FNTC Training & Consultancy
This form should be completed in full. Please do not send a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) as an alternative to completing any section of this form. You may use additional sheets of paper should there be insufficient space for your responses to any questions.
Your application will be judged solely on the information contained within this document in accordance with the Person Specification supplied. This cover page and the Equality Opportunities Monitoring Form are removed from the Application Form during the short-listing process.
Completed applications should be sent to the Human Resources Officer, either by email, , or by post to:
FNTC Training & Consultancy
1st Floor Chancery House
Premier Way
Hampshire SO51 9DQ
Title: / Surname:Forenames:
Post Code:
Telephone (Home): / Telephone (Mob):
ETF Membership No:
Name, Address & Telephone Number of Current EmployerPosition Held / Salary
Start Date / End Date
Brief Description of Duties
Reason for Leaving / Notice Period
From / To / Employer / Position Held / Salary / Reason for Leaving
Please identify any gaps in employment:
Name of Institution / Examinations & Subjects Studied / Grade or Award / Date
Course Details / Date
Using examples to highlight, please state how your experience, developed skills and achievements to date make you a suitable applicant for this position. If required, please use additional paper.
Please supply the details of two people we can contact as referees, one of which must be your present or most recent employer.
Name / NameAddress / Address
Position / Position
Telephone Number / Telephone Number
Email / Email
*May we contact your referees prior to interview?
Yes No
Do you hold a current driving licence?
Yes No
Do you have access to a car?
Yes No
*Any position offered will be subject to satisfactory references and DBS check
FNTC Training and Consultancy is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and Criminal Records
By virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) (Amendments) Order 1986, the provisions of section 4.2 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 do not apply to any employment which is concerned with the provision of care services and which is of such a kind to enable the holder to have access to persons in receipt of such services in the course of his/her normal duties. You should therefore list all offences on a separate sheet even if you believe them to be “spent” or “out of date” or some other reason.
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? YES / NO
Have you ever been cautioned or issued with a formal warning for any criminal offence?
(If you have answered “yes” to the above questions please attach details including dates on a separate sheet.)
Failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by FNTC Training & Consultancy. Any information given will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to an application for the training applied for.
If YES please give details of the conviction(s) and date(s)I declare that to the best part of my knowledge the information given on this application is correct and can be treated as part of any subsequent contract of employment.
Signed: ______
Date: ______
Please complete and return together with application form.
Information provided on this form is used for monitoring purposes and is not used during the short listing process. FNTC is an equal opportunities employer and as a member of the Positive About Disabled People scheme will interview all candidates who wish their application to be considered under this scheme. All applicants who declare a disability on this form and who meet the minimum criteria as detailed in the Person Specification for the role will be interviewed.
Name: Date of Birth:
Gender Male Female
Sexual Orientation Gay Lesbian Bisexual Heterosexual
Transsexual Prefer not to say
Ethnic Origin
Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about colour and broad ethnic groups. UK citizens can belong to any of the groups indicated.
How would you describe your ethnic origin?
White Mixed Heritage
British White and Asian
Irish White and Black Caribbean
Welsh White and Black African
English Any Other Mixed Background
Any Other White Background
Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Black, Black British, Black English,
Asian Scottish, Asian Welsh Black Scottish, Black Welsh
Indian Caribbean
Pakistani African
Bangladeshi Any Other Black Background
Any Other Asian Background
Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish, Chinese Welsh
Chinese Any Other Chinese Background
Any Other Ethnic Background Do not wish to declare my Ethnic Origin
Over 65
Disability details
FNTC Training & Consultancy believes that people are disabled by the barriers society places in their way and not by their own impairments. We believe that everybody has a role to play in society and we want FNTC Training & Consultancy to benefit from the widest range of talent available. Our recruitment policy aims to reflect these beliefs.
Do you consider that you have one or more impairments such as those listed below?
Yes No Do not wish to declare
■ Cerebral palsy
■ Physical impairment
■ Dyslexia / dyspraxia
■ Speech impairment
■ Mental health condition current or previous (e.g. depression)
■ Blind or impaired vision not correctable by glasses
■ Deaf or hard of hearing
■ Wheelchair user
■ Autism
■ Learning difficulties
■ Long-term medical condition or illness (including anything for which you take
regular prescribed medication or need regular medical treatment e.g. diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, asthma etc.)
This list is not exhaustive.
This is sensitive personal data and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality in line with the requirements of the Data Protection legislation. The data will only be used for general statistical and monitoring purposes. The data will not be taken into account in assessing your application for employment with FNTC.
(Office Use Only) Reference No:2