HL7 FM Work Group Meeting Minutes

HL7 Financial Management Work Group Meeting Minutes
September 8 – 13, 2012, Baltimore, MA

Monday, September 10, 2012

HL7 FM Meeting Minutes
Location: Convention Center Room 346 / Date: 2012 09 10 (Monday)
Time: Q3
Facilitator / Beat Heggli / Note taker(s) / Mary Kay McDaniel
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
Kathleen Connor
X / Beat Heggli / HL7 Switzerland, nexus/schweiz
X / Mary Kay McDaniel / Cognosante
Jim Whicker / Kaiser
Hans Buitendijk / Siemens Healthcare
X / Ryan Roth / Express Medical Billing Services
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No – Not Applicable

Agenda Topics Q3

Actions: Q3/4, Monday
Owner / Action Item / Due
MK / Find 3 year project plan
Email sent to Dave Hamill. / 2012 09 11 Q3
Beat / Frank O – v2.8 Ballot comments / 2012 09 11 Q3


1.  Web Page

Reviewed, no suggested change

2.  Charter

Reviewed, no suggested changes

3.  Decision Making Practices

Reviewed, no suggested changes

4.  3-Year Plan

Could not find the current 3-year plan. It is in Project Insight, but cannot find the spreadsheet.

MK to check with HL7 Mgmt to track down for review on Tomorrow Q3 (Tuesday)

5.  V2.8 Ballot comments

Chapter 6 – both from Frank O.

Workgroup did not understand the ballot comment – Beat to speak with Frank O.

Chapter 16 – Frank O.

Workgroup did not understand the ballot comment – Beat to speak with Frank O.

6.  V2.9 requested changes

New request – Frank O.

Workgroup did not understand the new request – Beat to speak with Frank O.

HL7 FM Meeting Minutes
Location: Convention Center Room 346 / Date: 2012 09 10 (Monday)
Time: Q4
Facilitator / Beat Heggli / Note taker(s) / Mary Kay McDaniel
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
Kathleen Connor
X / Beat Heggli / HL7 Switzerland, nexus/schweiz
X / Mary Kay McDaniel / Cognosante
Jim Whicker / Kaiser
X / Ryan Roth / Express Medical Billing Services
X / Paul Knapp / Paul Knapp Consulting
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No – Not Applicable

Agenda Topics Q4

1.  Begin Discussion of Patient Statements and Billing Messages

2.  HITEC Self Pay

Defer, Kathleen was not available.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

HL7 FM Meeting Minutes
Location: Guest Room 547 / Date: 2012 09 11
Time: Q3
Facilitator / Beat Heggli / Note taker(s) / Mary Kay McDaniel
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
X / Beat Heggli / HL7 Switzerland, nexus/schweiz
X / Mary Kay McDaniel / Cognosante
X / Ryan Roth / Express Medical Billing Services
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No – Not Applicable
Actions: Q3, Tuesday
Owner / Action Item / Due
MK / Email to Beat, Kathleen, Paul and Ryan for scheduling interim meetings
MK / Complete and post meeting minutes

1.  Discuss interim activities and Co-Chair.

Need to send out email to determine possible interim call dates and times.

2.  Housekeeping, Meeting Minutes

MK will complete meeting minutes and post draft for group to vote on during call.

3.  Cont - Discuss Patient EOB and Billing Messages

Very high level discussion.

Project 370, closed - as voted in the January 2012 meeting. Must create a new project plan using template for FHIR.

Create Project Plan

Identify all the data elements needed

Compare to existing billing DMIM models

?FHIR development tasks??

<from the January 2012 meeting:

Motion to approve 370.

VOTE / Motion to close project 370.
Moved / Beat Heggli
Seconded / Jim Whicker
Affirmative / Abstain / Opposed
2 / 0 / 0

Project 370. Consumer Information Account

This project will tie HL7 models to information needed by consumers' views of healthcare data. The models can then be used to populate views used by the consumer (such as a portal to healthcare benefits). The models will enable the exposure of the provenance of the data being displayed through traceability to the data's source, date and context. This project is intended to be 'conveyance agnostic' - meaning the data may be delivered in any form - for example, through a document, a message, or the payload of a message. The project will develop a domain analysis model from which to determine what other products, such as an EOB RMIM or an online Consumer Consent CDA may be needed. Project will submit requests for product development to other workgroups as appropriate, e.g., the CBCC for DataConsent. Since EOB is within FM scope,

4.  Cont - HITEC Self Pay

Deferred, Kathleen not available

Next WGM Meeting / Preliminary Agenda Items
January, 2013
1.  Agenda Review and Approval
2.  Review Mission, Charter and 3 year plan.
Interim Call, Needs date and time
1.  Agenda Review and Approval
2.  Review and Approve Meeting Minutes from WGM
3.  Discuss (after review of pertinent documents) how FM can support HITECH requirements
4.  Review
5.  Adjourn

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