The Conquistadors: Fall of the Aztecs True or False?

______1. Cortez was no snob. He was always kind to “little people.”

______2. The native peoples of the Americas no longer speak their ancient languages.

______3. Bernardino Sahagun is important because he recorded the Aztec version of

the Conquest.

______4. Malinche spoke both the Mayan and Aztec languages.

______5. When Cortez first met the Aztecs, it was Cortez who gave the Indians gold.

______6. Cortez told the Indians, “I and my men suffer from a disease of the heart that

can only be cured by gold.”

______7. The Aztec ambassador said of the Spanish, “They ride deer high as a house.”

______8. According to legend, in the same year as the arrival of Cortez, the Aztec god

Quetzalcoatl was supposed to return.

______9. Cortez pulled his ships onto the beach to keep them safe for a possible escape.

_____ 10. Two Indian chiefs said they could believe in one God, but the Pope must be


_____ 11. The juice of the Maguey cactus was given to victims about to be sacrificed.

_____ 12. Chocolate was drunk by Aztec women and children but never by Aztec


_____ 13. Cortez had about 3,000 conquistadors and 50 horses.

_____ 14. As the Spaniards marched inland and ascended to 11,000 feet, they were

shocked by the rain and freezing cold.

_____ 15. From their first encounter with Cortez, the Tlaxcala Indians welcomed him

peacefully and treated him as friend.

_____ 16. In the long run, the alliance between Cortez and the Tlaxcala Indians was not

that important to the Spaniards.

_____ 17. Cortez forgave the Lords of Cholula for their treason and spared their lives.

_____ 18. After Cortez’s conquest of Cholula, Montezuma said, “My heart burns as if it’s

been washed in chiles.”

_____ 19. When the Spaniards first saw the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, they thought it

was primitive and unimpressive.

_____ 20. Today the Hospital of Jesus stands on the site of the palace of Montezuma.

_____ 21. Montezuma told Cortez, “You have come to your city of Mexico which I have

guarded for you for a little while.”

_____ 22. The Spaniards saw a statue of the Aztec war god Huitzilopochtli, in front of

which was a brazier full of human heads.

_____ 23. Montezuma was pleased and grateful that Cortez wanted to put a picture of the

Virgin Mary in Huitzilopochtli’s temple.

_____ 24. When Cortez arrested Montezuma, the Aztec king went with the Spanish

quickly, even willingly.

_____ 25. Montezuma was executed by Cortez at the request of his soldiers.

_____ 26. The Spaniards built a portable wooden bridge to escape from Tenochtitlan.

_____ 27. The Aztecs sacrificed their Spanish captives to Huitzilopochtli.

_____ 28. After the escape, Cortez asked for almost all his men by name.

_____ 29. Cortez built a fleet of ships at Veracruz near the ocean.

_____ 30. Cortez’s siege of Mexico City, which starved women and children, was a new

kind of war for the Aztecs.

_____ 31. Cuauhtemoc was the last leader of the Aztecs.

_____ 32. The Aztecs expressed their grief at being conquered in Lamentations, which

have been preserved and come down to us.

_____ 33. The narrator calls Cortez “the gambler who gambled everything and won.”