Our behaviour policy is clearly very important; we have clear expectations of students and staff. Students earn reward points each lesson for good work and responsible behaviour. Breaking expectations will mean extra time at the end of the day amounting to 10 minutes for each lesson and for break and lunchtime. Parents are responsible for students making their way home if students miss transport because they have behaved poorly.
You can access our anti bullying policy on our website.
Any student under the influence of drugs, legal highs or alcohol, or bringing such things into their placement will be excluded and parents contacted to collect the student immediately.
BSS staff are trained to use TEAM TEACH, a special way of helping to defuse challenging behaviour. As a last resort, staff may use special physical techniques to keep your child safe or to stop them from hurting others.
Keeping students safe is central to our work. If you have concerns about a young person’s safety or wellbeing, contact the Mr Williamson or Mrs Hany, the Designated Safeguarding Officers. It is important that we work in partnership with parents and carers so please make sure your contact details are up to date.
Attendance is important. If your child is does not attend their placement we will contact you on the first day they are off. This might be by phone call, text or sometimes by visiting home. The BSS uses the same processes as most schools for improving attendance: - informal contact and discussion with parents about any concerns or issues with punctuality and attendance; formal Attendance Review meetings and, if necessary, referral to the local authority processes for formal action.
We ask the student and all parents and carers to sign to show that they understand and agree to these arrangements and systems. We look forward to working with you.
S Williamson
Interim Head Teacher
Parent/Carer signature:………………………………. Dated: ………………………
Student Signature: ……………………………………… Dated: ………………………
Behaviour Support Service Millway Centre Sheriff Hill Gateshead NE9 5PQ
Tel 0191 420 0607
Care, Well-Being & Learning, Strategic Director, David Bunce