31 March 2016


·  Technical description of the survey

·  Information on the original files

·  Time-use variables

·  Variable-specific information


Age range / 15+
Response rate / Household: 64.8%
Individual: 66.9%
Number of diary days / One day
Survey period / January 1985 – December 1986
Multi-member household survey / Up to two people per household completed a diary (5656 couples completed the surveys = 10366 individuals)
Type of diary / same day activities took place
Mode of data collection / Diarists recorded their activities on paper in their own words
Time interval in the diary / Diarists recorded starting and ending times
Data on secondary activities / Yes
Data on where the activity was carried out / Yes
Data on who else was present / Yes
Number of activity codes / 199
Number of cases in the original file / 16047 (15627 adults & 420 children)
Number of ‘good’ diaries in the harmonised file / 16042 (15623 adults & 419 children)

Users should note that as activities in this survey can have a minimum duration of 1 minute, 15 diarists (mostly women performing child, pet, and/or elder care on their diary day) reported 90 or more episodes, which is exceptionally high.


Acti.sav. (N = 16047). Contains time-use information, aggregated. 199 activities.

Carn.sav (N = 535248). Time-use information aggregated and arranged in long form. Contains one bad diary. NQUEST 383002620 QUIB 1 (Total time is less than 1440 minutes.)

Individu.sav (N = 29723). Contains demographic information on all members of the household.

Kish.sav (N = 10373). Contains information about respondents work/study and also info about frequency of irregular activities. In this file, one person from each household answers the questions.

Kishcj.sav (N = 16047). Contains information about the day described: date, whether the day was a work or school day, whether the day was usual or unusual, weather (good or bad, a subjective weather rating as opposed to a meteorological assessment).

Mena.sav (N of Cases: 10373). Contains information about household. There is some information about the spouse. Nomenclature: activity codes pertinent to carn.sav

Prat.sav (N of Cases: 21784). Data specific sport and physical activity.


