05-071 Chapter 118 page 1
SUMMARY: This rule establishes the requirements for local support systems required by 20-A MRSA §13011 et seq. to operate as part of the certification process for teachers and educational specialists.
1.1 Scope of Rule
This rule establishes the standards and procedures which govern the operation of local support systems which are part of the State certification process for teachers. The rule includes the procedural prerequisites to an approved support system (planning and the submission of a support system plan) and the substantive standards for operation of the system and support of teachers and educational specialists.
1.2 Applicability
The requirements of this chapter shall apply to teachers except those endorsed solely as adult educators and to the following educational specialists: guidance counselors, library-media specialists, special education consultants, speech and hearing clinicians, and literacy specialists. School nurses may be included at the option of the local support system.
1.3 Definitions
Unless the context otherwise indicates, the definitions contained in Chapter 115, Part 1, section 1.4 shall apply to the defined terms an used in this chapter.
1.4 Role of Support Systems
A support system has several functions which include a role in the State's licensing (certification) of educational personnel and the assistance and encouragement of good teaching In school units. The roles of the support system are as follows:
(a) To provide strong support services in order to facilitate good teaching and classroom management skills among teachers with conditional and provisional certificates;
(b) To provide assistance to all persons who are candidates for higher level teacher certificates and renewal of master level certificates;
(c) To provide the Commissioner with certification recommendations for teachers seeking conditional level certification, conditional certificate renewal, professional level certification, professional level renewal, master level certification and master level renewal;
(d) To review and approve teacher action plans for conditional certificate holders, provisional certificate holders, holders of transitional endorsements (optional), professional certificate holders seeking the master level, and master certificate holders seeking renewal prior to implementation of the plan and upon completion of the plan;
(e) To review and approve renewal plans for approved study for professional certificate holders prior to implementation of the renewal plan and upon completion of the plan;
(f) To provide the Commissioner with recommendations as to the issuance and renewal of transitional endorsements and the conversion of transitional endorsements to full endorsements;
(g) To provide the Commissioner with certification recommendations for educational specialists seeking conditional level certification, conditional level renewal, professional level certification, professional level renewal, master level certification and master level renewal;
(h) To review and approve educational specialist action plans for conditional certificate holders, provisional certificate holders seeking the professional level, professional certificate holders seeking the master level, and master certificate holders seeking renewal prior to implementation of the plan and upon completion of the plan;
(i) To review and approve renewal plans for approved study for holders of professional educational specialist certificates prior to implementation of the renewal plan and upon completion of the plan.
1.5 General Requirements
(a) Each school administrative unit shall submit a support system plan by May 30, 1988.
(b) No school unit may employ a teacher or educational specialist who holds a provisional or conditional certificate unless that unit has in place an approved support system. However, during the 1988-89 school year, provisional and conditional certificate holders may be employed by units without approved support systems. Their certificates will be extended for one year upon the recommendation of the superintendent to the Commissioner.
2.1 Preparation of Support System Plan
Each school unit shall appoint a planning committee to draft a support system plan. The planning committee shall contain a majority of classroom teachers.
2.2 Components of A Support System Plan
The support system plan submitted to the Department shall be a comprehensive program plan for support of certified teachers and educational specialists who seek higher level certificates or renewal of certificates.
Each support system plan must meet the following criteria:
(a) Describe the scope of the support system (school unit, collaboration of school units, affiliation with institutions of higher learning);
(b) Contain adequate provisions for efficient management of the support system, including a governance structure, a process for the utilization of support teams, decision-making procedures and a process for adopting final recommendations pertaining to individual teachers and educational specialists;
(c) Provide for a formal orientation for provisional and conditional teachers and educational specialists which describes available services, training opportunities and the process for achieving a professional certificate;
(d) Provide for appointment of support system members on a regular basis, consistent with sections 2.4 and 2.5, and describe with specificity the means by which the superintendent will actively invite suggestions for support system members from among the faculty and staff;
(e) Provide for the assignment of a support team, as determined by the support system, to provide guidance, advice and assessment to each conditional teacher, provisional teacher, holder of a transitional endorsement (optional), professional teacher seeking the master level and master teacher seeking renewal;
(f) Provide for the preparation of a teacher action plan for each conditional teacher, provisional teacher, holder of a transitional endorsement (optional), professional teacher seeking the master level and master teacher seeking renewal. The plan shall identify goals and strategies for improving professional skills consistent with the certificate level;
(g) Provide for a process to identify and deliver services and technical assistance needed by applicants;
(h) Provide for maintenance of a cumulative portfolio containing the teacher action plan (when required) and official documentation of performance in the five standards for professional growth leading to competency [section 4.2];
(i) Assure that the teacher action plan was developed collaboratively by the teacher-applicant and the support team;
(j) In the case of educational specialists, provide for the assignment of a support team, as determined by the support system, to provide guidance, advice and assessment to each conditional certificate holder, provisional certificate holder, professional certificate holder seeking the master level and master certificate holder seeking renewal;
(k) Provide for the preparation of an educational specialist action plan for each conditional certificate holder, provisional certificate bolder, professional certificate holder seeking the master level and master certificate holder seeking renewal. The plan shall identify goals and strategies for improving professional skills consistent with the certificate level!
(l) Provide for maintenance of a cumulative portfolio containing the educational specialist action plan and official documentation of performance;
(m) Assure that the educational specialist action plan was developed collaboratively by the educational specialist applicant and the support team;
(n) Describe the participation of any persons who are not school employees in the support system process;
(o) Describe a plan for the systematic evaluation of the support system program to assure program quality, effectiveness, and efficient management;
(p) Provide for orientation and training of support team members and mentors in peer observation and assessment techniques;
(q) Document that the school board has adopted the support system plan.
