US2 AP Final Exam Review
1. Credit Mobilier Scandal:
2. 1912 presidential election:
3. WW1 impact on civil liberties:
4. Red Scare impact on unions:
5. Dawes Severalty Act:
6. Two articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton:
7. Why was Title IX passed in 1972?
8. Wabash case reasoning of court was ……
9. Teller Amendment:
10. Reagan’s supply-side economic goals were …..
11. Hoover’s basic approach to the Depression was….
12. Truman Doctrine:
13. Following Panic of 1873 debtors call for ….
14. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:
15. Impact of U.S. neutrality on Spanish Civil War …
16. WEB DuBois emphasis was….
17. Teapot Dome Scandal:
18. Economic consequences of Transcontinental RR:
19. Arguments of Alfred Thayer Mahan:
20. TVA was viewed as a threat to …
21. Volstead Act was resisted most by…
22. Iran-Contra Affair involved….
23. Muller V. Oregon: reasoning for decision was ..
24. Business incentive for inventing machines:
25. Why were NEW immigrants regarded with hostility by nativists?
26. Why was Queen Liliuokalani forced from power?
27. Platt Amendment:
28. Roosevelt Corollary:
29. Reason for Open Door policy..
30. Consequences of istability of Central America and Caribbean during TR administration:
31. Main goals of the Progressives:
32. JFK’s most bitter confrontation with business…
33. Flexible Response:
34. Freedom Riders goal:
35. LBJ domestic proposal was called…
36. Major turning point in LBJ’s Vietnam policy…
37. Vietnamization:
38. Consequences of Nixon’s 1970 secret invasion of Cambodia:
39. Pentagon Papers content:
40. Détente:
41. Consequence of US support of Israel in 1973 Yom Kippur War..
42. First strategic decision of US entering WW2 was…
43. Reasons for Japanese-Americans being placed in Internment camps?
44. Taft-Hartley Act(1946):
45. GI Bill of Rights: (provisions)
46. Planned Obsolescence:
47. Differences in structure of UN vs. League of Nations
48. Containment policy:
49. Reasons for Southern Dems splitting from party in 1948 elections:
50. Major televangelists of 1950s:
51. Reason Nixon made VP in 1952
52. Impact of “Checkers speech”:
53. Reason for Joe McCarthy rise to prominence:
54. Reasons for McCarthy’s downfall
55. Legal reasoning behind Brown V. Board of Education (1954)
56. Vietnamese nationalist leader:
57. CIA coups of 1950s:
58. Eisenhower Doctrine:
59. Provocation for First Red Scare:
60. Root cause of reemergence of KKK in 1920s:
61. Reasoning behind Immigration restrictions of the 1920s:
62. John Dewey’s goal of teachers:
63. Outcome of Scopes Trial
64. Margaret Sanger
65. Jazz developed by:
66. Henry Ford’s contribution to auto industry:
67. Harlem Renaissance
68. Buying stock on Margin:
69. 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact:
70. Dawes Plan (1920s)
71. Hoovervilles:
72. Goal of Bonus Army:
73. Event leaving negative feelings of Hoover (not Depression):
74. FDR means to attack depression
75. Hundred Days:
76. Glass-Steagall Act:
77. National Recovery Act:
78. Share-Our-Wealth idea:
79. Wagner Act 1935:
80. Buffalo Soldiers:
81. National Grange:
82. Mark Hanna’s strongest ally..
83. Josiah Strong: Our Country advocated…
84. USS Maine sunk by..
85. Root cause of US imperialism in late 19th century:
86. TR role in Panamanian Revolution:
87. Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan:
88. Muckrakers belief of their primary function:
89. Impact of The Jungle
90. 17th Amendment
91. 1912 Election party and candidate
92. 16th amendment and Underwood Tariff
93. Clayton Anti-Trust act:
94. Impact of WW1 on US trade:
95. Zimmerman Note
96. Reasons for German unrestricted Submarine Warfare:
97. Vertical Integration:
98. Wilson ultimate goal at Paris Peace Conference
99. Most humiliating failure during Iran Hostage Crisis was…
100. Ronald Reagans overall domestic goal