MTUS – France 1985 AV Harmonization Table


Variable Name / Variable Label / France 1985
From original primary activity variable PRIMB2
AV1 / Formal work / 151 Meals at work or school canteen
153 Meals brought from home (to work-place)
213 Fares during work time
216 Care to corral and hen-house animals
217 Field-work, agriculture
218 Building maintenance
219 Accountancy, sales of products in markets
Location = school/work
152 Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
156 Tea, coffee, patisseries in café, bar, tea room
157 Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café
& all other genera eating codes
Location = not at home
211 Regular professional work (not at home)
212 Regular professional work at/brought home 214 Waiting, interruptions during work-time
215 Animal care (except corral and hen-house)
231 Time spent at work-place, before/after job
232 Regular pauses during work time
AV2 / Paid work at home / 363 Activities related to job-seeking
Location = at home
211 Regular professional work (not at home)
212 Regular professional work at/brought home 214 Waiting, interruptions during work-time
215 Animal care (except corral and hen-house)
219 Accountancy, sales of products in markets
221 Other work, second job away from home
222 Other, second job at home
224 Waiting/interruptions during second job
231 Time spent at work-place, before/after job
232 Regular pauses during work time
AV3 / Second job / 223 Fares to auxiliary work, second job
225 Family business
Location = not at home
221 Other work, second job away from home
222 Other, second job at home
224 Waiting/interruptions during second job
AV4 / School/classes / 241 Courses or professional training
242 Courses of political training
245 Attending conferences
246 Waiting time before or after a course
251 Regular schooling
253 Waiting time before or after a course
262 Artistic courses
263 Other courses (e.g. sport lessons)
AV5 / Travel to/from work / 811 Travel to/from work by foot
812 Travel to/from work by car
813 Travel to/from work by motorcycle, bicycle
814 Travel to/from work by public transport
815 Travel to/from work, other
841 Wait during travel between home and work
AV6 / Cooking/washing up / 311 Meals preparation and cooking
312 Peeling of fruits and vegetables
313 Doing the dishes
314 Organise dishes (clear the table)
315 To serve the meals, aperitif, tea or coffee
AV7 / Housework / 321 Interior cleaning
322 To do the beds
323 To tidy up a room
331 Laundry
332 Ironing
334 To organise the clothing to store them
341 Exterior cleaning, big domestic jobs
AV8 / Odd jobs / 333 Repair, maintenance of clothes and shoes
342 Maintenance and supplying of the heating, water (to light and fire)
343 Diverse (domestic accountancy, paper work, organise papers etc)
344 Lock / unlock doors, to park the car
345 Organise the shopping, load/unload car
346 To get something from basement, attic etc.
347 Removals
348 Activities related to events such as: accidents, flooding, fire
349 To prevent intrusions, to make sure everything is alright
374 Repair/maintenance of cars/motorbikes
375 Other works of repair and maintenance
376 Bricolage and technical works
379 To supervise a house under construction
548 Visits to the hospital, elderly home
Where mtrav=-7
378 Domestic animal care (to walk the dog)
AV9 / Gardening / 377 Gardening
AV10 / Shopping / 351 Purchase of everyday consumption goods and maintenance products
352 Purchase of durable goods (clothes)
353 Purchase of leisure goods
354 Maintenance services (garage)
355 Shopping with or without buying
356 To organise the shopping in the car
357 Queuing out and inside stores
358 Any activity related to sales by mail or at domicile without buying
361 Administrative services, offices
362 Waiting time and queuing for administrative services (out or inside the offices)
AV11 / Childcare / 411 Material care to small babies (to 1 year old)
412 Material care to older children (age 1-14)
413 Medical child care away from home (doctor, dentist)
414 Medical care at home
415 Other (kissing caressing, to look after them without specifically focussing on it, punishing)
421 Supervise homework and lessons
422 Non-school readings and conversations
423 Indoor games, teaching manual crafts
424 Outdoor games and promenades
425 Waiting time related to child’s activities
431 Personal or medical care: help them to wash-up, eat, etc.
432 Other childcare (e.g. organise a suitcase)
AV12 / Domestic travel / Cannot be created
AV13 / Dressing/toilet / 121 Personal hygiene: shower, toilet
122 Dress, undress, make up, shave
131 Personal medical care: self-administered
171 Private activities (i.e. sexual activities)
172 personal, interviewee not willing to describe
CTUR code imputed personal & household care
AV14 / Receiving personal services / 123 Personal care away from home
124 Queuing for personal care
125 Personal care received at home
132 Medical care away from home
133 Queuing for medical care
134 Medical care received at home
AV15 / Meals/snacks / 141 Small breakfast
142 Breakfast
143 Dinner at home
144 Collation, sandwich at home
145 Aperitif at home
146 To have a tea or coffee at home
147 To have a snack at home
154 Collation sandwich away from home
155 To have an aperitif away from home
Location = home
152 Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
156 Tea, coffee, patisseries in café, bar, tea room
157 Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café
AV16 / Sleep/naps / 111 Night sleep (essential) including day-sleep for those who work at night
112 Day-sleep (accidental) including day-sleep for those who work at night
113 Rest while awake
114 Snooze
AV17 / Free time travel / 821 By foot as a companion
822 Br car as a companion
823 By motor-bike or bicycle as a companion
824 By public transport as a companion
825 Other, as a companion
831 By foot, other
832 By car (including to find places to park etc)
833 By motorcycle or bicycle, other
834 By public transport
835 Other fares
842 Other fares (waiting)CTUR imputed missing travel
