Academic Planning Council Handbook as of May 2016
University of Wisconsin-PlattevilleAPC HANDBOOK
Program Review
Academic Planning Council Handbook
Purpose and Duties
If you are new to APC, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the bylaws. Specifically, you can view the Faculty Constitution and Bylaws, Part II, Article III, Section 2, which is located in the Faculty Handbook, chapter four 4.2 To see click, Faculty Constitution and Bylaws.
As you can tell from the bylaws, the APC is charged with short-term and long-term academic planning. To this end, the APC has developed a review process to inform APC and give them the tools for academic planning. A typical year as it relates to the review process is shown below.
Typical Academic Year for APCFall Semester / Spring Semester
August Retreat / Orientation
Review Form B / January Retreat / Meet with Financial Services
Form A Discussions
September (2nd Week) / Open / January (4nd Week) / Meet with UABC
Form A Discussions
September (4nd Week) / Meet with Chancellor or
Program Reviews (2) – Form B / February (2nd Week) / Meet with Deans
Form A Discussions
October (2nd Week) / Meet with Chancellor or
Program Reviews (2) – Form B / February (4nd Week) / Form A Recommendations
October (4nd Week) / Meet with Chancellor or
Program Reviews (2) – Form B / March (2nd Week) / Form A Recommendations
November (2nd Week) / Program Reviews (2) – Form B / March (4nd Week) / Form A Recommendations
November (4nd Week) / Open / April (2nd Week) / Form B Recommendations
December (2nd Week) / Program Reviews (2) – Form B / April (4nd Week) / Open
May (2nd Week) / APC Chair Election
Of course, there are other duties charged to APC, but the amount of time devoted to annual and in-depth reviews (Form A and Form B respectively) shows how seriously the APC considers these program reviews.
Guide to APC Reports & Reviews
Annual Report
Annually, each program will complete a short report called Form A. The first part of Form A asks programs to provide information similar to the information found on a 10-day report and to make predictions regarding upcoming needs. The remainder of Form A asks programs to provide short narrative responses to 5-6 questions. This form will be completed and submitted using University Planning and Review Process on or before October 15. The link is If you want to preview the type of information you will be asked to provide, or if you want a version in MS Word for your records, click Form A (LINK 1). A general calendar for Form A is shown below.
Calendar for Form AFall / Spring
APC reviews the action taken on the recommendations made the previous semester. This may take the form of a visit from the Chancellor.
Form A is due from each program by October 15.
APC begins reviewing Form A. / Early in the semester, APC completes the review of Form A and in consultation with the college deans and UABC, makes recommendations.
APC reports recommendations to programs, deans, and faculty senate by April 1.
In-Depth Review
Each program will undergo an in-depth review every 6 years. The in-depth review occurs over a period of two years and requires programs to complete Form B, which is due on or before October 15. To see Form B, click Form B (LINK 2). Once completed, this form can be sent electronically to the Governance Office at .
In the first year, parts of Form B will be reviewed by the Assessment Oversight Committee (AOC) and the Academic Standards Committee (ASC). Each of these committees will make recommendations to the APC based on their section of Form B. Programs will have the opportunity to respond to each recommendation.
In the second year, after each program has been reviewed by AOC and ASC and after each program has had an opportunity to respond to the review, APC will review each program. To see the evaluation sheet for Form B, click Form B Evaluation Sheet (LINK 3).
A general calendar for how Form B is reviewed is shown below.
Calendar for Form BFall / Spring
2014-2015 / A list of programs in each group is shown in the next section.
GROUP 2, the second group of programs in the 6-year cycle, submits Form B to APC by October 15. At this time, AOC and ASC can begin their reviews.
APC begins reviewing Form B for GROUP 1. / AOC and ASC complete reviews of GROUP 2 and send their recommendations to APC by March 15.
APC sends a copy of the recommendations by AOC and ASC to programs in GROUP 2 by April 1.
APC reviews Form B and recommendations of AOC and ASC for GROUP 1 and makes recommendations to programs, deans, and faculty senate by April 15.
Programs in GROUP 2 submit to APC their responses to the evaluations made by AOC and ASC by May 1.
Programs in GROUP 1 submit to APC their responses to the evaluations made by APC by May 15.
Calendar for Form B
Fall / Spring
2015-2016 / A list of programs in each group is shown in the next section.
GROUP 3, the third group of programs in the 6-year cycle, submits Form B to APC by October 15. At this time, AOC and ASC can begin their reviews.
APC begins reviewing Form B for GROUP 1. / AOC and ASC complete reviews of GROUP 3 and send their recommendations to APC by March 15.
APC sends a copy of the recommendations by AOC and ASC to programs in GROUP 3 by April 1.
APC reviews Form B and recommendations of AOC and ASC for GROUP 2 and makes recommendations to programs, deans, and faculty senate by April 15.
Programs in GROUP 3 submit to APC their responses to the evaluations made by AOC and ASC by May 1.
Programs in GROUP 2 submit to APC their responses to the evaluations made by APC by May 15.
Review Cycle
The following table shows the 6-Year review cycle.
