How to Complete a GSPIP (Graduate Student Payroll Information Profile) Scholarship Form:

Downloading the Form

The Graduate Student Payroll Information Profile (GSPIP) form can be found at formatted both for Microsoft Word 2003 and Adobe Acrobat PDF. The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) recommends the use of the Word 2003 version as it offers the greatest ease of use and utility. To download the Word 2003 version, select “Graduate Student Payroll Information Profile (GSPIP)—Scholarships (Word Document)”. You may either open it directly into Word and then save the file or save the file to disc and open it later.

Note: The file is designed for use with Microsoft Word 2003. While it may open in earlier versions of Word, not all features may work correctly. Also, FGS does not guarantee that all features of the GSPIP form will work in MS Word 2003 for MacIntosh.

Save As

Before entering student data into the GSPIP form, go to the File menu and select “Save As”. Re-name the file with the name of the Student and the Term for which the GSPIP is applicable indicated in the file name (e.g. “GSPIP- Smith, Jane, Fall 2001”). Save the GSPIP in the folder you wish to store your GSPIPs. Once the file is saved under the name of the student and term, you can begin to enter data.

Entering Data

Note: Some fields will automatically calculate numbers based upon data entered. Please be certain to tab out of all fields before checking final figures (total term amount and percentages) are correct.

Banner ID: Enter the 8-digit numeric portion of the student’s Banner ID.

Family Name:Enter the student’s family name (maximum of 20 characters).

First Name:Enter the student’s first name (maximum of 20 characters).

Int.:If applicable, enter the student’s middle initial(s) (maximum of 2 characters).

Title:Enter the appropriate title.

Current Citizenship or Immigration Status:

Enter the appropriate status. This has to be checked each term.

Department:Enter the student’s department (maximum of 40 characters).

Degree:Enter the student’s degree programme (i.e. PHD, MA, MSC, etc.) (maximum of 8 characters). This has to be checked each term.

Programme Start Date:Enter the student’s programme start date (maximum of 18 characters). This has to be checked each term. (MMM/DD/YY)

Year of Study:Enter the appropriate year of study (in which the GSPIP is effective). This has to be checked each term.

External Scholarships (not Administered by DalhousieUniversity)

Funding Agency:Enter the funding agency for the student’s external funding (maximum of 50 characters).

Amount:Enter the numeric amount of the student’s external funding (maximum of 8 digits).

Starting:Enter the start date of the student’s external funding.(MMM/DD/YY)

Ending:Enter the end date of the student’s external funding.(MMM/DD/YY)

Internal Scholarship Information

Period of Total Annual Award:

Start Date:Enter the annual start date of the student’s internal funding.(MMM/DD/YY)

End Date:Enter the annual end date of the student’s internal funding.(MMM/DD/YY)

Amount:This will calculate automatically.

Period Within Term (for Fall, Winter, and Summer terms separately):

Start Date:Enter the start date of the period within the term in which the GSPIP is to take effect. This will change each term.(MMM/DD/YY)

End Date:Enter the end date of the period within the term in which the GSPIP is to take effect in. This will change each term.(MMM/DD/YY)

Scholarship Source:

Research Grantee:

Research Grantee:

Research Grantee:


Graduate Studies:

Graduate Studies:


Account Number:Enter the account number for the scholarship source (this has to be nine (9) characters) in the source section. You are also required to enter the grant holders name in this section.

Period Amount:Enter the numeric amount of the internal funding for the period within the term offered by the scholarship source (maximum of 8 digits). Be certain to tab out of these fields.

Comments: Enter any pertinent information not covered elsewhere in GSPIP.


Department—Signatory’s Name and signature:

Enter the name of department signatory. Then have it signed.

Signing Authority for Research accounts

Enter the name of research account signatory. Then have it signed.

Please note:There are 3 spaces for signatures. If there are more than 3 research accounts, then please have the remaining signing authorities sign next to their account number on each term.

Date:Enter the date on which the GSPIP is signed.

Printing The Form

Note:Prior to printing the form, confirm that all calculated fields (Total Period Amount and percentages) have calculated correctly.

When printing the GSPIP form, go to the File menu and select “Print” (keyboard shortcut=”CTRL+P”). Select the number of copies you wish to print (Note: the Faculty of Graduate Studies only requires one (1) copy of the GSPIP form). If the margins of the form do not fit, select “Letter” under “Scale to Paper Size”.

Please Note

  • GSPIPs are to be submitted once a year on August 1, unless funding starts in January or May. Then the form has to be submitted 1 month before the start of the term.
  • Programme Fee students must register for REGN 9999 to be officially registered in the Banner system. Without the REGN 9999, they will not be paid.

For further information:

Scholarship Coordinator

Faculty of Graduate Studies

(902) 494-6725

Revised May 2008GSPIP Form—Guidelines for the Word 2003 VersionPage 1 of 3