National Adult Education College and Career Readiness Standards:

to prepare state Adult Eduation Programs to meet higher standards

State Self-Assessment – Standards-Based Education

Prior to the Career and College Readiness Training Design Institute, gather the state staff for a discussion regarding where you are in regards to 1) preparing teachers for Standards-Based Education.

This self-assessment will help the participants in the Design Institute focus on the critical components needed for your state.

Level of completion terms:

  1. No decisions made: you have not decided how you want to proceed
  2. Policies and supports are designated: you have decided how you want to proceed and you have aligned your expectations (policies) and designated and identified funding for the supports to be put in place and communicated to the field.
  3. Plans are in place: you have decided how to proceed, policies and supports are agreed upon, and you have a plan with benchmarks to guide the work and it has been communicated to the field.
  4. Under way: You have begun implementing your plan
  5. Complete: You have completed a component.

NOTES: enter ‘no plans’ if you have no plans for this component.

Mid-Term Plan to Move to Standards-Based Education Environmental Scan

Components / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Notes
  1. Select standardsto adopt or adapt:
  • OVAE’s College and Career Readiness Standards;
  • Common Core Standards,
  • your own state standards,
  • others?

  1. Create new or adapt existing competencies for:

  • Teacher competencies

  • Program manager competencies

  • Local Program Standards

  1. Training for program managers to support teachers and SBE

  • Policies, guidance and expectations devised and communicated to the field.

  • Knowledge, skills and abilities identified

  • Trainers prepared

  • Calendar and logistics

  • Delivery

  1. SBE resources to provide

  • Web-based lesson plan clearinghouse

  • Support for learning communities

  • State-wide or regional curriculum development workgroup(s)

  • Financial incentives to pilot professional development, develop/pilot curriculum, and/or develop/pilot performance

  • .

  • .

  1. Policies, expectations, and guidance for supports for SBE

  • Managed intake/entry/orientation

  • Managed enrollment (e.g., 4, 6, or 8 week class cycles)

  • Priorities/incentives in the funding application/grants and rfps.

  • Clear expectations and guidance (policy) in teacher standards, program manager standards, and program standards.

  • Building local leadership.

  • Regionalizing local programs yielding full time directors

  • Leveled classes (no multi-level classes)

  • Guidance for recruiting and hiring specialist instructors

  • Planning time for teachers

  • Paid professional development

  1. A training agenda for full and part-time teachers

  • Policies, guidance and expectations devised and communicated to the field.

  • Knowledge, skills and abilities identified

  • Trainers prepared

  • Calendar and logistics

  • Delivery

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