P O Box 186, Swanton, Ohio 43558

Tel: 402-403-1788




1. Unlimited legal assistance – representation in tribal, ecclesiastical, municipal, state and federal courts (by Special Appearance only – meaning tribal lawyers will not walk into nontribal jurisdictions especially municipal, state and federal courts) as required; petitions, motions, briefs, counter-motions in case you are invited as a “defendant.” TRY NOT to give the state/federal excuse for them to invoke their jurisdiction; preparation of trusts (wills invite probate and the government pokes its stinky nose into your affairs); and other legal documents you may require from time to time.

2. Tribal certificate of naturalization with immigration benefits into Indian country;

3. Native title to your realty; travel permits (driver licenses);

4. Work permits;

5. Tribal ID cards;

6. Call center to verify your standing as an enrolled tribal member from employers, law enforcement, loan centers, educational institutions, hospitals, insurance companies, skip-tracers;

7. Tax exemption status based on current laws, regulations, orders, rules;

8. Life insurance, housing and medical insurance benefits are being actively studied and pursued as a future viable benefit.

9. Must have at least 10,000 individual participants before this program can start.

10. Must have at least 10,000 individual participants before this program can start.

11. Must have at least 10,000 individual participants before this program can start.


1. My name is ______

2. I am presently employed/self employed /not employed (delete where applicable)

3. My date of birth is ______and my mailing address is ______. My email address is ______, and my telephone number is


4. I acknowledge, understand, agree, and accept that the benefits mentioned above can only be provided when at least 10,000 individuals sign up for the Program.

5. I will do my best to spread the word as this is the ideal momentum and forum to stop the cabal and evil government from interfering with my affairs as a free individual without any known ties to government by implied or express contract.

6. I understand that each individual in a family has to pay $65.00 as there are no family packages available at the moment. The monthly $65.00 payment will continue as long as I desire to enjoy these tribal benefits as a sovereign denizen of Indian country.

7. I understand I will lose my standing and status as an enrolled tribal member if I stop making the required monthly payments.

8. I wish to pay monthly, quarterly, yearly before I receive the benefits (delete where applicable). I understand that the method of payment will be determined on an ad hoc basis by sending emails to .

9. I understand that I will be contracting with the Native American Law and Justice Center working for several Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealand, and other South Pacific Original Peoples governments.

10. I do not trust the squatter government and wish to be free from any implied contract I may have unwittingly agreed to especially when my parents were duped into applying for a birth certificate to “evidence” my live birth.

11. I also understand that tribal governments are proactively seeking economic and political independence as sovereign states as contemplated under Article 1 of the1933 Montevideo Convention. Tribal banking and tribal stock exchanges are being established, developed, ordained and structured.

12. I understand that Tribal police power is also being developed because without this component we cannot be free from the squatter government tyranny. This is a human rights issue where the People are stakeholders in government, not a corporation, and not subjects of an absent and distant monarch.

Dated this ______day of ______, 20____.


Name and signature
