Faith Formation News for St. Michael Catholic Church
The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, July 17, 2016
Faith Formation Office Hours are: St. Michael Church - Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and St. Bernard Church – Fridays 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Faith Formation News:
Confirmation Certificates – We have a Confirmation certificate for everyone who celebrated the Sacrament this year. If you have not received yours please pick it up in the Faith Formation Office. Thanks!
Monday Morning Bible Study – Our Monday Morning Bible Study will meet this Monday, July 18th, at 9:30 a.m. when we will continue our study of the “Tragic and Triumphant Cross. All adults are welcome to join us anytime!
Vacation Bible School – “Cave Quest: Following Jesus the Light of the World” was great fun!!! We thank everyone for their prayers for a successful week in which we learned about Following Jesus the true light of the world! Thanks to all who donated items for snacks and thanks to all the parents who entrusted your children to us this week!
VBS Cave Quest at a Glance:
Monday – On Monday we learned how Jesus gives us Hope! In Bible Stories we heard how the Prophets told us about the coming of Jesus, the light of the World. The people lived in darkness but Jesus is the light the guides us! We learned our theme song in music, played some great games, learned that we can find Hope all around us (even in a rock) at imagination station, learned about a young girl who donates her hair to locks of love in missions, and acted silly at our finale.
Tuesday – On Tuesday at VBS we learned all about how Jesus gives us Courage! Today’s Bible Story was about how Jesus walked on water and gave Peter the courage to walk on water too. We learned that if we keep our focus on Jesus we can do amazing things but if we take our eyes off of Jesus we can find ourselves sinking! We sang great songs at music, made cave snot at imagination station, played team work games, learned about a young boy who was very brave in a storm in missions, and sang the froggy song at the finale.
Wednesday – On Wednesday at VBS we learned all about how Jesus gives us direction. In Bible stories we heard about how Jesus gave direction in how to live our lives when he preached the sermon on the mount. We learned that we should always listen to Jesus’ directions and he will show us the way. In Imagination Station we walked a path in the darkness and looked to Jesus for direction and were reminded that Jesus is the light of the world. We sang great songs in music, played and awesome beach ball game in games, heard about how a young boy was lost at a store and how he asked Jesus for help in finding his Mom and shared who we looked to for direction in our lives in missions, and we played a super direction game at our finale.
Thursday – On Thursday at VBS we learned all about how Jesus gives us love. In Bible Stories we heard about how Jesus died on the cross and rose to new life. We got to spend time before the cross and then celebrated the empty tomb! In mission we heard about a brother and sister who had trouble getting along until they began to do devotions and read scripture together. In games we played some awesome parachute games and in music we sang some great songs! Thursday evening was our pool party!
Friday – On Friday at VBS we learned all about how Jesus gives us his power. In Bible Stories we heard about how Jesus ascended to Heaven and empowered his disciples to lead the Church. Jesus calls us to be leaders in our Church too! What great fun we had at Vacation Bible School this week! We pray that this wasn’t just a week to have fun, but a week in which we have grown in our faith and grown closer to Jesus!
A Very Special THANK YOU to all our volunteers who helped with Vacation Bible School this week:
Allison Eve Kelly Book Natalie Coomer Molly Coomer Adriana Roll
Allison Millener Maddie Rathgeber Olivia Wise Julia Campbell Megan Evans
Emily Nealy Theresa Gottbrath Keisha Kaelin William Gardner Melissa Schenck
Evan Wise Rachel Naville Cameron Smith Colin Higdon Zachary Robbins
Katey Kaiser Abigail Nordhoff Gillian Evans Jade Schenck Jillian Jacobi
Katie Fagan Becca Gleitz Cameron Higdon Dexter Feeler Lauren Campbell
Alison Rogers Stacy Pitman Carrie Gardner Jonnie Sue Uhl Betsy Hasenour
Steve Robbins Marie Robbins Penny
5 K Race and 2Mile Walk – On Saturday, July 30th St. Michael will host its fifth annual 5K Race and 2 Mile Walk. All are invited to join us this day for a fun competitive race or a relaxing walk – a great chance to be fit and healthy! The entry fee is $18.00 by July 20th and $25.00 after that date. Trophies will be awarded to the winners of the race and walk. Please check out the registration brochure on our parish website or pick up one in the narthex of the church. All proceeds will benefit Youth Ministry at St. Michael and St. Bernard Churches.
Senior Gathering – We will have our next senior gathering on Wednesday, July 27th. We will gather at Noon for Mass and then everyone is invited to bring something to share for lunch. Our featured dish for July will be grilled burgers, chicken breasts, and brats.
Men’s Cookout – We invite all men of the parish to gather with us on Sunday, July 31st at 5:30 p.m. for dinner in the lower level of the church. We will have burgers, brats, baked beans, slaw, and dessert. Join us for an evening of food and fellowship!
Parish Night at the Louisville Bats – All St. Michael, St. Bernard, and St. Joseph parishioners are invited to spend an evening at the ball park watching a Bats game on Friday, August 19th! Tickets are $10.00 per person and can be purchased through the Faith Formation Office. Game time is 7:05 p.m. Included is admission to the game, reserved seat, baseball cap, and a Raising Cane food voucher! The first 2,000 fans get a set of team baseball cards and there will be fireworks after the game! The deadline to register is August 16th.
