Collegiate Communication 101

Fall 2012

Instructor Information:

Theawiana English, SBA Extension Site and Events Coordinator

School of Business Administration

432 Elliott Hall


Instructor Office Hours:

By appointment only.

Course Information:

Section #41663

Thursdays, 3:00pm-4:20pm

Location: 200C Elliott Hall

Course Purpose:

This course is designed to help you become successful in college and in life.

Course Objectives: In this course, you will …

  • Learn about campus resources and how to use them
  • Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff
  • Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience
  • Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment

Student Responsibilities

  • Show up! Choose to attend every scheduled class period in its entirety.
  • Do the work! Choose to do your best work in preparing all of your assignments and hand them in on time.
  • Participate actively! Choose to stay mentally alert in every class, offering your best comments, questions, and answers when appropriate.
  • Cell phones: I expect all cell phones will be turned off during class. Using your cell phone during class will affect your participation grade and there is no TEXTING allowed during class time. At certain points a laptop will be allowed please check with the instructor.

Academic Integrity:

The highest level of academic integrity is expected. Students are expected to submit their own work. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. A complete listing of Academic Conduct Regulations is available in the OU Student Handbook ( The course is graded and a passing grade is required to earn credit for the course.

Special Accommodations:

If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the instructor to arrange an appointment as soon as possible, preferably within the first 10 class days. At the appointment we can discuss the course format, anticipate your needs, and explore potential accommodations. Students with a disability must also register documentation with Disability Support Services (121 North Foundation Hall, 248-370-3266). All discussions and documentations will remain confidential.

Required Text:

Downing, Skip. On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life – Study Skills Plus Edition, 2nd Edition.

The textbook can be purchased or rented at Barnes & Noble at OU.

Grading: (Requirements are listed below.)

COM 101 Grading Scale
4.0 / 380-400 points
3.0-3.9 / 320-379 points
2.0-2.9 / 280-319 points
1.0-1.9 / 250-279 points
0.0 / Below 250 points
Points Available / Assignments
120 / Attendance & In-Class Participation
70 / Group Project
60 / Online Career Exploration
50 / Things To Do
50 / Campus Involvement
50 / On Course Self Assessments
400 / Total Points for the course

Attendance & In-Class Participation (120 points):

A student who misses more than two class sessions will automatically fail this course. Ten points are given for each class session in which the student attended and actively participated. Active participation means that you come to class prepared (read the assigned materials, completed homework and/or project assignments) and contribute to the discussion and activities during the class session. Partial credit or no credit may be given for each tardy and/or absence unless approved by the instructor in advance. It is imperative to arrive to class on time and stay the entire class period. Please reference the chart below:

0-5 Points / 6-7 Points / 8-9 Points / 10 Points
·  Unprepared
·  Disruptive
·  Inattentive
·  Did not participate in class activities
·  Arrive late or leave class early / ·  Prepared
·  Occasionally attentive
·  Participated in some class activities / ·  Prepared
·  Mostly attentive
·  Participated in most class activities / ·  Well Prepared
·  Fully attentive
·  Participated in all class activities

On Course Self-Assessment (50 points) (The first part is due on: September 5, 2013 and the last part is due on: November21, 2013):

Student will take a self-assessment before and after class and submit the results to the instructor via email. After each assessment students will be asked to write down five things they would like to improve over the course of the semester. At the end of the semester students will be asked if they completed their improvements. This assignment is worth 50 points (25 for the first part and 25 for the second part)

Things to Do Before You Graduate (50 points) (This assignment is due on: September 26, 2013):

Accomplish ten (10) “Things to Do Before You Graduate” (during your first semester at OU) in the Golden Grizzly Guide, page 63. Turn in a one page summary listing what you did, when you did it, who you did it with and what you still want to do! After completing the 10th thing you accomplished you should turn your 1 page summary in. (This assignment is due on:

·  This assignment meets the following course objectives: Learn about campus resources and how to use them. Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff. Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience.

