3rd Sunday of Lent
4.30 pm Saint Mary (Josie O’Carroll Intention, Josie Hogan Intention )
5.30 pm Saint David Lewis (Ray & Pat Barton Intention, +John Kiely, +Patrick Turner,
+Carole Barrett, +Steven Malloy)
6.00 pm Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (Joseph O’Mahony Birthday Intention, +Colin Williams)
9.00 am Saint Anne (Intention for Sr. Visitation, +Harry McGrogan, Intention of Sister Madeline (90th B’day))
9.30 am Saint Mary (+Patrick Turner)
10.30 am Saint Michael (Dorothy Burrows, +George Lester (Anniversary), Tony Moran)
11.00 am Saint David (+John & Palmila Wilkinson, Gertie Murphy.)
11.30 am Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Rite of the Ordinariate Mass
6.00 pm Saint Mary (Canon Michael Evans Intention, +Patrick Turner)
Monday Saint Joseph
9.30 am Saint Michael Morning Prayer Service
10.00 am Saint Mary
10.00 am Saint Anne Devotions
10.00 am Saint Mary Requiem Mass for Olindo Vellucci
7.30 am Saint Mary (+Linda Chambers)
10.00 am Saint Mary (Josie & Joanne Gotobed)
7.00 pm Saint Michael Adoration
Thursday St. Turibius of Mongrovejo
10.00 am Saint Mary (+Matilda & Guidepina, +Giuliano)
11.30 am Saint David Lewis Requiem Mass for Elizabeth Kilgannon
5.00 pm Saint Michael Holy Hour
10.00 am Saint Mary (+Noel Williams, +Patrick Turner)
Saturday Annunciation of the Lord
10.00 am Saint Mary (+Souls of Elizabeth, Michael, Frank & John Flavin)
Next Sunday’s Intentions – 4th Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday. Clocks go FORWARD)
Saint Anne: Intention – Bob & Maureen Graham (Diamond Wedding)
Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys: Joseph Cotterell Birthday Intention.
Saint David : +Patrick Turner
Saint David Lewis : Intention of Steven Moloy, Special Intention
Saint Mary : +Nora Griffin, +Anne Godon : +Noel Williams, Therese Marie Jerome
: +Patrick Turner, +Henry (Newcastle)
Saint Michael : Edith Millar, Luc Laida & Family
Saturday 10.45 – 11.45 am Saint Mary
Saturday 3.30 – 4.15 pm Saint Mary
Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary & Michael
The Year of Saint Matthew
3rd Sunday of Lent
(Sunday Readings: of year A : Breviary: Week iii)
Scripture Exodus 17: 3 – 7.
Psalm 94.
R/. O that today you would listen to his voice!
“Harden not your hearts.”
Come, ring out our joy to the Lord;
hail the rock who saves us.
Let us come before him, giving thanks,
With songs lets us hail the Lord.
Come in; let us bow and bend low;
let us kneel before the God who made us
for he is our God and we /
the people who belong to his pasture,
the flock that is lead by his hand.
O that today you would listen to his voice!
‘Harden not your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the desert /
when your fathers put me to the test;
when they tried me, though they saw my work.
Romans 5: 1 – 2, 5 – 8.
John 4: 5 – 42.
Intercession : We Pray to the Lord....
Response : Lord, Hear our Prayer.
Canon Michael Canon Michael Evans Revd. Joseph Mensah
Deacon Pasquale Cinotti Deacon Rigo Logier Sister Brigid Cantwell
Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina Morrin Sister Visitation O’Donoghue
9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm E.Mail
Website :
Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals 234234
Sick Calls (Emergency) 07805 696474
Hospital Rota Today : Bridie & Anita Next Sunday : John
Saint Anne : £204.35 (Gift Aided : £) 70
Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys £181.00 (Gift Aided : £101.00) 43
Saint David £442.38 (Gift Aided : £122.50) 218
Saint David Lewis £203.00 (Gift Aided : £55.00) 88
Saint Mary £1183.00 (Gift Aided : £438.00) 478
Saint Michael £301.00 (Gift Aided : £70.00) 1
Saturday :
Sunday : 12.30 Baptism of Jeyanlee Brix. B. Alagano at Saint Mary’s Church.
