July 26, 2010


Mayor Stewartcalledtheregular meeting to order at7:00 p.m. andMrs. Gibsoncalled the roll. There was a moment of silent prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

PRESENT:Mayor Stewart,Councilmember Deringer and Councilmember Tennyson.Vice Mayor Austino and Vice Mayor Pro Tem Moorhouse were absent.

ALSO PRESENT:Mr. Bornstein, Town Manager; Mrs. Gibson,Town Clerk;Mr. Lohman, Legal Counsel; and approximately 22 spectators.


Councilmember Tennysonmade a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of July 12, 2010.

Councilmember Deringerseconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.


Councilmember Deringermade a motion to approve the agenda as submitted.

Councilmember Tennysonseconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.


  1. Council Reports

Councilmember Tennyson had no report.

Councilmember Deringer had no report.

Vice Mayor Austino was absent.

Councilmember Moorhouse was absent.

Mayor Stewartsaid property values were still going down so everyone was still not out of the woods.

b. Town Manager Report

Mr. Bornsteinreported he sent letters to County Administrator Weisman and County Commissioner Vana regarding the Town trying to negotiate a lease agreement with Palm Beach County (PBC) Fire-Rescue. He said PBC Fire-Rescue was not willing to enter into a lease unless it was a long-term lease. He explained he would meet with Mr. Weisman and the Fire Chief and then he would like to go to the CountyCommission. There was Council discussion and a consensus for the Town Manager to make the Town’s case before PBC Fire-Rescue and the CountyCommission. He thenannounced Sterling Bank was recently taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). He said the Town removed its money from the bank over a year ago. He said Sterling Bank has been good to the Town and he wishes them well.

Mr. Bornstein also said it was unfortunate that Lantana has been keeping its tax rate the same, yet everyone will still see their taxes go up because of the County – regardless of the good job Lantana has been doing. He offered to go to the CountyCommission and ask that they reconsider their tax rate. There was Council discussion and a consensus for him to do so. He said he would also like to draft a letter from the Town to the CountyCommission regarding their tax rate.

There was Council discussion.

Councilmember Tennyson made a motion to have a letter from Council to the CountyCommission letting them know the Town was holding its tax rate and encouraging the CountyCommissionto do the same.

Councilmember Deringer seconded the motion. He said he would also like to copy the media in the letter to let the residents know.

Motion passed 3-0.




a. Consideration of setting the proposed millage rate, date, time and location of the First Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget

Mayor Stewart introduced and explained this item on the agenda.

Marcos Bueno, 131 Neptune Drive, and Christopher Smith, 503 S. Broadway commented on this agenda item.

There was Council discussion.

Councilmember Deringer made a motion to approve setting the proposed millage rate at 3.2395 mills and setting the First Public Hearing for September 13, 2010, and Second Public Hearing for September 27, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 500 Greynolds Circle, Lantana,Florida.

Councilmember Tennyson seconded the motion.

There was Council discussion.

Councilmember Deringer amended his motion to approve setting the proposed millage rate at 3.2395 mills and setting the First Public Hearing for September 13, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 500 Greynolds Circle, Lantana, Florida.

Councilmember Tennyson seconded the amended motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

b.Consideration of approval of a Second Addendum to the property use agreement with First Baptist Church of Lantana, Inc., extending the agreement for an additional five years

Mayor Stewart introduced and explained this item on the agenda.

No individuals from the public commented on this agenda item.

There was no Council discussion.

Councilmember Tennyson made a motion to approve the “Second Addendum to Property Use Agreement by and between the Town of Lantana and the First Baptist Church of Lantana, Inc.”

Councilmember Deringer seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

c.Consideration of an agreement with the Lantana Athletic Association for maintenance of the Lantana Sports Complex

Mayor Stewart introduced this item on the agenda. Mr. Bornstein explained the agenda item.

Helen Snyder, Lake Worth Sharks, commented on this agenda item.

There was Council discussion.

Councilmember Deringer made a motion to approve the agreement with the Lantana Athletic Association for maintenance of the Lantana Sports Complex for Fiscal Year 2010-2011.

Councilmember Tennyson seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

d.Consideration of legal representation regarding Lake Worth Subregional System

Mayor Stewart introduced and explained this item on the agenda. Mr. Bornstein further explained the agenda item and asked Council if he could go back to the Lake Worth Commission to let them know where the Town stands regarding the situation. There was Council discussion and a consensus for him to do so.

Catherine Skervin, 1307 Southwinds Drive, commented on this agenda item.

Councilmember Tennyson made a motion to approve authorizing Mr. Thomas Cloud to act as legal counsel representing the Town of Lantana in matters regarding the Lake Worth Subregional Sewer System.

Councilmember Deringer seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.


Christopher Smith, 503 S. Broadway

Mary Smith, 703 W. Pine Street

Catherine Skervin, 1307 Southwinds Drive

8. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS (subject to change)

August 9, 2010



Councilmember Tennyson had no comment.

Councilmember Deringer had no comment.

Vice Mayor Austino was absent.

Councilmember Moorhouse was absent.

Mayor Stewarthad no comment.


The motion was made and carried unanimously. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at8:27p.m.


______Mayor Stewart

______Vice Mayor Austino







Town Clerk