Instructor:Hannah Province
Phone: 933-4562
Tests and
Homework:1. The test questions will be similar in format to the homework problems. Tests will cover material from the lectures. (55% of total grade). No questions will be allowed during the test. Students will not be allowed to leave their seats during the test. Any student who arrives late for an exam may forfeit their right to take the exam if another student has completed the test and left the classroom.
2. Homework will be assigned for each exam must be completed, the due date on each homework assignment is the day of that particular exam (example - Homework 1 Due on day of exam 1). The homework assignments will count 20% of the total grade.
3. The final examination is comprehensive and will count 25% of the total grade.
4. The final exam percentage score will replace the lowest test grade provided the final exam percentage is higher than the lowest test grade.
Final Grade:The cumulative percentage total for the tests (55%), homework/quizzes (20%), and the final examination (25%) is 100%. The following scale will be used to determine your final grade.
Percentage Necessary for Grade
A 90%-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F below 60%
W Withdrawal (Must submit official form)
I Incomplete (Must see instructor to complete)
Make-up Policy:NO make-up tests will be given. If you miss a test for any reason a grade of “0” will be given. The final exam percentage will be used to replace a missed test. The final exam will only replace one test, for this reason DO NOT miss more than one test.
If you must miss a test for a scheduled University function, you must notify the instructor in advance and arrangements can be made to take a test early, but not late.
Cheating:Cheating on any test, exam, or homework; theft or attempted theft of exam questions; possession of exam questions prior to the time of the examination; or use of unauthorized aids shall be offenses subject to appropriate penalties. Penalties: The penalty for commission of any offense set out above is failure in the course and referral to the Office of Student Affairs for further action.
Calculators:A graphics calculator is required for this course. The Texas Instruments model TI-83 plus or TI-84 is recommended. However cell phone calculators are strictly prohibited.
Note:This is a general policy statement and is subject to change by the instructor.