EcologyPoster Rubric
- Define an invasive/keystone species 5pts
- Brief overview of your organism and their impact on the environment5pts
- Tell about your organism (1 point each) 7 pts
- What is it?
- Where specifically does it live?
- Scientific name?
- Diet
- Size
- Coloring
- Anything interesting about them?
- Discuss the reasons why your organism is an invasive/keystone species10 pts
Be specific, give details. Focus on aparticular location and tell the reader about the things its impacted – other species of animals, plants, etc. and/or abiotic (water, soil, air, etc.) components within the location you’ve selected
- Data must be included in the form of appropriate charts, graphs, tables, etc. 10 pts
- Talk about how humans have impacted this species10 pts
Did we introduce it?Are we over-hunting it? Etc…
- If you are writing about a keystone species:20 pts
What would happen if we took the species out of its environment?
What could we do to fix the problem of it being missing?
Is it being over-hunted? Could we fix that somehow? (Laws, bans, rally, raise awareness, etc.)
You MUST be specific in this particular section. Just saying “make a law” means absolutely nothing. Describe the law and tell me why you think it will solve the issues at hand. How will you get the law in place? Who will you contact? How will you contact them?
If you are holding a rally or creating/supporting an awareness group, what does this do for the species? How are you getting involved? How are you getting others involved? What does your involvement mean for the survival of this species?
- If it’s an invasive species:20 pts
What can we do to get rid of the species?
If you are suggesting that we kill/remove it, are there laws in place to prevent that from occurring? Can you get rid of it by yourself? Will you need help? How will you get rid of it specifically?
This can be your unique suggestion of a solution, but it would be good to have a resource to site – especially if you are suggesting solutions that are already in place
What could we do to counteract/mitigate the problems it is causing?
- Include a color picture of your organism5pts
- Neatness.10pts
- Type out information if your handwriting is poor
- Make sure information is presented neatly TOTAL 82 points