2.3 Approval Procedures
(a) The Commissioner will review each support system plan submitted to determine whether the plan meets the criteria specified in section 2.2. In the event that the Commissioner disapproves any support system plan, he or she shall specify the changes which must be made to qualify for approval. The school unit shall implement the changes by the date specified by the Commissioner.
(b) Approved plans remain in effect for a period of five years. Amendments to the approved plan must be submitted in writing to the Commissioner for approval prior to Implementation.
(c) An application for renewal of the support system plan shall be submitted to the Commissioner for approval with the local unit's school improvement plan update.
2.4 Composition of the Support System
(a) Each support system shall include a majority of professional classroom teachers.
(b) Each support system may include a Master teacher(s) if available to the school unit, and an educational specialists).
(c) Each support system shall include at least one administrator employed by the school unit.
(d) A support system may include other consultants from outside the school system who qualify by virtue of their experience or special expertise in the teaching-learning and evaluation process. Employees of the Department may assist support systems in orientation and training but may not be members of any system except in unusual circumstances where a hardship may exist as determined by the Commissioner.
(e) Members of a support system must have at least three years of experience as educators. Teacher members must hold a professional certificate issued under Chapter 502 or a 5 or 10 year certificate issued under Chapter 501.
(f) A support system may not include any person who is an active applicant for Initial professional certification. A support system may not include school board members.
2.5 Appointment of Support System Members
(a) The superintendent shall actively invite suggestions for support system members from among the faculty and staff.
(b) Members of a support system shall be nominated by the superintendent of the school unit and approved for appointment by the school board.
(c) Members shall be expected to serve for a minimum of one full year.
2.6 Purpose, Role of Support Teams
The support team shall provide the following:
(a) Strong support services in order to facilitate good teaching and classroom management skills among conditional teachers, provisional teachers, holders of transitional endorsements (optional), professional teachers seeking the master level and master teachers seeking renewal;
(b) Assistance and professional support to teachers seeking a higher level of certification and renewal of the master certificate;
(c) Strong support services to educational specialists holding a conditional certificate, provisional certificate, professional certificate seeking the master level and master certificate holders seeking renewal.
2.7 Composition of the Support Team
(a) Each support team for teachers shall include a majority of professional classroom teachers.
(b) A support team may include a master teacher(s) if available to the school unit.
(c) A support team for conditional certificate holders, provisional certificate holders, initial master level candidates and certificate holders seeking renewal may include an administrator. An administrator with evaluation responsibilities over the candidate may serve on that candidate's support team only upon request of the candidate and mutual agreement between the administrator and the candidate.
(d) A support team may include other consultants from outside the school system who qualify by virtue of their experience or special expertise in the teaching-learning and evaluation process. Employees of the Department may assist support teams in orientation and training but may not be members of any team except in unusual circumstances where a hardship may exist as determined by the Commissioner.
(e) Members of a support team must have at least three years of experience as educators. Teacher members must hold a professional certificate issued under Chapter 502 or a 5 or 10 year certificate issued under Chapter 501.
(f) A support team may not include any person who is an active applicant for initial professional level certification.
2.8 Appointment of Support Team Members
(a) The superintendent shall actively invite suggestions for support team members from among the faculty and staff.
(b) Support team personnel shall be nominated by the superintendent of the school unit and approved for appointment by the school board.
(c) Support team members will be assigned to certification candidates by the support system according to procedures identified in the Department approved local support system plan.
2.8-A Assignment of Mentor in Lieu of Support Team
(a) Generally - The support system may assign a mentor in lieu of a support team in the situations described below. The mentor shall have the responsibility of a support team.
(b) Transitional endorsements - Upon mutual agreement of the teacher and the support system, a mentor may be assigned to assist the teacher who chooses to develop and complete an optional teacher action plan for a transitional endorsement.
NOTE: See Chapter 115, Part I, section 11.2 and Chapter 115, Part III, section 2.3(D).
(c) Support system established by the Commissioner - A support system established by the Commissioner pursuant to Chapter 115, Part I, section 17 or I8 or Chapter 115, Part III, section 2.3(E) has the option of assigning a mentor In lieu of a support team whenever a support team is required or authorized by section 2.2(E) and (J) of this chapter. No mentor may be assigned unless the certificate holder approves the Commissioner's selection of the person to serve as mentor, which approval may not unreasonably be withheld.
(d) Interstate compact A support system has the option of assigning a mentor in lieu of a support team to teachers and educational specialists holding a provisional certificate pursuant to the Interstate Compact who have at least two academic years of prior experience as a teacher or educational specialist outside the State. No mentor may be assigned unless the certificate holder approves the Commissioner's selection of the person to serve as mentor, which approval may not unreasonably be withheld.
Note: See Chapter 115, Part I, section 8.2(C).
(e) Hardship waiver - Upon application by the support system and the superintendent, the Commissioner may permit the assignment of a mentor in lieu of a support team upon a showing that factors such an geographic isolation, transportation difficulties, wide dispersion of schools served by the support system and small numbers of teachers make the assignment of a support team impractical.
(f) Year two of Provisional certification - Upon mutual agreement of a second-year provisional certificate holder and a11 members of the certificate holder's support team, a mentor may be assigned to perform all or any part of the support team's responsibilities in lieu of the support team, Examples include, but are not limited to, development alteration, or completion of the teacher or educational specialist's plan, and/or performance of the three observations required by section 2.9(B) or 2.9-A(B).
It is the intent of the hate Board that any decision as to the assignment of a mentor in lieu of a support team under this sub-section be made on an individual basis by the certificate holder and support team and not be implemented on a system-wide basis by the support team.