Pupils research and study contemporary business organisations in Scotland and the UK using internet. DVDs are also used to help pupils understand the various business concepts. Pupils use core not booklets, web-sties etc and exercises differentiated to meet the needs of the pupils at the F/G/C levels. Homework is given at the end of each section. They also complete and end of unit test.

·  Try to make sure that there are suitable working conditions at home, eg away from distractions such as television

·  Offer encouragement at all times. Take a positive and active interest in your child’s work, eg examine the standard of work in jotters. If homework is unclear remind the child to ask the teacher. Parents could also contact the school

·  Parents could introduce their child to the many resources available to help with homework, eg library, internet etc which are useful for helping with projects. Visits to museums may have special events which could help with homework

·  Encourage good presentation

·  Insist that work of a poor standard is repeated

·  Sign homework

·  If your child is absent, then check they have copied up any notes which they might have missed


Presentation by pupils to class. F/G/C past paper differentiated type questions used also. Pupils may also be asked to do some research and bring in topical business style newspaper articles. These various types of homework are regular throughout the course.

Standard Grade / 1 June / Every 3/4 weeks.
At least 45 minutes per week / Unit 1.1 and 1.2 - What do Businesses do? Also
Why do Businesses exist?
24 August / Start Unit 1.3 - How are organisations structured?
21 September / Homework as above / Revision for Unit 1 assessment
5 October / End of Unit 1 assessment
19 October / Homework as above / Start Unit 2.1 – How do Businesses start?
1 November / Start Unit 2.2 – How do Businesses grow?
25 November / Start Unit 2.4 – How do Businesses fail?
9 December / Start Unit 2.5 – What is a successful Business?
5 January 2210 / End of Unit 2 assessment
11 January / Homework as above / Start Unit 3.1 – Where do Businesses locate?
25 January / Homework as above
1 February / Start Unit 3.2 – Why People Work?
22 February / Homework as above
1 March / Start Unit 3.3 – How do Businesses use information?
15 March / Homework as above / Revision for exams
26 March – 1 April / S3 Exams
19 April / Start Unit 3.4 – How do Businesses operate?
3 May / Homework as above
10 May / Homework as above / Start Unit 3.5 – Challenges facing Businesses
24 May / Revision for Unit 3 assessment
31 May / Homework as above / End of Unit 3 assessment


Pupils will be asked also to prepare a presentation regarding issues which affect Scottish firms.

Standard Grade / 1 June / 45 minutes
weekly / What are the key decisions that Businesses make?
17 August / 45 minutes weekly / Revision
31 August / 45 minutes weekly / What Aids Decision Making?
7 September / 45 minutes weekly / How are Decisions Made?
14 September / 45 minutes weekly / How do Businesses Communicate?
29 September / 45 minutes weekly / Revision
5 October / 45 minutes weekly / How do Businesses Survive?
20 November / 45 minutes weekly / Revision for S4 Prelims
7 December / 45 minutes weekly / S4 Prelims
5 January / 45 minutes weekly / Internal ICT projects – introduction. Revision of theory.i
19 March / 45 minutes weekly / Past paper revision for SQA exams
26 April / 45 minutes weekly / SQA exams begin