All personal information given in this documents will be treated under the Data Protection Act 1998. – please see page 9 of this document

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

Print your name as it appears in your Passport or Birth Certificate

Learner Name:
Phone: / Mobile:
Company Name:

Programme Type (Please tick)

Apprenticeship / Advanced Apprenticeship
Certificate / Diploma
Assessor Name: / IV Name:
Assessor email: / Tel:

ILP v 1.9.111

Mandatory/Additional Outcomes (QCF/NVQ, Technical Certificate and Functional/Key Skills where applicable)
Title of Outcome / Reg. Number / Reg.
Date / Reference Number / A59 Planned Credit Value / To be achieved / Achieved / Start Date / Planned End Date
Customer Service NVQ CertCustomer Service NVQ Dip Level:
Tech Cert
Numeracy Functional/Key Skill Level:
Literacy Functional/Key Skill Level:
ICT Functional/Key Skill Level:
Other – e.g. First Aid Certificate
Additional Units

Title of Framework (A/AA only):

Framework approval date (A/AA only):

ILP v 1.9.111

Qualifications, Experience and Skills

Title / Level / Grade / Date Achieved / To be used as an exemption - Key Skills test? / Seen and Copied?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

** Exemptions must have been gained within three years of claiming.

** Exemptions are not allowed for Functional Skills, some proxies may be allowed – check with Learner Support Team.

Initial Assessment

(A Record of Initial Assessment is held on the Learner’s Personal File)

Initial Assessment Results

Literacy:Numeracy / Score: Level: / Numeracy: / Score: Level:
Recommendations from Initial Assessment Learning and/or Social
ALN Endorsed:Yes
No / ASN Endorsed:Yes

If answered yes to any of the above please complete box below and prepare an Action Plan

Basic Skills Training

Outline details of specific skills training and detail of support for Endorsed Learners
Start date: / Expected Duration: / Completion Date:

For Assessor use:

Does this ALN/ASN require additional funding and do we have the evidence to support this?

Yes No

ILP v 1.9.111

Learning Log and Achievement Plan

* All Cert./Dip. Units, component parts of the framework and personal goals/development to be included.
Total credits selected for the Cert/Dip:
Unit Title / framework component /


/ Assessment of Learner’s training needs – Learner response / Who / When / Supported learning on: / Date of activity / Session plan/ Resources / Date of Planned completion / Date Unit Completed
Unit Title / framework component / Learning / Assessment of Learner’s training needs – Learner response / Who / When / Supported learning on: / Date of activity / Session plan/ Resources / Date of Planned completion / Date Unit Completed
Unit Title / framework component / Learning / Assessment of Learner’s training needs – Learner response / Who / When / Supported learning on: / Date of activity / Session plan/ Resources / Date of Planned completion / Date Unit Completed
Unit Title / framework component /


/ Assessment of Learner’s training needs – Learner response / Who / When / Supported learning on: / Date of activity / Session plan/ Resources / Date of Planned completion / Date Unit Completed

ILP v 1.9.11 1

Mentoring Arrangements

Who is the Learner’s Mentor in the workplace?
Contact Name / Contact Details

To answer this questions, please refer to the Induction that the Learner had with the Employer when he/she started in the job.

This section must be completed by the Learner (For Yes/No please tick as appropriate)

Have you been through a formal induction process with your Company?


Yes No

If 'Yes', were the following topics covered?
Attendance Requirements
Yes No / Company Structure / Procedures
Yes No
Health and Safety
Yes No / Equal Opportunities
Yes No
Who should you contact if you are off sick and when?
What should you do if you hear the fire bell?
Name one First Aider:
Who is responsible for Health and Safety?
Do you know the accident reporting policy in your company? / Yes No
Who should you inform in case of an accident?
What will you do if you have an accident?
If employed, have you been given a Contract of Employment containing your Terms and Conditions? / Yes No N/A

To answer these questions, please refer to theInductionthat the Learner hadwith the Assessorwhen he/she started in the Learning Programme.

Action / Please tick as appropriate
Programme structure explained to learner / Yes No
Standards Given / Yes No
Appeals and complaints procedure explained and procedures understood by Learner / Yes No
Equal Opportunities policy, Disability Statement, health and Safety, and safeguarding policies explained and procedures understood / Yes No
Individual Learning Plan and targets explained and completed with Learner / Yes No
Learning Log explained and understood by Learner / Yes No
Internal verification process explained and name of designated IV given and recorded by Learner / Yes No
Learning material issued / Yes No
Employer Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) issued and explained - to be completed in first 6 months of programme / Yes No
Technical Certificate explained and study pack issued / Yes No
Original Literacy and Numeracy test review by Assessor and kept by LST / Yes No
Key Skills Pack given and integration explained and understood by Learner / Yes No
Reviews explained and understood by Learner* / Yes No

*Reviews MUST be held every 10weeks and original copy of reviews returned to Reed in Partnership for monitoring and audit purposes.

