County Wicklow Public Participation Network


Tel: 087 189 5145

Post: Co Wicklow PPN, c/o C.E.A.R.T., Crinion Park, Wicklow Town, Co Wicklow

Member Update Bulletin –March 2017

Co Wicklow PPN News

Welcome New Members: Co Wicklow PPN is delighted to welcome the following new member group: Lacken Community Development Association: The LCDA is undertaking to raise funds to renovate and refurbish the existing old school building for use as a community centre. Their vision is to develop a vibrant welcoming centre that inspires a sense of pride and ownership in the community that can be enjoyed by all. The LCDA run activities including community clean ups, Christmas and Halloween events as well as running regular coffee mornings. Another example of the fantastic voluntary work that fuels our communities in Co Wicklow.

PPN Representative Reports – Accompanying this bulletin is reports from our Representatives who sit on the following committees: Co Wicklow Local Community Development Committee and WCC Transport, Water & Environmental Services Strategic Policy Committee. A big thank you to our Representatives!

Mind Your Mental Health – We are delighted to be working with Co Wicklow Volunteer Centre and Mental Health Ireland to bring these beneficial workshops to Co Wicklow. Modules 1 & 2: Understanding Mental Health & Wellbeing and Stress & Thinking Patterns is running in The Presbyterian Church Hall in Arklow starting at 7pm on Thursday 6th April. We have nearly reached our quota with this so if you’d like to book contact us soon. Modules 3 & 4: Mental Health Difficulties and Recovery & Support and Minding Your Mental Health Strategies will run on Tuesday 25th April at 10am in Kilcoole Community Centre (for people who have completed Modules 1 & 2 only)

Co Wicklow PPN Secretariat and Representatives – held a facilitated meeting in The Brockagh Centre earlier this month to review our work to date and to plan for the future. We’re grateful to everyone that participated and to Sara Bourke from Social Justice Ireland for her expert guidance

PPN Support – As you know Co Wicklow PPN is in the process of engaging some support work. We were delighted to have attracted a good amount of applications, all of them of good calibre. A sifting process took place on 16th March and Interviews were held on 27th March. We are hopeful that we will have help soon.

PPN Resource Workers Regional Meeting – took place on 13th March in Carlow Town Hall. Resource Workers from Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, Waterford and Wicklow had a great opportunity to share ideas and experience while providing valuable peer support.

Presentation to Wicklow Municipal District Meeting – Helen presented the PPN and its work to the elected members and officials at the Wicklow Municipal District Meeting on 27th March. Those present were welcoming and supportive of the PPN and it is hoped that all the stakeholders will work closely together to promote and improve citizen engagement in the Wicklow Municipal Area.

Salesforce Communication Software – PPN’s nationally are moving towards using Salesforce communication software as a means of keeping in touch with our members. Training is being provided on an ongoing basis as we work towards making this effective and efficient for PPN use. Please bear with us (and me in particular) as we work this out!

Changing Ireland Interview – We were delighted to meet up with Allen Meagher recently to talk about Co Wicklow PPN, our members, our experience and our development so far. Allen is the editor of Changing Ireland which is a not for profit community magazine that reports on community development experiences in Ireland. We are looking forward to the Spring edition! For more information go to: You can like Changing Ireland on Facebook too.

We need Representatives – We are looking for nominations for the following representative positions: Greystones Municipal Area Representative to the Joint Policing Committee – Any member group registered as full members in the Greystones Municipal Area can get in touch and make a nomination, Ring A Link Rural Transport Service – is looking for 2 PPN Representatives to sit on their board, please contact us if your group is interested in making a nomination, Contact us to find out more.

General News & Training Opportunities

Wicklow Dementia Support AlzClub – is a social get together for people with memory problems and their family carers. They welcome people for tea, chat and outings every Thursdays from 10.30am till Noon in The Methodist Hall, Wicklow Town. For more information Tel: 089 428 6928, Email: Web:

Pavee Point Social Welfare Rights of EU Citizens in Ireland Seminar - is on Tuesday 25th April from 10am to 1pm in the Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre. This will be of use to those working with NGOs and agencies that support EU citizen’s rights to social protection in Ireland. For more information and to book Email: Tel: 01 8780255

MA in Social Justice and Public Policy – is being offered by Social Justice Ireland and Waterford Institute of Technology on a part time basis from September 2017. Further information can be found here: or Email:

Public Consultation on The River Basin Management Plan for Ireland (2018-2021) – is open for the next 6 months until Thursday 31st August 2017. For more information click here or go to the Dept. Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government website

Public Consultation on Wicklow County Council Parking Bye-Laws 2017 – The Draft Parking Bye Laws are available for inspection at all of the Wicklow County Council Offices up until Tuesday 18th April. For more information click here or go to the Wicklow County Council website:

Public Consultation on Wicklow County Council Culture & Creativity Plan – will take place in The Glendalough Hotel on 12th April from 7pm to 9pm. For more information contact: This is a ticketed event and places are limited. Booking is available here

CSO Household Surveys – The Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO) conducts a number of Household Surveys to gather information on the economic and social situation of households in Ireland. The CSO employs 100 permanent interviewers who conduct surveys throughout the country every week of the year. These interviewers will always identify themselves from the CSO and carry a CSO photo id card. The surveys are important and the CSO encourage people to participate in them. The CSO acknowledge that safety, particularly in rural areas, is a concern when people knock on the door and hope that people will take the necessary safety precautions i.e. checking ID without being put off from taking part in the survey. For more information on CSO Household Surveys you can Email: or

Funding Opportunities & Awards

Greystones Municipal District/Wicklow Times 2017 People of the Year Awards – is open for nomination under the following categories: Sports Person, Civic Person, Special Person, Cultural Person, Commercial Person, and Young Entrepreneur. For more information Email: . Closing date for nominations – Friday 28 April

The Loreto Fund – Is open for application throughout April and will fund, to a maximum of €6,000, charities working with the homeless. For more information click here or go to:

The Engage and Educate Fund is open to projects that empower people through education, to achieve their full potential and to contribute to community. Projects that focus on people from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, people with disabilities, and people with migrant status are encouraged to apply. Project activities can also include adult education & physical education for adults and/or children and young people. Click here for further information or go to . Deadline for Applications 5th April

Foras na Gaeilge welcomes applications for funding from groups to run events for young people through the medium of Irish outside the Gaeltacht (not including summer). Click here for more information or go to Deadline for Applications 13th April

Community Foundation for Ireland – Social Change Grants – are open for projects that are working for inclusion of LGBT people who are migrants, as well as leadership for ethnic minorities. Click here for further information or go to: Deadline for Applications 13th April

HSE National Lottery Funding Grants – is now available to community based groups and voluntary organisations under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme. Groups and organisations involved in the provision of Health and Personal Social Services can apply for once of funding between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects. For more information go to Closing date for Application – 17.00 Friday 26th May

European Maritime & Fisheries Fund Operational Programme 2014-2020 – The South East Fisheries Local Action Group (Wicklow Wexford Waterford FLAG) is inviting applications for grant aid under this programme. Project proposals must be consistent with the FLAG Local Development Strategy and address various themes including: adding value to fishery and aquaculture products; creating/maintaining jobs in coastal areas; supporting diversification in coastal communities; attracting young people into marine related careers and activities; promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries/aquaculture areas; promoting best environmental practices; and strengthening the role of governance of fisheries communities in local development. For more information contact John Hickey, Email:

Free Associate Membership of Social Justice Ireland for PPN Members – any group who would like to avail of this offer please get in touch and we will send out the brief registration form.