Unit 8: Relationships that are not linear

May 4 / Essential QuestionWhat is on the EOC?
Learning GoalStudents will review all the concepts learned throughout the year to prepare for the EOC
Measurable Objective: Students will study graphs by creating a graphic organizer to illustrate all forms of graphing and translations on graphs.
Benchmark ALL
Higher Order Thinking Questions ( Hot)
Do I know my vocabulary?
What causes a graph to move up/down?
What causes a graph to move left/right?
What causes a graph to be translated across the x or y axis?
What causes a graph to stretch or shrink?
/ I,C,O,R
: / Vocabulary
Linear slope Radical
Quadratic Y intercept
Cubic Stretch
Exponential Shrink
Absolute Value Vertex Form
Daily agenda
  1. Bell Ringer- Algebra nation test 1:
  2. Introduce PARCC end of the year packet
  3. Guided Practice – Non Calculator section
  4. Homework End of the year packet non calculator section
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension What skills do I need to work on for the EOC? / WIC
May 5 / Essential Question What is on the EOC
Learning GoalStudents will review all the concepts learned throughout the year to prepare for the EOC.
Measurable ObjectiveStudents will study graphs by creating a graphic organizer to illustrate all forms of graphing and translations on graphs.
Benchmark ALL
Higher Order Thinking Questions ( Hot)
Do I know my vocabulary?
What causes a graph to move up/down?
What causes a graph to move left/right?
What causes a graph to be translated across the x or y axis?
What causes a graph to stretch or shrink?
/ I,C,O,R
Linear slope Radical
Quadratic Y intercept
Cubic Stretch
Exponential Shrink
Absolute Value Vertex Form
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily agenda
  1. Bell Ringer Test 2 Algebra nation:
  2. Review Homework
  3. Guided Practice – Calculator section (1-10)
  4. Homework review problems
  5. Complete End of the year packet 11-20
/ W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension What skills do I need to work on for the EOC? / W,I,C


Unit 8: Relationships that are not linear

May 6
Wednesday / Essential Question What is on the EOC:
Learning GoalStudents will review all the concepts learned throughout the year to prepare for the EOC.
Measurable Objective: Students will study graphs by creating a graphic organizer to illustrate all forms of graphing and translations on graphs.
Benchmark ALL
Higher Order Thinking Questions (HOT)
Do I know my vocabulary?
What causes a graph to move up/down?
What causes a graph to move left/right?
What causes a graph to be translated across the x or y axis?
What causes a graph to stretch or shrink?
/ I,C,O,R
Linear slope Radical
Quadratic Y intercept
Cubic Stretch
Exponential Shrink
Absolute Value Vertex Form
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily agenda
  1. Bell Ringer: Algebra Nation test 3
  2. Review Homework in packet
  3. Class Discussion 11-20
  4. Homework – end of the year packet 11-20
/ W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension What skills do I need to work on for the EOC? / W,I,C
May 7 / Essential Question What is on the EOC
Learning GoalStudents will review all the concepts learned throughout the year to prepare for the EOC.
Measurable Objective Students will explain how to solve absolute value equations, linear equations, exponential equations, radical equations, and quadratic equations in a graphic organizer
Benchmark ALL
Higher Order Thinking Questions ( Hot)
Do I know my vocabulary?
What properties do I use to solve linear equations?
How do I solve radical equations?
How do I solve quadratic equations?
How do I solve exponential equations?
/ I,C,O,R
Coefficient Multiplication Property
Constant Distributive Property
Degree Radicand
Addition Property Substitution
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily agenda
  1. Bell Ringer: Algebra Nation Test 4
  2. Review packet – (11-20)
  3. Class Discussion 20-end
  4. Homework end of the year packet 21-30
/ W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension What skills do I need to work on for the EOC? / W,I,C
May 8
Friday / Essential Question What is on the EOC / WICOR
Learning Goal Students will review all the concepts learned throughout the year to prepare for the EOC.
Measurable Objective: Students will study graphs by creating a graphic organizer to illustrate all forms of graphing and translations on graphs.
Benchmark / ALL
Higher Order Thinking Questions ( Hot)
Do I know my vocabulary?
What causes a graph to move up/down?
What causes a graph to move left/right?
What causes a graph to be translated across the x or y axis?
What causes a graph to stretch or shrink?
What properties do I use to solve linear equations?
How do I solve radical equations?
How do I solve quadratic equations?
How do I solve exponential equations? / I,C,O,R
Coefficient Multiplication Property
Constant Distributive Property
Degree Radicand
Addition Property Substitution
Linear slope Radical
Quadratic Y intercept
Cubic Stretch
Exponential Shrink
Absolute Value Vertex Form
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily Agenda
  1. Bell Ringer: Algebra nation test 4
  2. Turn in packet 2
  3. Finish end of the year packet
  4. Help session Study Help session 10-1 Saturday
/ W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension What have I learned this week? / W,I,C