Online Career Exploration: (60 points) (This assignment is due on: October 17, 2013):

As part of understanding and utilizing the OU Career Cycle students will be given the opportunity to explore careers based on majors the School of Business Administration offers. Use job search sites such as, OU career link, or Career Builder to identify at least three possible future jobs in your chosen field. Look for the common required skills for these jobs. Identify what hard requirements there are for the position such as degrees or certificates. Next, identify the soft skills required (analytical abilities, oral and written communication, etc). Now, you must identify the common skills and then discuss your personal plan for obtaining theses skills during your time as an undergraduate student at Oakland University. Requirements: two typed pages, double space, standard font (10-12). Attach the postings as references.

·  This assignment meets the following course objective(s): Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience.

Campus Involvement -Do Something Challenge! (50 points)(This assignment is due on: October 31, 2013):

Get involved! Get connected! . . . to OU by attending one campus program, activity, or event of your choice it must be d an educational, multicultural, recreational or social program held on OU’s campus.

Each student must complete one of the following options and submit a 1 page written reflection of their experience. This paper should include specifics on the date/time of the activity, why you chose this activity, and your thoughts, feelings, and insights about the activity you completed.

·  Attend an on campus event (See “Do Something” Worksheet)

·  Attend a student organization meeting

·  Attend a tutoring session in the Tutoring Center (

·  Attend a tutoring session in the Writing Center (

·  This assignment meets the following course objectives: Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff. Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience. Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment.

Group Project – Photo Scavenger Hunt (70 points). (This Assignment is due on: November 14, 2013):

Each group will be given a list of 20 clues that correspond to designated locations on campus. Your group accumulates points by taking a picture of all group members together at the correct locations with a camera or camera phone and then creating a PowerPoint presentation of the pictures. Your grade will be determined by the number of correct pictures your group uploads to a creative power-point presentation, which show every group member present.

·  This assignment meets the following course objectives: Learn about campus resources and how to use them; Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment.

Course Calendar & Assignments:

Week One: September 5, 2013

Lesson: Let’s Get it Started! Go OU!


¨  Welcome to COM 101!

¨  Who are you? Who am I? Why are YOU here?

¨  Review syllabus and class expectations.

¨  On course assessment taken in class select before the course.

Week Two: September 12, 2013

Lesson: Are you surviving the first few weeks of your new college life?


¨  Read chapter 1 pages 1-5

¨  Read chapter 1 pages 9-10

¨  Read chapter 5 pages 195-200

Week Three: September 19, 2013
Lesson: Are your relationships growing now that you are at OU?


¨  Read chapter 5 pages 201-204

Week Four: September 26, 2013
Lesson: Are you on the right track? Let’s explore……


¨  Things to do before you graduate

¨  Where are you on the OU Career Cycle?

¨  Read chapter 3 pages 100-103

Week Five: October 3, 2013

Lesson: You are here, now what? Use what you have at your fingertips!


¨  Read chapter 2 pages 44-46

Week Six: October 10, 2013

Lesson: Are you recognizing who you are?


¨  Read chapter 6 page 236-239

Week Seven: October 17, 2013

Lesson: Creating positive relationships is one key to success


¨  Online Career Exploration

¨  Read chapter 8 page 333-345

Week Eight: October 24, 2013

Lesson: Commit!


¨  Read chapter 3 pages 114-116

¨  Read chapter 6 pages 256-258

Week Nine: October 31, 2013

Lesson: You are almost there!


¨  Campus Involvement Do-Something Assignment!

¨  Read chapter 7 page 283-288

Week Ten: November 7, 2013

Lesson: You are almost there!


¨  Read chapter 7 pages 290-293

Week Eleven: November 14, 2013

Lesson: Moving on… the Winter 2014 at OU what will you be doing different?

Course evaluations must be completed this week.


¨  Group Projects-Scavenger Hunt!

Week Twelve: November 21, 2013

Lesson: Final Reflections


¨  Wrap up.

¨  On course assessment taken in class select after the course.

COM 101-Fall 2013-English Page 1