Poverty Reduction Grant (Danida)

Strengthening the Development Research and Policy Analysis Capacity of

the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) (Phase 2)

CIEM-NIAS project components

Mission report no. 1/2007


Gerald Jackson

NIAS Editor in Chief

March 2007

List of contents


Organization of mission2

Seminar on a publication strategy for CIEM2

Seminar on an e-publishing strategy for CIEM3

Towards an implementation plan for the pilot project3

Restructuring of publication activities at CIEM3

Financial implications4




CID Centre for Information and Documentation

e-VEMR Electronic edition of (English-language) VEMR

KIET Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade

VEMR VietnameseEconomic Management Review (journal)


This mission was carried out during 6–13 March 2007. Its purpose was to further activity under Output 4 of the project. Key components were participation in two seminars held to discuss and follow up on the Institute’s draft publication strategy.

Mission goals and results were as follows:

Advise on CIEM’s publications policy, strategy and management of CIEM’s publishing business. This took the form of preparing and elaborating on a publication strategy for CIEM and, by way of follow up, preparation of an e-publishing implementation strategy for the Institute.

Participate in seminar regarding CIEM’s publishing strategy. This was the first occasion where the publication strategy was properly presented and discussed.

Participate in seminar regarding implementation of an e-publishing strategy for CIEM. This was a more detailed follow-up on the first seminar.

Organization of mission

The clear success in meeting the objectives of this mission is in part due to the excellent groundwork undertaken NIAS director Jørgen Delman during his November 2006 mission. Of particular significance was:

Designation of a CIEM counterpart taking responsibility for significant elements of the mission.

Setting of concrete objectives for the March mission.

Due to the absence of Mr Henrik Vistisen, Development Counsellor at the Danish Embassy, it was not possible to brief embassy on this mission before departure. However, Mrs Anja Møller Rasmussen will endeavour to give a briefing before the conclusion of her mission.

Seminar on a publication strategy for CIEM

This seminar was held at CIEM on 7 March 2007 and chaired by CIEM Vice President Nguyen Xuan Trinh. Participants included:

Representatives of CIEM staff.

The two NIAS-Danida consultants (Gerald Jackson and Anja Møller Rasmussen).

A representative from GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit).

A representative from a Vietnamese publishing house.

Lengthy presentations to the seminar were made by the two NIAS-Danida consultants (see enclosed documents). These were followed by a question-and-answer session, responses to our presentations by Dr Tran Kim Hao (Deputy Editor of the VEMR) and Ms Hoang Thu Hoa (Diector of the CID), and by a period of general discussion.

This morning seminar was followed in the afternoon by a working meeting with Dr Trinh and key CIEM staff. This reflected on the morning’s results and made more detailed plans for the next day’s seminar.

Seminar on an e-publishing strategy for CIEM

This seminar was held at Hoa Binh on 8 March 2007 and again was chaired by Dr Trinh. Participants included:

CIEM President Dinh Van An.

Representatives of CIEM journals and CID staff.

The two NIAS-Danida consultants.

This less structured and more informal seminar examined CIEM’s options for an e-publishing strategy but more importantly it became the venue at which Dr An announced a number of decisions on the future shape and direction of the Institute’s publication activities, namely:

CIEM would begin immediately with implementing a publication strategy, the project to extend for the life of the CIEM-Danida project, i.e. through to 2010.

The initial phase of the project would comprise a pilot project to implement an electronic edition of the English edition of the Vietnamese Economic Management Review (hereafter called e-VEMR).

This project would be headed by Dr Trinh.

VEMR staff under Dr Hao would take the lead role in the project but cooperation between VEMR and CID staff was required.

At this stage, there was no intention to establish CIEM as its own publishing house.

These decisions were welcome, especially the recognition given to the importance of the project by placing its leadership at executive Vice President level.

Towards an implementation plan for the pilot project

Following these seminars, the two NIAS-Danida consultants prepared detailed information for VEMR staff that should enable them to begin preparing an implementation (or action) plan for the pilot project (see enclosure). This information included:

Six different models (scenarios) for implementation of the e-VEMR.

The different requirements for editorial and technical production of the e-journal.

Options for disseminating and earning income from the e-VEMR.

Advice that CIEM adopt a sensible pricing and revenue model.

Suggestions for how CIEM might analyse its market position and subsequently promote the e-VEMR.

Pointers to a wealth of resources (many without charge) that would assist CIEM define and reach its objectives.

In the short term, this information also should help CIEM staff help prepare for their study tour to South Korea (KIET) and Taiwan later this year. In the longer term, the information will help definition of the full publication development project.

Producing an e-journal is only the first step in implementing an e-publishing strategy at CIEM, and this in turn is only a small part of a wider intention to restructure and develop publication activities at the Institute. However, it seems likely that there will be little progress on the full project until results are seen from the e-VEMR pilot project.

Restructuring of publication activities at CIEM

Critical for the success of the full project is a restructuring of functions and responsibilities in publication work at the Institute. Here, the two NIAS-Danida consultants were invited to suggest how this might be done but restricted their comments to the need for coherence and clear responsibilities/lines of authority. However, the following points are relevant:

Publication activities at CIEM are characterized by fragmented efforts and entrenched (sometimes conflicting) interests. Creation of a project group with representation from all areas of CIEM whose purpose was to inform, coordinate and where necessary direct is strongly recommended.

Likewise, creation of a small working group for the e-VEMR pilot project, bringing VEMR and CID staff together, would be sensible and make implementation of the project much easier.

Financial implications

At this stage, no additional funding is being applied for to implement the e-VEMR pilot project. However, we would recommend to Danida that consideration be given to earlier disbursement of funds for this project. Obviously, any such advance would be decided in consultation with CIEM. The aim of the early payment would be to strengthen the project at its early stages when financial inputs are crucial but income is non-existent. Such funds, for instance, would enable CIEM to draw on the skills of external help hired on a temporary basis. This in turn would allow the Institute to create a sustainable model for production. Indeed, given that it is expected e-VEMR staff will be paid for by CIEM in the foreseeable future, the e-journal should be able to break even in 2008 with only a 100 subscribers paying USD 150 each.


Follow-up points for this mission:

Careful consideration of its e-publishing options (including financial issues) leading to a decision of how exactly the e-VEMR will be implemented (CIEM).

Preparation ofan implementation plan for the e-VEMR (CIEM).

Finalization of an Institute-wide publication strategy for CIEM (CIEM).


1Notes of an oral presentation by Gerald Jackson (attached).

2Paper by Anja Møller Rasmussen (attached).

3Briefing paper to assist implementation of e-publishing pilot project (attached).

Gerald Jackson: CIEM Mission Report 1/2007, prepared 27/10/18, page 1