45th Annual General Meeting Agenda

June 5th, 2014

0745 – 1015

(Continental Breakfast at 0730)


N.B. All Meeting Delegates are invited to attend – Only members have voting privileges.

1.  Call to order and opening remarks – Meeting called to order at 0818 by Cindy Hartley.

2.  Approval of Agenda: Moved by Jessica Dwyer Milley Seconded by Nancy Thorton

2.1  Additions/Changes: None brought forward

3.  Acceptance of 2013 AGM Minutes: Moved Aline Bourgoin Seconded Janice Nesbitt

4.  Standing Agenda Items

4.1  Legislation & Bylaws – Sue Kadyschuk: Revised document is available in the members only section of the website. Highlights given.

4.2  Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 – Sue Kadyschuk: Document is also on the website in the members only section. Highlights given.

5.  Business Arising from Minutes

5.1  Future Meetings: 2016 Location: Due to the location of the 2016 CNSF Meeting being in Quebec City and there not being a chapter there it was decided at the Board of Directors Meeting that 2016 will be in London Ontario. The location of 2017 hasn’t been shared with CANN from CNSF

5.2  Funding from CNSF: No further funding will provided by from CNSF due to the organization’s financial situation.

5.3  Cost of Midyear BOD Meeting: 2015 mid year meeting costs are being further reduced. Alternative meeting spaces and accommodations are being investigated by Aline Bourgoin.

5.4  Membership fees: New members fee is $85.00. Renewing members fee is $75.00. After a year of not renewing a member will be considered to be a new member and pay a registration fee of $85.00

6.  Correspondence

6.1  AANN: Sent regrets to attend the Annual General Meeting and Scientific Sessions due to financial situation.

6.2  CNSF: Correspondence continues, communication content shared in the area of topic.

6.3  NNF: Correspondence continues but due to their financial situation they were unable to support the travel bursaries that they have done so in the past.

7.  Reports (those not on website)

7.1  Treasurer’s Report: Shared with membership. Highlights attached to these minutes

8.  New Business

8.1  June 3rd BOD Meeting Update: Cindy Hartley: Christianne Krassman has is the Communication and Web Administrator, she is going to form a committee to develop the terms of reference and bring to the mid year meeting. Christianne is the Web Administrator.

9.  2014-2015 Slate of Officers

Councillors / Portfolios
British Columbia: Trudy Robertson / Scientific Liaison: Nancy Thornton
Alberta South: Christianne Krassman / Committee Chairs
Alberta North: Andrew Kwan / Program Chairs (St. John’s, Newfoundland 2015): Viola Finn & Jessica Dwyer Milley
Saskatchewan: Kristen Campbell & Aaron Gardner / Scientific Chairs (St. John’s, Newfoundland 2015): Jenny Slade
Manitoba: Jodi Dusik-Sharpe / Communication & Marketing (Web Administrator): Christianne Krassman
Ontario West: Corbin Lippert / Communications & Marketing (subscriptions): Jennifer Purkiss
Ontario Central: Janice Williams / Editor CJNN: Teri Green
Co-Editor CJNN: Corbin Lippert
Ontario East: Aline Bourgoin & Alexis Near / Representatives
Quebec: Elizabeth Murphy-Lavallee & Helen Fong / WFNN:
New Brunswick/PEI: Shelley Paul / Canadian Stroke Nursing Council: Patii Gallagher
Nova Scotia: Joan Pacione / Canadian Alliance of Brain Tumour Organizations (CABTO): Karen Waterhouse
Newfoundland: Jessica Dwyer Milley / Executive
Portfolios / President: Tara Bergner
Legislation & Bylaws: Cindy Hartley / Vice President/Secretary:
Suzanne Basiuk
Archivist: Betty Ross / Past President: Cindy Hartley
Membership: Janet White / Executive: Treasurer: Mark Bonin
Professional Practice & Research: Nancy Thornton
Program Liaison: Christianne Krassman

10.  Closing Remarks and passing of Gavel to incoming President: Small token of appreciation given to Sue Kadyschuk. Gavel passed from Cindy Hartley to Tara Bergner

11.  Motion for closure – Moved to closed Janet Warner Seconded by Nancy Thornton

Respectfully submitted

Cindy Hartley

President CANN