5.00 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome.
Tuesday 5.00 Saint David’s S.V.P. meet
Wednesday : 2.00 Sugar n’ Spice meet in Saint Mary’s Institute
7.00 Lenten Talk in Saint David’s led by Deacon Rigo
Thursday : 7.00 Saint David’s Community Committee Meeting.
8.00 Quiz Night in Saint Mary’s Institute.
Friday: 10.00 Way of the Cross in Saint David Lewis
10.30 Coffee Morning in Saint Mary’s Institute all are welcome.
10.30 Way of the Cross in Saint Anne’s Church
6.00 Way of the Cross in Saint Basil &Saint Gwladys Church.
7.00 Way of the Cross in Saint David’s Church
7.00 Way of the Cross in Saint Mary’s Church
7.00 Way of the Cross in Saint Michael’s Church
7.00 Way of the Cross in Saint Stephen’s this week.
Saturday :
Next Sunday : 5.00 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome.
Please pray for the Repose of the souls of Ray Coldrick, Olindo Vellucci, and all who have died recently.
Please remember also in your prayers, Fr. Kevin Payne, Fr. Eric Willet, Nina Ali, Christine Bennett, Marilyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Danielle Charmary, , Mel Davies, Dave, Raymond Emms, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Shelia Gill, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Marian Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Hayes, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Avil McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Monica Pugsley, Colin Richards, Jim Roche, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Rita Stokes, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Gerald Walker, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy Williams and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them.
Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary on 265533
Readers / Marilyn Richard
Josie Brett
Sr. Mary Hurley / Bridie McNulty
Danica Williams
Llew Smith
Communion / Bridie McNulty
Nancy Jones / Beryl Williams
Jean Stanford
C.L.O.W. / Jean Stanford
James Stanford / Marta Williams
Trevor Williams
Counters / Gilbert & Nancy Jones / Mike & Janet Singleton
Cleaners / Mary & Conrad Gallinagh / Hobbs Family
Way of the Cross each Friday in St. Anne's during lent at 10:30am
Thank you to Peter and Carol for arranging a trip to the Royal Mint. It was an interesting and pleasant experience.
Easter Egg Raffle : Tickets will be on sale from March 26th Itemswelcome.Please see Nancy
Mathew, Trever, Llew will go on a rota with Joey to drive the priests to St. Michael's. We would be grateful for volunteers with Maryln to bring them from St. Mary's to St. Anne's
St. Basil &St. Gwladys / 18th/19th March / 25th/26th March
The Word / Faith Young
Angela Haynes / Anne Edge
Anthony Quinn
Communion / Mary Cullen / Larry Cullen
C.L.O.W. / No C.L.o.W. / No C.L.o.W.
Counters / Margaret Whitfield
Tony Sheehan / Kerry Hay
Robert Hay
Cleaners / The Quinn Family / The Quinn Family
Time for reflection – Every Wednesday throughout lent during our hour of reflection we will be reciting Dolours Rosary.
Stations of the Cross - Every Friday at 6pm.
Red mission boxes – Thanks to all who contribute to the mission boxes, we had a total of £1,543 for last year.
St. David / 18th/19th March / 25th/26th MarchReaders / Alan
Communion / Sebastian
Dates for your Diary.
Every Friday during Lentat 7.00p.m. Stations of the Cross.
On Wednesday March 22nd at 7.00p.m. in St. David's Church a Lenten Talk led by Deacon Rigo,with Exposition and Benediction. All are very welcome.
Community Committee MeetingThursday 23rd March at 7.00p.m.
St. David Lewis / 18th/19th March / 25th/26th MarchReaders / Debbie Travis
Sr. Justina / Marilyn Richard
Davina Gomes
Communion / Annette Rose
Martin Barrett
Mary Burke / Sr. Justina
Rita Conway
Sean Barrett
C.L.o.W. / Davina Gomes
Mo Crowley / Daniella Gomes
Mo Crowley.
LENTEN TALK: A big thank you to Canon Michael Evans for the thought provoking Lenten talk delivered on 15th March 2017 at 7pm in the church. We also appreciate the efforts made by all those who were present on the day.