Do I have to go to Mass when I am on vacation? Yes. When you are traveling and need to know where you can go to Mass check out the website: It is a great source of information for every Catholic Church in the United States and when they celebrate Mass in their community.
Youth Ministry News: for prayer and rest. Pilgrims will arrive at the Archabbey Church at Saint Meinrad for Vespers at 5:00 (CDT), followed by a cookout with members of both men’s and women’s monastic communities.
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion – All youth who will be in grades 9-12 and those who graduated this spring are invited to join us for our pilgrimage to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion on Monday, July 25th. We will make our way to the shrine and view life size statues of our Savior’s passion. We will spend a great deal of time in the van so we will play some great van games! We will meet at St. Michael at 8:00 a.m. and will return by 8:30 p.m. There is no cost for this trip but you want to bring money for two meals and whatever you might want to spend at the gift shop. The deadline to sign up for this pilgrimage is July 17th.
Jr. High back to School Bash – All Jr. High Youth who will be in grades 6-8 this fall are invited to join youth from all around the Deanery at the Mount St. Francis lake shelter on Sunday, August 21st, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. There will be sloppy games so dress accordingly! We will also have Sloppy Joes for dinner! The cost is $5.00 and that can be paid upon your arrival. Please call the Faith Formation Office by August 17th.
Young Adult News
Fiesta Fridays College Gatherings - All College-Age young adults are invited to join us for Fiesta Fridays - an opportunity to gather with Catholic young adults for faith, fun, food, and a fiesta! Fridays, July 22nd & 29th at the Krafts’, 2801 Old Hill Rd, Floyds Knobs (off of Paoli Pike). Pool and Patio opens at 2:00 p.m., dinner is served at 5:00 p.m. $3 donation would be appreciated. For more info contact
College Back to Campus Bash -All college-age young adults are welcome to join us for an evening of fellowship Sunday, August 7th, 6:00 p.m., at the Mt. St. Francis Lake Shelter. Contact or 812-923-8355 for more info.
Summer Activities
Camp Marian
This year I went Camp Marion in Ferdinand, Indiana. Camp Marion is ran by a few of the Sisters of the Ferdinand Monastery, whom is helped by girls that went to Camp Marion in their past years or women planning on becoming a Sister. Camp Marion is three days and two nights of fun filled actives outside along with sleeping outside in tents. Many of the actives are fun filled, but also teach you how to be a better person. Such as archery, crafts, and prayer- circle, team -building and free – activity time with the sisters. In each activity you are in a group sponsored by a Saints name, mine was St. Scholastica. In your group you get to meet new people and learn about others. Along with the main actives there is also extra actives you get to do with everyone. Including crazy kickball, swimming, slip n’ slide, relays, and a tour of the monastery. The three nights and two days you are there you have a variety of food. Sister Judy and Sister Doris cook it excellent. This year I had a wonderful time at Camp Marion and definitely going back next year. – Molly Coomer
The past two years I have had the opportunity to attend Camp Marion in Ferdinand, Indiana. Camp Marion is an enjoyable and eye-opening experience for girls going into sixth through ninth grades. The camp is run by some of the nuns at the monastery, previous campers, and women wanting to become a nun. This gives campers an opportunity to form relationships with the nuns and counselors. Camp Marion gives campers a chance to understand the role of women in the Catholic faith. While at camp, campers participate in swimming, archery, and prayer sessions, as well as other outdoor activities such as a campfire and mass. Camp Marion provides campers with relationships and experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. - Natalie Coomer
My name is Maddy Marinc and I'm going to be a Freshman this year at North Harrison. This summer I got the amazing experience to go to Camp Marion in Ferdinand, Indiana. Camp Marion is an all-girls camp ran by a few of the Sisters. This was my first year at the camp and I was very nervous to stay away for three days and two nights in a tent outside, but they treat you just like family. Each day you do numerous actives such as prayer time, swimming, archery, and many team building exercises. You are split up into a group with a Saint name mine was St. Scholastica you learn each day all about your Saint and on the last evening you perform a skit at church to teach everyone about our Saints story. The last night was my favorite we all got by the camp fire and sang many camp fire songs, ate s'mores, and we all just had a great time. I definitely would love to go back and be a counselor next year and keep on meeting many people who all share my faith. – Maddy Marinc
My name is Olivia Wise and I’m going to be an 8th grader this year at North Harrison. The past two years I have went to Camp Marian, both years that I have made many friends. At Camp Marian you do many activities such as archery, crafts, team building and many other games. The sisters own a pool so you get to go swimming with your friends. While at camp they have a priest come in and he does mass. For the homily, each group got to do a skit about their Saint. My saint group was St. Hildagard. – Olivia Wise
My name is Katie Wise. Camp Marian was a lot of fun, we swam, went to Mass, put on plays, and played games. We learned how to work together as teams and I met a lot of people. My favorite part of camp was learning about St. Scholastica. She was the sister of St. Bernard and on a visit with her brother she wanted him to stay with her because she knew she was going to die. He wanted to leave but she prayed for him to be able to stay and a great storm came up and he had to stay overnight. She died a few days later. St. Scholastca was my groups name. We got to sleep in tents, and got to have a camp fire with smores! – Katie Wise