Please note that the Review must be at Reed in Partnership by the date due and not completed on that date.


- Agreed Changes

Amendment Details




Signature of Learner / Apprentice


Signature of Training Provider


Signature of Employer

(if appropriate)

  1. It is essential that you advise your Assessor of any change of address during your programme
  2. Unless we are advised of any change of address, certificates will be posted to the address as stated on this ILP

* The Assessor will advise the Learner Support Team of any changes noted here


This Agreement is between:

Apprentice Name:
and Employer name:
of (Company):
and Learning Provider: / Reed in Partnership
and is made on (date):

Data Protection Act 1998

The information you provide will be passed to the Learning and Skills Council (the Skills Funding Agency). The Skills Funding Agency is responsible for funding planning and encouraging education and training for young people and adults in England, and is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. The information you provide will be shared with other organisations for the purpose of administration, careers and other guidance, and statistical and research purposes. Other organisations with which we will share information include, the Department for Children, Schools and Families, the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills, Connexions, Higher Education Statistics Agency, Higher Education Funding Council for England, educational institutions and organisations performing research and statistical work on behalf of the Skills Funding Agency or its partners. The Skills Funding Agency also administers the learner registration service (LRS) which will use your information to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN). The Skills Funding Agency is also a co-financing organisation and uses European Social Funds from the European Union to directly or indirectly part-finance learning activities, helping develop employment by promoting employability, business spirit and equal opportunities, and investing in human resources. From time to time students are approached to take part in surveys by mail and phone, which are aimed at enabling the Skills Funding Agency and its partners to monitor performance, improve quality and plan future provision.

  1. The Employer’s Responsibilities

1.1.To employ, or sponsor and pay the Apprentice in accordance with agreed terms and conditions.

1.2.To agree jointly with Reed in Partnership and Apprentice, an Apprenticeship Plan ensuring that satisfactory progress is maintained. Any changes to the plan to be agreed at review stages.

1.3.To provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, the experience, facilities and training necessary to achieve the training objectives specified in the Apprenticeship Plan without loss of wages and to treat the Apprentice fairly and reasonably as an employee would be treated.

1.4.If the Apprenticeship is terminated due to redundancy, to attempt, with assistance of relevant organisations, to arrange employment for the Apprentice, for the duration of the Apprenticeship, with another company.

1.5.To undertake legal and contractual responsibilities for the Health and Safety of the apprentice.

1.6.To ensure conformity with the employer’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

In accordance with the wishes of the Skills Funding Agency we have compiled this form of agreement in order that you, as the employer, are aware of the conditions entailed in supplying this service.

1.7.It is essential that you adhere to the specified training programme as agreed between yourselves and Reed in Partnership. To this end Reed in Partnership and the Skills Funding Agency require reasonable access to your premises for monitoring and assessing the apprentice’s progress.

1.8.It is a requirement of our contract with the Skills Funding Agency that all apprentices should have a workplace induction.

1.9.It is a requirement of our contract with the Skills Funding Agency that all apprentices should have their progress reviewed as a minimum every 12 weeks and a supervisor / employer must participate in the review process.

1.10.You are required to hold a current certificate of Employers Liability Insurance and, where appropriate, Public Liability Insurance.

1.11.You must take all necessary steps to secure the health, safety and welfare of all apprentices and to comply with current relevant legislation.

1.11.1.A safety policy is required under the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health & Safety regulations 1992.

1.11.2.Risk Assessment is required under the management regulations. You must ensure that your risk assessment satisfies the requirement of the Health & Safety (Young Persons) regulations 1997.

  1. The Apprentice’s Responsibilities

2.1.To work for the Employer to the best of her or his ability and in accordance with the Employer’s policies and procedures.

2.2.To observe the Employer’s terms and conditions of employment.

2.3.In both working and training, to be diligent and punctual and to attend courses, keep records, take part in and contribute to the review process, undertake assessments in order to achieve Apprenticeship Plan objectives and keep the employer informed of progress towards those objectives.

2.4.At all times to behave in a safe and responsible manner and in accordance with the requirements of Health and Safety legislation relating to the individual’s responsibilities and to promote and act in the Employer’s best interests.

2.5.In the event of sickness absence exceeding seven days, a doctor’s certificate must be provided. Should you be absent due to sickness, Reed in Partnership must be notified.

  1. Reed in Partnership’s Responsibilities

3.1.To check that the contents of the Apprenticeship Plan fulfil the nationally and industry/sector agreed criteria for the Apprenticeship. This as per Specification of Apprenticeship Standard for England (SASE).

3.2. To deliver an average of Guided Learning Hours (GLH) during the programme duration. From this, an average of GLH will be on the job GLH, while an average of GLH will be off the job.

