June 8, 2017

President Audrey Blevins-Winkle called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m.

Board Members present were Audrey Blevins-Winkle, President; Gary Milleson, Past President; Shanon Salsbury, Director of Membership; Charlie Parada, Treasurer; Victoria Edwards, President Elect; Jan Ricketts, Director of Service, Monica Bresofski, Secretary; Pam Tipton, President Nominee

Board Member(s) absent were: Daniela Mead, Administration; Rick Adams, Director New Generations; Deanna Voitle, Director Public Image

Guest(s) present were: Ashley Harrison-Pena, Doris Lockey, Mike Berger

The minutes of May 8, 2017 Board Meeting were emailed for approval. Gary Milleson moved to accept, with a second by Shanon Salsbury. Motion carried.

Secretary's Report- Monica Bresofski

·  Victoria reviewed the Monthly Report and the Individual Report for the month of May.

·  This month's attendance average is a little down from last month, but still very good, and keeping right at 82%

·  We had a handful of members with less than 50% attendance. Jon Carswell is a concern and Shanon will contact him regarding continuation as a member and outstanding club fees. April Jackson will return in 3 weeks. Mike will reach out to Isaac.

·  Charlie moved to approve Bill Dalton’s resignation for work related issues effective June 1. Motioned was seconded by Gary and approved by the board.

·  Charlie moved to approve David Anderson’s resignation for work related issues effective June 1. Motioned was seconded by Jan and approved by the board.

·  Board reviewed status & dates for members that are AE (administrative exemption) or LOA (Leave of absence). Audrey will reach out to Betty and Mark to determine their plans. Betty should meet the Rule of 85 if she would like to request the change.



Treasurer's Report - Charlie Parada

Foundation Account: The ending Balance for the Foundation Account: $32,573.24

Operating Account: The ending Balance for the Operating Account: $6,802.50

Memory Park Account: The ending Balance for the Memory Park Account: $12,965.41

Spirit of Texas Bank CDs: Interest earned last year $638.54. Balance is: $ 62,825.85

Member Balances: Total of $ 3,353.15 outstanding Charlie is not concerned about large outstanding balances since billing this quarter was delayed for work on Los Compadres.

Victoria moved to accept the Treasurer's report, and Gary seconded. Motion carried.

Charlie discussed allowing members to pay their fees with a credit card. The experience with the new credit card systems was easy for Los Compadres. The fee charged was 2.9%. Charlie moved to allow members to pay with a credit card and a 3% usage fee. Gary seconded the motion and the board approved.

Directors' Reports

Administration – Daniela Mead

·  All programs are set for the remainder of the year.

Membership – Shanon Salsbury

·  Resignations were approved for David Anderson and Bill Dalton.

·  Shanon made a motion to approve the new member application for Bethany Ruffians. Charlie seconded the motion and the board approved.

·  Gary made a motion to approve the new member transfer application for Jonko. Charlie seconded the motion and the board approved.

·  Audrey will review the presidential citation status and will determined the dates to admit Bethany and Jonko.

Service – Jan Ricketts

·  Terry Jaggers will be honored at next week’s club meeting as the RCLC Non-Rotarian of the Year. The budget includes $500 for this award(s). A crystal desk award has been purchased for $101. Gary made a motion to also present a check to Terry for $400 payable to Hope’s House in Spring. Jan seconded the motion and the board approved.

·  Jan informed the board that Michael McDougal is no longer working the annual “Burn Your Buns” fundraiser for Bridgewood Farms. Bridgewood Farms has requested our club continue to support the event with volunteers to work registration and the rest stop. In addition, they asked RCLC to fund the rest stop. Jan made a motion to agree to cover $250 of the expense of the rest stop. Monica seconded the motion and the board approved.

Youth Services– Rick Adams

Audrey informed the board that Kris has arranged for the RCLC Linda Ricketts scholarship to be presented to Karen Hiarker on June 16th at 9:00 a.m. The presentation will be made at the Cynthia Mitchell Library Branch. Additional details will be sent to the club.

Public Image – Deanna Voitle

·  No report

Foundation – Gary Milleson

·  Gary reviewed two certificates the club earned in 2015-2016 for support of The Rotary Foundation. The first was for high% per capita giving in the District. The second for highest giving for a medium sized club.

·  Two PHFs will be presented at the installation of officers. Alfred and Dollie will also be honored with Level 2 Major Donor award.

Old Business

None were discussed.

New Business

None were discussed and left to be discussed in the board retreat for the in-coming board.


Shannon moved to adjourn the meeting, Victoria seconded at 2:17: pm. Motion approved.

Next Board Meeting

Next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 11 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting will be held at Jeremy de los Santos office.

RCLC Board Minutes, June 2017 | Prepared by dlockey

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