Appendix 1:Contents of the psychoeducative programme for ADHD *

Session 1. Presentations and group functioning rules. What is ADHD?
Session 2. Core symptoms. Diagnostic procedures
Session 3. Etiological, maintaining and perpetuating factors
Session 4. Comorbidities in ADHD
Session 5. Prognosis and outcome: ADHD in the adolescent and the adult
Session 6. Pharmacological treatments: stimulants
Session 7. Pharmacological treatments: non-stimulants
Session 8. Non-pharmacological treatments: diets, supplements, cognitive, behavioural treatments
Session 9. Dealing with everyday-life problems at home-I
Session 10. Dealing with everyday-life problems at home-II
Session 11. Dealing with everyday-life problems at school
Session 12. Summarizing, final questions and doubts. Closing down session

*adapted from Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder [8]. This manual may be obtained from the authors upon request.

Appendix 2. Global Functioning, family stress, quality of life and family impact at T0, T1 and T2

T0 (baseline) / T1 (after intervention 12 weeks) / T2 (follow-up 12 months)
mean-sd / CONTROL
mean-sd / p / PSY
mean-sd / CONTROL
mean-sd / p / PSY
mean-sd / CONTROL
mean-sd / p
CGI severity / 3.39 (0.96) / 3.70 (0.75) / n.s / 3.27 (0.94) / 3.57 (0.72) / n.s* / 3.27 (0.94) / 3.43 (0.81) / ns
CGI global improvement / 2.88 (1.16) / 2.90 (1.18) / n.s / 2.58 (1.32) / 3.03 (1.21) / n.s* / 2.85 (1.67) / 2.83 (1.46) / ns
PSI total / 93.65(23.60) / 91.45(22.80) / n.s / 88.00(24.96) / 89.41(17.90) / n.s / 88.30(24.91) / 89.04(17.96) / n.s
EuroQol total / 1.69(1.48) / 1.64(1.59) / n.s / 1.32 (1.22) / 1.53 (1.10) / n.s / 1.29 (1.24) / 1.46(1.07) / n.s
PedsQL- Family impact total / 58.33(25.43) / 61.63(24.28) / n.s / 59.70(23.48) / 58.34(27.28) / n.s / 49.14(25.66) / 66.50(25.36) / n.s*
PedsQL- Family impact physical / 7.71(4.93) / 8.81(5.44) / n.s / 8.54(4.48) / 8.26(5.48) / n.s / 6.35(3.75) / 11.16(5.95) / <.05
PedsQL- Family impact emotional / 8.97(5.41) / 9.21(5.48) / n.s / 8.61(3.98) / 8.11(5.02) / n.s / 7.00(4.52) / 10.91(4.05) / <.05
PedsQL- Family impact social / 4.74(3.97) / 4.45(3.35) / n.s / 5.09(3.59) / 5.65(4.27) / n.s / 3.64(2.49) / 6.91(5.12) / <.05
PedsQL- Family impact cognition / 8.23(4.53) / 7.51(4.96) / n.s / 7.83(4.76) / 6.57(4.43) / n.s / 6.14(4.40) / 8.33(4.47) / n.s
PedsQL- Family impact communication / 4.00(3.30) / 4.15(3.14) / n.s / 4.30(2.80) / 3.92(3.13) / n.s / 3.64(2.64) / 4.41(3.96) / n.s
PedsQL- Family impact worry / 12.58(4.25) / 14.06(3.88) / n.s / 12.23(4.51) / 12.61(4.03) / n.s / 12.07(4.58) / 11.83(3.21) / n.s
PedsQL- Family impact activities / 5.89(3.34) / 6.48(3.28) / n.s / 5.50(3.10) / 6.07(6.26) / n.s / 5.14(3.13) / 5.66(2.49) / n.s
PedsQL- Family impact family relationships / 7.51(5.36) / 7.18(5.20) / n.s / 8.13(4.24) / 7.23(5.36) / n.s / 7.50(4.65) / 7.08(5.05) / n.s

*p<.100; ns= p value <.05