Rexel Foundation
Grants Application Form
The information contained in this document is strictly confidential and is intended for the applicant only. The unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, alteration or distribution of this document is strictly prohibited
I.Application (Outline) – Research details
II.Lead Applicant’s Information
III.Research Team and supporting roles
IV.Previous application History
V.Research Project
VI.Justification of costs
VII.Wider context
VIII.Suggested referees
Rexel Foundation proprietary - strictly confidential
Rexel Foundation – Grants Application Form
I.Application(Outline) –Research details
Program NameDepartment and Institution where the work will be carried out
Full project title
Proposed start date & duration
How did you hear about this grant proposal?
Total budget of the project
Total financial support requested
Research Type / Primary/Secondary/Evidence Synthesis...
Summary of proposed work (< 200 words)
Contact Information – Lead Applicant
Details of Lead Applicant / TitleFirst Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Organisation Name
Role / Ex : Student, Employee, Board Member...
Specify Role within the research project
% commitment / Proposed percentage of full time commitment to the research
Address for correspondence
Phone (direct line)
II.Lead Applicant’s Information
Lead Applicant Information – QualificationsDegree / professional qualification (with dates) / List of higher education and professional qualifications
Information about your role in the scientific community / (scientific prizes and awards, a member of the editorial board, invitation at international meetings ...)
Lead Applicant Information – Present and Previous Positions Held
Previous positions held / Period of employment (From/To)
Knowledge, skills and experience that are relevant to this application.
Previous experience of carrying out techniques and procedures in proposal. (If no direct
personal experience, describe how you will compensate)
Lead Applicant Information – Recent Relevant Publications
Recent relevant publications (Suggest last 6 relevant)
Required Information:
Periodical Name
Article Title
Lead Applicant Information – Research Grants Held
Have you applied to any other grant giving body in relation to the work proposed in this
application ? If Yes, give full details including funding body and expected date of decision
Required information:
Role (in this research grant)
Total Grants
(Funding) Source:
Funding Period: (from – to)
Current grant support
(state awarding body, amount, dates of support and title of project)
III.Research Team and supporting roles
Co-applicants : Name, Organisation, Post Held, Department, Role, email address, phone numberIV.Previous application History
Has this application or a similar application previously been submitted to this funding body? / Yes / NoDescription of Funding – Please indicate how your current research proposal differs from this previous application
Description of Funding – If unsuccessful, please indicate why
V.Research Project
TitleSummary of Research
Research Project – Themes
Does the research project match with theme of expertise of the foundationTools for behavorial change / If Yes, description
Efficient equipment & systems / If Yes, description
Small scale renewable energy & storage solutions / If Yes, description
Research Project – Background and rationale
What is the problem being addressed?Aims and Objectives
Details of the relevance of the project and its innovative character
Please provide evidence explaining why this research is needed now and how does the existing literature support this proposal?
Why is the research important in terms of improving energy efficiency? Please describe the contribution of the research to energy savings
Details on replicability, cost efficiency improvement & transversality
Please describe the potential contribution of the research to social innovation and progress
Please describe how the research is collaborative & partnership driven
Please describe the contribution of the research to a large scale diffusion of energy efficiency
Research Plan
Expected results
Preliminary results
Research Project – Dissemination and output
Please describe your plans for disseminating the findings of this researchExpected Output of Research and its impacts
Research Project – Relevant Expertise
Strengths of the research team – contribution of each memberStrengths of the institution
Technological environment
Please declare if the research has direct military use or potential dangerous social or environmental impacts ?
VI.Justification of costs
Please explain how the research costs requested have been calculated and justify how they have been allocatedPlease explain how the research provides value for money
Year 1 / Year 2 / Total
(profile, recruitmentlength)
(consumables, business expenses, etc.)
(equipment to acquire)
VII.Wider context
Network InvolvementIn your proposed research, do you intend to link to other networks? If yes, please state which networks.
Please describe the benefits identified from working with networks.
Please indicate other organisations that you may have contacted in the course of preparing this application.
Other sources of funding
Will this application be supported by any other funding body? / Yes/No
Other Sources of funding
Required Information
Supporting organisation
Detail any proposed arrangements for shared funding
Funding Amount
Start date
End date
VIII.Suggested referees
Name / Post HeldSpecialty / Contact details / Reason for suggesting this person
Title, First name, Surname / Department
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