City Of Arlington

Regular Meeting Minutes

June 6, 2016

Roll Call:

Mayor: Jeff Fountain

Council MemberLola Barclay

Richard Loder

Kay Sipe

Russell Day

Tricia Fowler

Employees:Debbie Fountain

Al Cressler

Attorney:Stanley Juhnke

Audience in Attendance Chris Hewitt, Dedria Ashworth, Todd Walker, Amy Allbright, Joe Cannon, Eula Henderson, Judy Thompson, Kevin Seal.

Mayor Fountaincalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Moment of Silence

Addition to the agenda

K-61 Park

Public Forum

Judy Thompson addressed council with concerns about the chat on Orchard Street and asked why it was being graded and left row of dirt and chat along street. Mayor Fountain explained that the streets have not been taken care of for several years that the city is trying to get them back to the way they should be.

Chris Hewitt – Fairfield Girls Basketball Coach

Would like to have the fireworks stand again on Main Street. It was the consensus of the council to allow them to do so.

Eula Henderson would like to see if the water bills could be adjusted so that she could read the address.

Joe Cannon addressed council about who to call after hours for animal control. It was the consensus to contact Tamara Simpson. Joe expressed concerns with dangerous animal ordinance.

Tamara Simpson would like to know what to do about personal observation as the animal control officer. It was the consensus of council to contact the Mayor in that situation.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Sipe, seconded by Daytoapprove the minutes of the May 2, May 11, May 19th2016. Motion passed.

Approval of the Disbursements

Motion by Day, seconded by Barclay to approve the disbursements. Motion passed.

Planning Committee Report

Dedria Ashworth is sitting as the Chairman of the committee for a few months. She reported they will have Jan Steen talk at their meeting regarding how to get people interested in your town. They are having a 4th of July Celebration with hotdogs and table service being provided; with everyone bring a covered dish from 10:30 a.m. to Noon, with lunch being served at noon. They would like to provide some music entertainment.

Motion by Loder, seconded by Barclay to give the committee up to $400.00. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business


Mayor Fountain reported they are still working on getting a price. Tabled until next month.

Street Signs

Barclay presented council with information on how many signs or poles the city would need to replace and how much it would cost. Tabled until next month.

K-61 Park

Mayor Fountain reported he has spoken with David Kron with Skyland Grain regarding the park along 61 hwy. Mr. Kron would like the city to send them a written proposal to obtain the park. Several ideas were presented and it was the consensus of the council to check into the cost of those ideas and table until next month.

New Business

2017 Budget

Roger Field could not make it tonight. Would like to schedule a special meeting for June14, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

Drainage – Kevin Seal

Mr. Seal addressed council with concerns about the drainage into his building. Council will take a look and table until next month.


Motion by Barclay, seconded by Fowler to appoint Debbie Fountain as City Clerk. Motion passed.

Motion by Loder, seconded by Sipe to appoint Stan Juhnke as City Attorney. Motion passed.

Motion by Fowler, seconded by Barclay to appoint Greg Graffman as Municipal Judge. Motion passed.

Motion by Day, seconded by Sipe to appoint Rhonda Stillwell as City Treasurer. Motion passed.

Mosquito Spraying

Fogger is not working. Motion by Barclay, seconded by Loder to purchase a fogger and spend up to $3000.00. Motion passed.

Executives Sessionnon-elected personnel

Motion by Loder, seconded by Day to go into executive session for 20 minutes non-elected personnel at 8:15 p.m. Motion passed.

Council returned to regular session at 8:35 p.m.

Motion by Day, seconded by Fowler to go into executive session for non-elected personnel at 8:35 for 20 minutes. Motion passed.

Council returned to regular session at 8:55 p.m.

Motion by Fowler, seconded by Loder to hire HR Consultants of Kansas to be the cities HR consultant. Motion passed.

Motion by Day, seconded by Loder to adjournat 9:00p.m.Motion passed.