Early Years Foundation Stage PEP form



My name
My birthday
My age
My year group

My school/setting
Date of my PEP meeting
PEP / Autumn term (PEP 1)
Spring term (PEP 2)

Personal Education Plan (PEP)

Effective and high quality PEPs should:

·  be a comprehensive and enduring record of the child’s experience, progress and achievement (academic and otherwise);

·  be linked to information in other education plans, including a statement of special educational needs and IEPs;

·  identify developmental and educational needs (short and long term) in relation to skills, knowledge, subject areas and experiences;

·  set short term targets, including progress monitoring against each of the areas identified against development and educational needs;

·  set long term plans and educational targets and aspirations (e.g. in relation to public examinations, further and higher education, work experience and career plans and aspirations);

·  document identified actions for specific individuals intended to support the achievement of agreed targets;

·  identify whether the child is eligible for a Pupil Premium Grant and if so how the allowance will be used to support the targets set in the PEP; and

·  highlight access to one-to-one tuition and how this will make/has made a difference to achievement levels.

(Promoting the Educational Achievement of Looked After Children, DCSF: 2010)

PEP Process

About Me ……

I like playing with...
I am good at/enjoy...
My friends are...
I am happy when...
I am sad when...


(DT to complete before the PEP)

1) Development assessment information

For each early learning goal (ELG), please tick which development band is most applicable. For children transferring from Reception to Y1, please fill in the final ELGs column in addition using 1 for Emerging, 2 for Expected or 3 for exceeding.

(If you have your own assessment information, please also attach this to the PEP form.)

Development bands (months) / 8-20 / 16-26 / 22-36 / 30-50 / 40-60 / Progress since last PEP (↑, ↓, =) / ELGs
Communication & Language / 1 Listening and attention / ↑ ↓ =
2 Understanding / ↑ ↓ =
3 Speaking / ↑ ↓ =
Physical development / 4 Moving and handling / ↑ ↓ =
5 Health and self-care / ↑ ↓ =
Personal, social and emotional development / 6 Self-confidence and self-awareness / ↑ ↓ =
7 Managing feelings and behaviour / ↑ ↓ =
8 Making relationships / ↑ ↓ =
Literacy / 9 Reading / ↑ ↓ =
10 Writing / ↑ ↓ =
Mathematics / 11 Numbers / ↑ ↓ =
12 Shape, space and measures / ↑ ↓ =
Understanding the world / 13 People and communities / ↑ ↓ =
14 The world / ↑ ↓ =
15 Technology / ↑ ↓ =
Expressive arts and design / 16 Exploring and using media and materials / ↑ ↓ =
17 Being imaginative / ↑ ↓ =

Did I achieve a Good level of Development (GLD) overall ? Yes/ No

Note: to check the box double click on the box and select “checked” under the heading default value.

2) Special Educational Needs (DT to complete before the PEP)

Does the child have Special Educational Needs and if so, at which Code of Practice stage is he or she? Please attach Individual Education Plan (IEP)
No Early Years Action Early Years Action Plus School Action
School Action Plus SEN statement EHCP
If applicable please attach any other relevant plan of support:
Behaviour Support Plan Pastoral Support Plan
Other (please specify)
If yes, please tick primary need below
Autistic spectrum Hearing impairment Visual impairment
Speech and language Moderate learning difficulty Social, emotional behaviour difficulty
Specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia
(Please specify)
Other (please specify)

3) Current Support

Help/support given in school (e.g. 1 to 1 time, small times etc)
Out of school based support
What other services are involved with the child? (e.g. speech and language therapist, CAMHS, educational psychologist, school counsellor etc.)


What the adults say

4) What makes me special? (a simple, positive statement about me)

My parent/carer says...
My social worker says...
My key person says...

5) What do I enjoy doing with my carer?

At home
(e.g. colouring, painting, role play)
Out and about
(going to the library, swimming, going to the park)
What is my favourite toy?
What is my favourite story?

6) Are there any changes or transitions coming up that we need to plan for?

Details of any transition plans (this may include moving school and getting ready for primary school)
Any concerns over transition?
If applicable, has the child’s primary school been chosen? Yes No

7) Key issues and needs that impact educational progress

Issues (e.g. behaviour, attendance, and any other barriers to learning)
Needs (please outline strategies/ support to address any issues highlighted above)

8) Next steps in learning (targets)

What will I do? / Who will help me? / How will they help me?

9) Pupil Premium expenditure

Date used? / What on? / Impact?

If the child is entitled to the Pupil Premium and it has not yet been used, please add this to action plan.

10) Action Plan

Please include any actions that still need to be done from the last PEP meeting, needs as discussed at this meeting, referrals made to other services, any transitions and what school/setting will do to support the child’s carer to help with school work.

What? / Who? / When?

We have all agreed this plan.

School/setting representative’s name: Signature:

SECTION C - Essential PEP Information Record

(SW to complete at the PEP)

Name of school/setting
Date of admission
Attendance % so far this academic year

Key adults involved with the child/key people at the PEP meeting:

Name / Title / Email address/
Telephone number
(if confidential please indicate) / X if need copy of PEP / X if Attended PEP?
Social worker
Designated teacher
Class teacher
Virtual School Officer
Date of next PEP meeting

SECTION D- Key information record

(SW to complete before the PEP)

11) School/Setting History

Name and address of school/setting





Date left


Reason for leaving


12) KEY INFORMATION (SW to complete before the PEP)

Key things the adults need to know:

Care status

Care Order
Interim Care Order
Section 20
Placement Order /

The contact arrangements (who, days, times)

Date of birth: / Date into care (most recent care episode):
Ethnicity: / CIS number:
Who should be contacted in case of emergency? / Who will liaise with the school on a day-to-day basis?

Who will receive school information (e.g. school report, letters)?

/ Who will attend parents evening?
Is there anyone who should not have unsupervised contact and communication with the child? / How does the child travel to school?
If applicable, who is responsible for applying for primary/secondary school places? / If applicable, who will be responsible for visiting school open days?

A copy of the PEP including all attachments/print outs and must be sent to everyone at the meeting who wants a copy, to the carer, the Independent Reviewing Officer and emailed to the .