3.2.1.On the job GLH refers to the time taken to develop the practical skills in the context of a job role. This includes Functional / Key skills, competence based qualification, on the job coaching and mentoring support including the development of the learner’s personal Learning and Thinking Skills.

3.2.2.Off the job GLH refers to the time taken to develop the technical skills and to develop knowledge and theoretical concepts across a range of context. This includes Individual and group teaching, Coaching, Distance learning, e-learning, Feedback and assessment, Guided study, learning with peers/networked or collaborative learning, mentoring, etc.

3.3.To ensure that the training meets the requirements set out in the Contract between the Learning Provider and the Skills Funding Agency in particular in relation to Quality Assurance process including Health and Safety obligations required of the Skills Funding Agency’s and their suppliers.

3.4.If the Employer is unable to complete the Apprenticeship Plan, then the Learning Provider shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the Apprentice is offered the opportunity to transfer to another organisation who will be able to provide an Apprenticeship Plan substantially similar to the existing Apprenticeship Plan.

3.5.Reed in Partnership has a responsibility for your health, safety and welfare whilst you are training. You should follow all guidance given to you on safe working practices and you are required to act safely and responsibly at all times and not put yourself or others at risk. If you have an accident you should report it to your instructor / supervisor and it should be entered in the accident book. If the accident is reportable, it will be investigated by Reed in Partnership and reported to the Skills Funding Agency.

3.6.Reed in Partnership as a Learning Provider is fully covered by insurance for Employer’s Liability and Public Liability.

3.7.Our Apprenticeship programme is open to all young people who are eligible and can benefit from training regardless of race, religion, sex or disability.

3.8.As you progress through the Apprenticeship programme your progress will be monitored and reviewed. Support and guidance will be given as appropriated.

This is a Work Based Learning programme funded by the Skills Funding Agency through

Reed in Partnership is a Learning Provider for the Skills Funding Agency Work Based Learning Programmes which include Apprenticeships and Advanced Apprenticeships. It may, as appropriate, include blocks of off-the-job training which will consolidate the apprentice’s specified and agreed training plan. During the apprenticeship a representative from Reed in Partnership will visit at least once every 12 weeks to monitor and assess the apprentice’s progress. The timing and content of this training will be decided in liaison with the company and the apprentice will be required to declare that they have completed the GLH as set out in this agreement (see 3.2).

A safety assessment will be carried out prior to commencement of the Learning Programme. Any non-compliance with the safety or legal requirements will be annotated and action should be taken to comply within an agreed timescale.

  • Young persons must receive induction training and be introduced to the company safety policy.
  • They must receive adequate supervision.
  • Young persons using dangerous machinery require supervision at all times.
  • The employer must ensure that the apprentice is informed of any work equipment and/or work area prohibitions.
  • It is the employer’s responsibility to provide any protective clothing as identified in the Risk Assessment.

Should a reportable accident occur Reed in Partnership must be informed by telephone and an accident occurrence form HG002 completed and forwarded to the Reed in Partnership’s Head Office within 48 hours.

  1. The apprentice’s holidays will be in accordance with those laid down by your company.
  2. Where applicable we encourage the apprentice to attend Reed in Partnership on day release. The studies carried out will be inter-related with the work s/he is doing with you and will enable him/her to enhance his/her knowledge.
  3. You must comply with the requirements of Employment Law and Equal Opportunities legislation.
  4. The apprentice is the direct responsibility of Reed in Partnership in respect of his/her laid down and agreed training programme. Should there be any problem you should contact Reed in Partnership.

This contract may be terminated by either party giving the other a minimum of one month’s notice in writing. Either party may terminate the contract forthwith in the event of any breach in its terms by the other party.

A copy of the “LEARNING AGREEMENT, Terms and Conditions” of this programme, that has already been signed by Reed in Partnership and the employer is attached to this ILP. The signature below is to demonstrate that the parties agree with the above stated and that all the parties (including the learner) have read and understood the Terms and Conditions.

(Employer) / Date:
(Learner) / Date:
(Learning Provider) / Date:

Action Plan

-For Learners identified as having Additional Learning Needs / Additional Social Needs

Learner name:
Date Action Plan Agreed:

Actions required to achieve objective(s):

Action / Support required / Member of staff responsible for support / Target achievement date

Date agreed to review this Action Plan:

I agree to follow this Action Plan to the best of my ability and consult with the Apprenticeship Manager if I experience any problems, or meet any barriers, that prevent me from doing so.

(Learner) / Date:
(Assessor) / Date:

Review of Action Plan

Progress made towards the action(s) agreed:

Action / Progress made

(Continue on separate sheet if necessary)

Is the learner receiving the support required? / YesNo
Follow up action(s) and support required:

(Raise new Action Plan if necessary)

Objective(s) met: / YesNo
If not, please state date agreed for further action plan to be reviewed:
(Learner) / Date:
(Assessor) / Date:

ILP v 1.9.111