Visual Aids, Concrete Objects, Gestures, RepetitionsPeer tutoring Written Outline, Copy of Notes Use of Dictionary Small Group Instruction Avoidance of Idioms Incorporation of LEP student’s Culture & Language Copies of Notes Verbal and Written Directions Summarize & Review Frequently Hands on Activities Student Translator Request of Text in Student’s Language Reading Aloud Questions Correlation With ESOL/ESE Resource Personnel Preferential Seating Cooperative Groups Extended Time

Student Friendly Mathematical Practice Statements
MAFS.K12.MP.1.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• Make a plan!
• Try different approaches when your problem is hard.
• Solve your problem in more than one way.
• Check whether your solution makes sense.
MAFS.K12.MP.2.1 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• Explain the meanings of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, and objects you and others use
MAFS.K12.MP.3.1 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
• Explain both what to do and why it works.
• Work to make sense of others’ mathematical thinking.
MAFS.K.12.MP.4.1 Model with mathematics.
• Apply math to real-world situations.
• Use models such as graphs, drawings, tables, symbols, numbers, and diagrams to solve problems.
MAFS.K12.MP.5.1 Use appropriate tools strategically.
• Choose appropriate tools for your problem.
• Use mathematical tools correctly and efficiently.
• Estimate and use what you know to check the answers you find using tools.
MAFS.K12.MP.6.1 Attend to precision.
• Communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and precisely.
• Use the level of precision you need for your problem.
• Be accurate when you count, measure, and calculate.
MAFS.K12.MP.7.1 Look for and make use of structure.
• Find, extend, analyze, and create patterns.
• Use patterns and structures to solve problems.
MAFS.K12.MP.8.1 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.
• Use properties, rules, and shortcuts to solve problems.
• Reflect on your thinking before, during, and after you solve a problem.
Reading Standards for Literar
y and Informational Text / Speaking and Listening / Writing and Language Standards
8.RL/RI.1.1 (DOK2)
Text evidence that supports analysis and inferences drawn from text / 8.LS.1.1 (DOK 3)
Collaborative discussions
  1. Prepare/research material
  2. Follow rules for collegial discussions; track progress toward goals/deadlines;
  3. Pose questions that connect ideas , respond to others; qualify/justify own views
  4. Acknowledge new information expressed by others; qualify or justify their own views in light of the evidence presented
/ 8.W.2.4 (DOK 3)
Produce clear and coherent writing; organization, style are appropriate to task/purpose/audience
8.RI.2.4(DOK 2)
Meanings of words/phrases as used in a text. / 8.W.2.5 (DOK2)
With guidance, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning/revising/editing/rewriting/ trying a new approach.
8.RI.4.10 (DOK2)
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of 6-8th grade text complexity band independently and proficiently / 8.W.2.6 (DOK2)
Use technology, including Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
8.SL.2.6 (DOK2)
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English. / 8.W.4.10 (DOK3)
Write routinely over extended and short time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks/ purposes/audiences
8L.3.4 (DOK2)
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words/phrases based on grade 8 reading and content,
  1. Use context as clue
  2. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots
  3. Consult general and specialized reference materials
  4. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., checking inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).