OUR CONDOLENCES: Late Mrs Kilgannon:
We pray for the soul of the late Mrs Kilgannon. We extend our deepest condolences to her family. May she ‘Rest in Peace’. Funeral Mass will be held at St David Lewis Church on Thursday 23rd March 2017 at 11:30 am
Late Mr Stephen John Molloy:
We pray for the soul of Stephen John Molloy who sadly died last week at the age of 32. Our deepest condolences are extended to his Grandfather John Molloy and his family. May he ‘Rest in Peace’.
THANK YOU: A big thank you to all who attended our Coffee Morning on St Patrick’s Day, the morning was a great success and enjoyed by all.
Stations of the Cross will be every Friday at 10.00 am during Lent.
The children’s Liturgy Group would like to raise money for St David’s Hospice and would like to ask the parishioners if they have any spare coins that they would like to donate to help them fill in their collage of a dove. When the collage is completed over the Easter period the money will be donated to St David’s hospice. All donations much appreciated
Easter Cards are now available from our Piety Shop
Every Tuesday the prayer group meets at 10:00 am in the church to pray together, followed by a sharing of their talents. Should you wish to join the group, please come along on Tuesday.
Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join our LINE DANCERS.
Sessions are held on Monday and Thursday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm And Wednesday 07:30 pm- 09:30 pm ALL WELCOME!!!
Ministering to the AssemblySt. Mary / 18th/19th March / 25th/26th March
Readers / Mary Tilley
Ruby Pinches / Bernadette Cook
David Watts
9.30 / Margaret & Ken Grainger
Alison Hard / Ron Atkin
Anita Goff
6.00 / Jane Morgan
Brian McErlaine / John Haywood
Patsy Groves
James Carney
Communion / As per separate list / As per separate list
Cleaners / Group 4 / Group 5
C.L.o.W. / Clelia & Annette / Helen & Beth
The Legion of Mary candle this week is offered for the people of the parish who are in need of prayer.
200 Club 12.03.17. No. 143 M. Wilson
Lunch Bags for Homeless
Empty bags to be distributed on weekend Masses of March 25th/26th for return on Saturday April 1st/2nd. Thank you very much for your generous support. J. & P. Haywood.
Church Restoration Fund: Don’t forget your extra pound for the second collection or other donations at :
Well done! Last week’s collection was £292.00
Total currently stands at £14,121.80 Remember our target is £15,000 by Easter. BIG PUSH NOW WE ONLY HAVE A FEW WEEKS LEFT TO ACHIEVE THIS. If you have any fundraising ideas, or know anyone who would like to sponsor the funding, please let the Parish office know, or one of the Community Council members.
St. Michael / 18th/19th March / 25th/26th MarchThe Word / Olive Chan
Joseph Curran / Ann Pollard
Catherine Fisher
Communion / Gerald Anderson
Kathleen Maguire / Sergio Cinotti
Sheila Wigmore
Stations of the Cross this week will be at St Michael's on Friday at 7pm. All welcome.
Thanks for your continuing patience with a very dusty church. But the work is going ahead well, and it's wonderful to see the old building looking renewed.
O / S / T / E / S / T / I / M / O / N / Y / K / Z / S / O
R / N / E / U / L / A / E / X / U / A / Z / U / E / O / L
S / A / M / A / R / I / T / A / N / B / K / J / D / J / S
H / P / B / E / F / C / C / Y / T / S / R / I / H / T / A
I / I / M / B / S / O / C / S / A / U / Q / U / Y / S / T
P / M / S / N / I / S / F / Z / I / H / V / N / A / E / D
P / Q / N / T / T / S / I / F / N / W / H / B / K / V / Y
E / C / T / N / J / A / R / A / E / A / E / C / K / R / A
D / T / X / W / K / W / Y / L / H / R / U / I / J / A / E
Q / M / E / O / Y / U / L / C / S / B / I / Q / I / H / R
K / M / H / R / Q / I / N / L / I / V / I / N / G / P / V
P / D / N / X / N / D / Q / A / U / P / Y / A / G / E / J
E / A / H / G / A / A / M / L / I / G / A / M / G / L / M
D / S / E / J / L / D / L / I / D / Y / I / T / C / P / C