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Name ofGuestSpeaker(s)
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Date(s) / Start Time: End Time:
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BE SURE to book a TWU room.
Availability of locationconfirmed? Yes No
Ticket Pricesfor Event
Adults: $Clickhereto enter text.
Seniors: $Clickhereto enter text.
Students: $Clickheretoenter text.
Specialrates: Clickhereto enter text.
RSVPInformation :
Name: Clickhereto enter text.
Email:Clickhereto enter text.
Phone number: Clickheretoentertext.
Datedueby:Clickhereto enter text.
Contact person:Clickhereto enter text.
Website:Clickhereto enter text.
Cost:$Clickhereto entertext.
Specialrates/discounts:Clickhereto enter text.
Deadline forregistration:Clickhereto enter text.
BriefDescriptionOf TheEvent
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Sponsor(s) OfTheEvent
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Is thisevent fundedby a grant? Yes No
Name ofthe grant: Clickhereto enter text.
Nameofthe grant agency: Clickhereto enter text.
Does the grantingagencyrequirethattheirfundingbecited ina specific way?Yes NoIf yes,give the exact wording. Clickhereto enter text.
TWUContact Person Email Extension
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