APC 6-Year Review CycleGROUP 1
2019-2021 / Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Physics
Environmental Engineering
General Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Software Engineering / GROUP 4
2022-2024 / Biology
Political Science
2020-2022 / Broad Field Science
Computer Science
Mathematics / GROUP 5
2023-2025 / Art
Criminal Justice
Foreign Languages: Spanish, German, French, Chinese
Forensic Investigations
Sustainability & Renewable Energy Systems
Social and Environmental Justice
2021-2023 / Agribusiness
Agricultural Education
Animal Science
Industrial Technology Management
Ornamental Horticulture
Reclamation, Environment & Conservation
Soil and Crop Science
Technology Education / GROUP 6
2024-2026 / Accounting
Business Administration
Dairy Science B.S. (new program Spring 2016)
Ethnic Studies
Physical Education
Media Studies
Social Science – Comprehensive
STEM Middle Childhood – Early Adolescence Education B.S. (new program spring 2016)
Teacher Education
Women & Gender Studies
The following table shows important deadlines pertaining to Form A and Form B for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Important Deadlines for 2014-20152014
Late August / APC holds an August retreat to discuss/analyze Form B for GROUP 1. Ideally, the date of this retreat coincides with the general faculty meeting.
September 1 / APC representative reminds all programs of the annual report, Form A, to APC.
October 15 / All programs submit Form A to APC.
October 15 / All programs in GROUP 2 submit the in-depth report, Form B, to APC.
Mid-Late January / APC meets with Financial Services and discusses/analyzes Form A at a January retreat. Ideally, the date of this retreat coincides with the general faculty meeting.
4th Wednesday in January / APC meets with UABC to discuss/analyze Form A.
2nd Wednesday in February / APC meets with deans to discuss/analyze Form A.
March 15 / AOC and ASC complete their reviews of GROUP 2 and send their recommendations to APC.
March 15 / APC representative notifies GROUP 3 of their in-depth reviews beginning next Fall.
April 1 / APC reports recommendations on Form A to programs, deans, and faculty senate.
April 1 / APC sends a copy of the recommendations by AOC and ASC to programs in GROUP 2.
April 15 / APC reviews Form B and recommendations of AOC and ASC for GROUP 1 and reports recommendations to programs, deans, and faculty senate.
May 1 / Programs in GROUP 2 submit their response to the evaluations of Form B made by AOC and ASC.
May 15 / APC representative notifies all programs of the annual report (Form A).
May 15 / Programs in GROUP 1 submit their response to the evaluations of Form B made by APC.
Academic Planning Council
Annual Program Report [Form A]
Some of the data in this table will be supplied to each program. Unless indicated otherwise, the entries in the cells refer to the current fall semester numbers. Please provide any missing data and correct any inaccurate data. For a definition or description of what to enter in the cells, please click Definitions and Descriptions for Form A.
Personnel / Program Profile / Budget (current fiscal year allocations)Total
Faculty FTE / Provided to Program / Number of Student Credit Hours / Provided to Program / Total Salary for All
Faculty / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Faculty FTE with Administrative Duties (Chair, Assistant Chair etc.) / Provided to Program / Number of Student Credit Hours Taught by Faculty / Provided to Program / Salary for Faculty with Administrative Duties (Chair, Assistant Chair etc.) / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Faculty FTE with Non-Classroom Duties (other than Chair, Assistant Chair, etc.) / Provided to Program / Number of Student Credit Hours Taught by Academic Staff / Provided to Program / Salary for Faculty with Non-Classroom Duties (other than Chair, Assistant Chair, etc.) / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Faculty FTE
(Instructional) / Provided to Program / Number of Majors / Provided to Program / Salary for Faculty
(Instructional) / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Teaching Academic Staff FTE / Provided to Program / Number of Minors / Provided to Program / Salary for Teaching Academic Staff / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Non-Teaching Academic Staff FTE / Provided to Program / Number of Graduate Students / Provided to Program / Salary for Non-Teaching Academic Staff / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Number of Faculty and Academic Staff Members (Headcount) / Provided to Program / Number of Graduates (previous year) / Provided to Program / Salary for Classified Program Administrative Staff / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Classified Program Administrative Staff FTE / Provided to Program / Number of Student Credit Hours for Courses Taught as Overload / Provided to Program / Salary for LTE Program Administrative Staff / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program / Entered by Program
LTE Program Administrative Staff (Headcount) / Provided to Program / Student Help / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Credit Hours Taught as Overload / Provided to Program / Capital / Provided to Program
Entered by Program / Entered by Program
Supplies / Provided to Program
Entered by Program
1. If you know the reason for any discrepancy between the data provided in the Personnel column and the data you entered, please let us know the reason. Your response to this question is optional.
We will capture this response and store it in a spreadsheet.
2. If you know the reason for any discrepancy between the data provided in the Program Profile column and the data you entered, please let us know the reason. Your response to this question is optional.
We will capture this response and store it in a spreadsheet.
3. If you know the reason for any discrepancy between the data provided in the Budget column and the data you entered, please let us know the reason. Your response to this question is optional.
We will capture this response and store it in a spreadsheet.
This section is completed by each program.
The data from Section One and the narrative responses in Section Two will help the APC make recommendations regarding the allocation of campus resources. Because the APC will review each program annually, please respond concisely. The questions are general so that they will apply to every program; however, responses should be specific. Many questions may trigger multiple responses, so please restrict your responses to the most salient issues in the program. The responses to these questions will be recorded, along with the recommendation made by the APC and any subsequent actions taken. In this way, the collection of annual reviews will serve as a record over time.
Current Academic Year:
Name of Contact Person:
Position of Contact Person:
1. a. What is the mission of your program?