AV18 / Excursions/trips / 524 Outdoor games and promenades
621 Car excursion
623 Other excursion
732 Circus
735 Fair, foreign feast
738 Museum, exposition
739 Waiting time and queuing out or inside of a spectacle place/venue
AV19 / Active sports participation / 611 Moring stretching, exercises
612 Sportive activities without competition
613 Training and competition (stadium or gym)
614 Sportive games
615 Rest in middle of a match or competition
626 Fishing, hunting
833 By motor-bike or bicycle
AV20 / Watching sport / 731 Attend a sporting match
AV21 / Walks / 622 Excursion by foot
624 Promenade
625 To take air, walk in the garden
627 Promenade to gather strawberries, wild fruits, champignons, etc.
831 By foot, other
Mtrav=3 (walking)
378 Domestic animal care (to walk the dog)
AV22 / At church / 531 Religious worship
532 Assistance to religious ceremonies
533 Participation in confessional organisations
534 Queuing out or inside the place of worship
AV23 / Civic organisations / 541 Participation, member of a party or union
542 Voluntary work by non-permanent members of social organisations
543 Participation in meeting
544 Participation in the enterprise council
545 Participation in other associations
547 Mutual help amongst friends or relatives
549 Civic participation (voting)
911 Filling up the interview booklet
AV24 / Cinema/theatre / 733 Varieties and music hall
734 Cabaret (including eventual meals)
736 Cinema
737 Theatre, concert, opera, ballet
AV25 / Dance/party, etc. / 261 Driving school
513 Receptions/parties
514 Village fair, dancing, discotheque
515 Christmas shows, school party
546 Anything related to deaths/marriages
744 Gambling games
745 Dancing at your place or at a friends
AV26 / Social clubs / Not possible to create
AV27 / Pubs / Not possible to create
AV28 / Restaurants / Location not home, school/work
152 Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
156 Tea, coffee, patisseries in café, bar, tea room
157 Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café
Also other eat/ drink at location=restaurant
AV29 / Visiting friends / Location not at home
161 Meal at friends, neighbours, relatives home
162 Have aperitif at friends, another’s home
163 Tea/coffee at friend, other person’s home
164 Meal at home with friend, neighbour, other
165 Aperitif at home with friend, relative, other
166 Tea/coffee at home with friends, relatives
511 Visits to friends (without meals or collation)
525 Exchange presents
AV30 / Listening to radio / 716 To listen to the radio
AV31 / Watching T.V. / 714 To watch TV
715 To watch a video tape
AV32 / Listening to music / 717 To listen to records or tapes
AV33 / Study / 243 Preparatory work for courses or conferences (including self-teaching)
244 Reading of scientific journals or books with the aim of professional improvement
252 Preparatory works and diverse studies
254 Training practice as part of study
AV34 / Reading books / 712 Reading books
AV35 / Reading papers/magazines / 711 Reading
713 Reading of magazines, newspapers
AV36 / Relaxing / 721 do nothing, reflect, think, make projects
722 Smoke
AV37 / Conversation / 521 Conversations
522 Telephone
AV38 / Entertaining friends / location = at home
161 Meal at friends, neighbours, relatives home
162 Aperitif at friends, relatives home
163 To have a tea or coffee at home with friends, neighbours, relatives home
164 Meal at home with friend, relative, other
165 Aperitif at home with friend, relative, other
166 Tea/coffee at home with friends, relatives
511 Visits to friends (no meals, refreshment)
512 Reception of friends at home (no meals)
525 Exchange presents
AV39 / Knitting/sewing / 371 Make clothing and lingerie
372 Make other (sewing, nettling)
AV40 / Pastimes/hobbies / 333 Repair / maintenance of clothes and shoes
373 Artistic creating (sculpture, painting, literature)
523 Mail: write, read, put out/bring in post
526 Exchanges by Minitel, amateur radio
741 Practice of a musical instrument, singing
742 Card games
743 Other society games
746 Other (cross-words, movies at home)
747 Make films, photographs, recordings
748 Domestic micro-informatics
AV41 / Unknown activity / 921 Occupation at domicile wrongly described
922 Away from home, not well described
999 Missing
MAIN/SEC 69 Variables / Activity / FRANCE 1985
from main activity (Carn.sav)
Main/Sec1 / Imputed personal and household care / CTUR generated code
Main/Sec2 / Sleep or nap / 111 Night sleep (essential) including day-sleep for those who work at night
112 Day-sleep (accidental) including day-sleep for those who work at night
113 Rest while awake
114 Snooze
Main/Sec3 / Imputed sleep / CTUR generated code
Main/Sec4 / Wash/dress/care for self / 121 Personal hygiene: shower, toilet
122 Dress, undress, make up, shave
131 Personal medical care: self-administered
171 Private activities (i.e. sexual activities)
172 personal, interviewee not willing to describe
Main/Sec5 / Meals at work or school / 151 Meals at enterprise or school canteen
153 Meals brought from home (to work-place)
Location = school/work
152 Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
156 Tea, coffee patisseries café, bar, tea room
157 Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café
and all other general eating codes
Main/Sec6 / Other meals / 141 Small breakfast at home
142 Breakfast at home
143 Dinner at home
144 Collation, sandwich at home
145 Aperitif at home
146 To have a tea or coffee at home
147 To have a snack at home
154 Collation sandwich away from home
155 To have an aperitif away from home
Location = home
152 Meal at restaurant, snack bar, fast-food
156 Tea, coffee, patisseries café, bar, tea room
157 Queuing at the canteen, restaurant, café
Main/Sec7 / Paid work, main job (not at home) / 216 Care to corral and hen-house animals
217 Field-work, agriculture
218 Building maintenance
219 Accountancy, sales of products in markets
Location = not at home
211 Regular professional work away from home
212 Regular professional work at/brought home
214 Waiting/interruptions during work-time