BTEC 3301

Exam 3 Samples only

Question 1

1. Several products for prevention and gene therapy go for human species. They range between

A. 70-75%

B. 70-80%

C. 60-70%

D. 80-90%

2. Hemophilia A is due to

A. absence of clotting factor VIII

B. absence of clotting factor IX

C. defective protein defective beta globin

D. defective muscle protein.

3. Sickle-cell disease is due to a defective beta globin.

A. True.

B. False.

4. In US any clinical trial for human gene therapy must be approved by

A. the RAC committee

B. EPA committee

C. Biotechnology committee

D. Ethic clearance committee.

5. The Ex vivo therapies involve treating cells that have been removed from a patient with a functional gene to restore protein activity.

A. True

B. False

6. In forensic DNA analysis, RFLP is a faster molecular tool for DNA fingerprinting; moreover, it relies on a very small amount of DNA sample from the crime scene.

A. True

B. False

7. The Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is

A. adenoviruses

B. adeno-associated viruses and

C. herpes simplex viruses

D. retroviruses.

8. Genetic fingerprinting or DNA testing was invented by Sir Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester and was announced in





9. The virus that causes the common cold is an adenovirus.

A. True

B. False

10. The------is the government organization to approve any human gene therapy product for sale




D. None of the above

11. One way to move a gene copy into a cell is through the use of:

A. viruses
B. lasers
C. DNA markers
D. transporter genes
E. none of the above

12. One example of a condition which gene therapy WON'T be able to alter is

A. Cystic fibrosis
C. Parkinson
D. Alzheimer’s

E. none of the above

13. The first human gene therapy in a SCID patient was carried out in Maryland in

A. 1990

B. 1992

C. 1994

D. 1996

14. Hemophilia is due to a recessive allele on the chromosome of

A.  X

B.  22nd

C.  21st

D.  y

15. Bioremediation is the use of microbes to clean the environment by degrading complex toxic substances to simple less toxic ones

A. True

B. False