Patient Participation Group, Tollesbury

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 2 March 2015 at Tollesbury Surgery, 6.30pm

Present: Rohita Rajapakse, Eve Compton, Maureen Crosbie, Denise Davidson,

Jo Devereux, Richard Murdoch, Maggie Willis, Flavia Woodwark

Apologies: Karen Allen, Liz Crees, Julie Dent, Ron Dent, Albert Gable, Jan Hawkins, Leanne Mullenger

1. Minutes of last meeting held on 12 January 2015

Agreed as correct.

2. Matters arising

None other than those listed on Agenda for the meeting.

3. Tolleshunt D’Arcy Surgery

Rohita reported that the surgery was due to close on 31 March 2015, and the building was up for sale. It was now clear that the only viable location for a replacement surgery would be the Village Hall.

Messrs Gable, Birkin and Munson had worked on a plan and this had been submitted to NHS England. Since then, costings had been requested. However the main problem was that support would not be forthcoming unless an enhanced service was provided as a result, ie seven-day working. This was considered impossible by the practice, who were not able to provide it in Tollesbury..

Help had been sought from many sources, including Priti Patel MP and local councillors. However no way forward had as yet been found.

Plans had been drawn up for increased surgery time for D’Arcy patients at Tollesbury Surgery, but it was agreed that the sporadic bus service between the villages would make it hard for patients – many of whom were elderly. Eve would continue to run a prescription service for D’Arcy patients, but this also needed to be approved by NHS England. Telephone consultations were already offered to all patients.

Members of the group expressed their dismay and frustration at the situation, whilst appreciating that the working group had done all they could to put forward a solution. Rohita would continue to negotiate on behalf of patients in D’Arcy and everyone hoped that a sensible outcome could be agreed.

4. CQC Visit, 10 March 2015

Rohita reported that the CQC were visiting the practice the following week. Special comments cards had already been placed in the waiting room for patients’ use. The team would meet a variety of staff, and members of the PPG and surgery patients if they were available that day.

A separate Equipaudit for Enhanced Services was scheduled for 17 March 2015.

5. Friends and Family Test

Rohita reported that 95% of respondents would be extremely likely to recommend the practice, and this news was welcomed. Relevant information would be put onto the website. The Test was an ongoing exercise and comments are reviewed regularly.

6. Any other business

Jo gave an update on the changing mental health service. Richard recounted a sad incident regarding housing provision for an individual in Tolleshunt D’Arcy, which had been resolved by the kindness of people in the village.

7. Date of next meeting

Monday 1 June 2015 at Tollesbury Surgery, 6.30pm.

The meeting closed at 7.20pm.