the animal is leaving Australia.
Transport Method – How the animal are leaving Australia.
Transport Route – A list of all departure, transit and transhipment and arrival ports.
Description of travel arrangements – transport container details, internal dimensions, construction material, animal weights (average) and heights (maximum) and arrangements for feed and water during the journey.
Section 5.
Veterinarian / Please provide the name of the veterinarian who will be performing the veterinary inspection, tests and treatments required to meet the importing country requirements.
The list of Australian Government accredited veterinarians is available on the Department of Agriculture website at or by contacting the Department of Agriculture Office in your region.
The Department of Agriculture officer’s may inspect the livestock at the location before transport to the airport.
Section 6.
Isolation / Premises
(If applicable) / Please provide details of the premise where the livestock will be held prior to export and may be inspected (if required).
The livestock must be held in aDepartment of Agriculture approved premises if the importing country requires isolation or quarantine.The Notice of Intention is the application for approval of your nominated isolation or quarantine premise for the period of preparation for your animal/s. may inspect the premises for suitability as a pre-export isolation or quarantine place.
Section 7.
Preparation for Export / Please provide the relevant importing country requirements relating to pre-export quarantine or isolation, treatment and testing, and the exporters plan to meet these and the relevant Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) requirements.
Section 8. Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System / An ESCAS approval is not required for breeder livestock or for declared livestock to declared countries until the declared date listed on the Department of Agriculture website at
An ESCAS must outline the details of the supply chain for the proposed export up to and including the point of slaughter, including details relating to the following matters:
  • the port of arrival;
  • transport, handling and slaughter of the live-stock;
  • feedlots;
  • identification, tracking or accounting and reconciliation of live-stock;
  • independent auditing and reporting;
  • access to premises;
  • any related operations and facilities
The ESCAS must be accompanied by any documents or information evidencing the ESCAS that the Secretary requires. The ESCAS submission must include:
  • evidence of compliance with internationally agreed welfare standards;
  • a clear explanation of the supply chain e.g. flow chart
  • demonstration of control through the supply chain;
  • demonstration of traceability through the supply chain;
  • reporting and accountability requirements; and
  • independent auditing.
Please ensure that submitted documentation is complete.
An exporter may refer the Secretary to details contained in, or documents or information accompanying, an ESCAS that the exporter has given to the Secretary for the purposes of another proposed export. If so the exporter must declare at the time of submission that the ESCAS arrangements and documents are identical to the previously approved supply chain and that no relevant circumstances have changed since the approval and they must also reference the LNC number.
Please visit for more detailed information on ESCAS.
Department of Agriculture Approval / Following the submission of a NOI form and an ESCAS the Department of Agriculture will inform the applicant of the receipt of the NOI and ESCAS and assess the information provided.
The outcome of the assessment and the LNC number will be forwarded to the exporter in writing. The outcome of the assessment may be:
  1. A request for further information about a proposed export
  2. A request that a NOI and ESCAS to be amended in a specified way
  3. Approval of a NOI and ESCAS
  4. Approval of a NOI and ESCAS subject to a condition
Approval of a NOI and ESCAS is approval for the exporter to prepare to export the specific number and kind of live-stock from the specified port in Australia on the specified day on board the specified ship to the specified country in compliance with the approved NOI and ESCAS.
Any variations to the approved NOI or ESCAS must be approved by the Department of Agriculture. The Department may place conditions on the approval of a NOI and ESCAS.
Approval of a NOI and ESCAS for a proposed export does not oblige the Secretary to grant an export permit for the export.
Declaration(Must be signed by the applicant)
□I declare that I am aware that giving false or misleading information to the Secretary for the purposes of this application is a serious offence.
□I agree to the terms listed in the Privacy Policy located at the end of this application.
Signature: / Date
Privacy Policy
‘Personal information’ means any information or opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual.
‘Sensitive information’ is a subset of personal information and means any information or opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinion or association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences or practices, trade or professional associations and memberships, union membership, criminal record, health or genetic information and biometric information or templates.
The Department of Agriculture collects your personal information for the purpose of assessing and processing your application for the export of live animals or animal reproductive material and for other related purposes. The Department of Agriculture is authorised to collect and store this personal information under the Export Control Act 1982 (Cwlth) and the Australian Meat & Live-Stock Industry (Export Licensing) Act 1997 (Cwlth).
If you fail to provide some or all of your personal information, the Department of Agriculture may not be able to process your application.
The Department of Agriculture may disclose your personal information to relevant authorities in an importing country and other Australian agencies, including the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, as well as other persons or organisations where necessary for these purposes, provided the disclosure is consistent with the Privacy Act 1988 and other relevant laws. Your personal information may also be disclosed to relevant employees within your organisation for the purpose of approving your licence, registration or accreditation and to maintain the currency of your personal information for the purpose of the licence, registration or accreditation. Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.
By completing and submitting this form you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of all personal information, including sensitive information, in this form to and by the relevant authorities in the importing country.
The department has not taken steps to ensure that the relevant authorities in the importing country do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles. This means that:
  • relevant authorities in the importing country will not be accountable under the Privacy Act
  • you will not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act
  • you may not be able to seek redress in the overseas jurisdiction.
Relevant authorities in the importing country may not be subject to any privacy obligations or to any principles similar to the Australian Privacy Principles.
See the department’s Privacy Policy to learn more about accessing or correcting personal information or making a complaint. Alternatively, telephone the department on +61 2 6272 3933.