First Screening Criteria

ARRC Director

University of Oklahoma

Candidate Name:

Criterion / Present / Absent / Uncertain
Education – PhD or equivalent (discipline in Science or Engineering; Meteorology/ECE more specifically)
Demonstrated intellectual leadership in a multidisciplinary environment.
Demonstrated collaboration with private industry and/or federal agencies
Teaching - Demonstrated ability to communicate knowledge to those less knowledgeable
Research -Must have a record ofinternational recognition as a scholar with a science or engineering degree
Must have outstanding record of professional achievement commensurate with tenured position
Demonstrated positions of leadership

Overall Assessment☐Qualified☐Unqualified☐Uncertain


Specifically comment on prior knowledge of candidate; inconsistencies between cover letter, applicant info, capability statement and CV; “gut” reactions

To allow us to use these criteria consistently, here are some points of definition and additional guidance:

PhD or equivalent (discipline in Science or Engineering; Meteorology/ECE more specifically)

If the candidate has a PhD (or equivalent, such as the international degree that is the equivalent to a PhD), put what kind of degree in the Present column. If the highest degree is a Master’s or less, put the degree in the Absent column. Only use Uncertain if there is no information anywhere about a degree (unlikely). If the candidate has an MBA, JD, MD, EdD, etc. but not in addition to a PhD or equivalent, include that degree in the Uncertain column and make a note at the bottom within the Comments as to your thoughts on including the candidate with an advanced, but not PhD, degree.

Demonstrated intellectual leadership in a multidisciplinary environment.

To put an “X” in the Present column, somewhere within their materials, there should be a description of explicit instances of when the candidate has shown multidisciplinary activities beyond just participation (no judgment about the quality of that experience). Examples might include presentations to varied audiences, keynote speaker at conference that draws from multiple disciplines (could all be STEM related however), training to employees from varied backgrounds, leads a team of individuals from varied backgrounds, etc. Generally, the candidate would not only demonstrate that s/he is called upon by others (leaders and/or peers) because of her/his expertise but ALSO that this expertise could benefit others beyond one discipline. If there is NO evidence, place an “X” in the Absent column. If it is difficult to tell or you feel that you have to read between the lines to determine this, place an “X” in the Uncertain column.

Demonstrated collaboration with private industry and/or federal agencies

To put an “X” in the Present column, somewhere within their materials, there should be a description of explicit instances of when the candidate has worked with and/or built partnerships with others in at least one of these three areas of which they are not currently a member: private industry, academia and/or federal agencies (no judgment about the quality of that experience). If there is NO evidence, place an “X” in the Absent column. If it is difficult to tell or you feel that you have to read between the lines to determine this, place an “X” in the Uncertain column.

Teaching - Demonstrated ability to communicate knowledge to those less knowledgeable

To put an “X” in the Present column, the candidate needs to have a track record of providing content to others in the form of teaching courses, training others, leading a team or project, a variety of presentations, etc. If there is no evidence of these types of activities, then place an “X” in the Absent column. If there is mention of teaching/training but it seems that the candidate depth of understanding and/or experience is weak, then place an “X” in the Uncertain column.

Research - Must have a record of international recognition as a scholar with a science or engineering degree

To put an “X” in the Present column, the candidate needs to have a track record of being recognized in her/his area of expertise. For this screening, we do not need to evaluate the specific quality of this recognition. See definitions on Page 3 for additional insight.

Must have outstanding record of professional achievement commensurate with tenured position

To put an “X” in the Present column, the candidate needs to have a track record that reflects her/his experience in the context of her/his career choice (academic/industry/government/other). For example, it would be unreasonable to expect 200 publications of someone in a senior position in industry or government but that may be reasonable for a full professor. For the 1st screening, a track record of impact of the candidate’s work and expertise needs to be explicit. The evaluation of the extent to which this record is outstanding may need to be discussed. If the candidate does not have a track record of documented expertise, then place an “X” in the Absent column. If it is difficult to tell or you feel that you have to read between the lines to determine this, place an “X” in the Uncertain column.

Demonstrated positions of leadership

To put an “X” in the Present column, the candidate needs to have a track record of being promoted or appointed to positions of leadership. These positions may be relative to the person’s experience in her/his career. For example, a traditional academic probably will rise through the faculty ranks and may have experience as a department chair, associate dean, dean, VP, etc. Someone from industry or government might have different titles, but a record of promotion and involvement in increasing levels of leadership is desired. Leadership might also be demonstrated through committees, projects, teams, etc. Therefore, it might be the work that is done as opposed to someone’s title. If the candidate does not demonstrate these types of patterns of leadership, then place an “X” in the Absent column. If it is difficult to tell or you feel that you have to read between the lines to determine this, place an “X” in the Uncertain column.

Overall Assessment

Qualified = this person has more “Present” qualities than “Absent” or “Uncertain” and you can imagine that this person may be a viable candidate and you would like to know more about them (but don’t be overly generous with this rating just to learn more about people)

Unqualified = this person as more “Absent” and/or “Uncertain” qualities than “Present”. This person is clearly not well suited for the Director position.

Uncertain = this person has qualities across the 3 columns, perhaps mostly in the “Uncertain” column (but it could be a mix). This person might be a possible candidate but does not jump to the top of the list of candidates.

Necessary Definitions:

Multidisciplinary – within Engineering or across Engineering and something else (e.g., Meteorology, radar meteorology; systems); Interdisciplinary is also desired. Basically, breadth of experience and perspective is valuable.

International Recognition – awards (IEEE Fellow, NAE, AMS, AGU, major disciplinary societies/organizations, etc.); keynote or plenary participation (speaker, panelist) at international conferences; member of advisory boards;

Scholar – one who seeks to make contributions of knowledge and discovery to the scientific community; continues his/her education through professional development, sabbaticals, evidence of a lifelong learner; might have held a postdoc or hosted postdocs, publication record, co-authorship; scholarship appears in a variety of places is likely to be valuable (evidence of breath); patents; evidence of collaborative work