PCA 225: Stereographs of Alaska, ca. 1880-1910 Alaska State Library

Alaska State Library

Historical Collections

Stereographs of Alaska, ca. 1880-1910

PCA 225

92 stereographs, b&w, col., sepia

Stereoscopic views of the Klondike Gold Rush, mining, Alaskan communities, Alaska Natives, portraits and scenics, ca. 1880-1910. Collection includes donations and purchases. Arranged by photographer or publisher. The collection is ongoing; stereographs are added when they are received. (Acc. Nos. 1984-005, 1988-067, 2005-11, and others.)

A stereoscope is available for viewing, in Box 2.


H.H. Brodeck, photographer

1-1 Interior of Russian Church, Sitka [altar area; greenery decorations; ca. 1880]. (No. 13, 14)

1-2 Mining camp, Rockwell, Takou Mines ["now Juneau City" small group of tents and cabins; early name for Juneau?] (No. 58, 59,60)

1-3 [Two Chilkoot Indians on a trail; this may be the Chilkoot Trail.]

1-4 [Four Chilkoot Indians standing on a trail; possibly the Chilkoot Trail.]

1-5 [Chilkoot Trail?]

1-6 Indians river Falls, Sitka [tree-lined stream].

1-7 Mountains of Mud Bay [scenic of a beach and mountains]. (No. 103)

T.W. Ingersoll, photographer

2-1 Juneau Curio Store ["D. Martin" exterior view of a small store with a Native woman on the right].

2-2 Alaskan Sisters Up in the Klondike Country [three Eskimo? women dressed in parkas with a small child on shoulders of center woman].

2-3 The principal Street of Gold Bottom, the Klondike, Alaska. Copyrighted 1905 by T.W. Ingersoll.

B.W. Kilburn, photographer

3-1 The Aerial Railway over the Chilcoot [Chilkoot] Pass, Alaska [pulley of railway, left with several buildings in the center]. (No 13093)

3-2 Rapids of the Yukon in the Grand Canyon, Alaska [river scene]. (no 13142) fading image.

3-3 Shooting through the Grand Canyon, Alaska [man in open boat in center of a river]. (no. 13146)

3-4 Looking for the dead after the great snow slide in the Chilcoot Pass Alaska. C. 1898. (No. 12729)

R. Maynard (Hannah), photographer

4-1 [Exterior view of St. Michael's Cathedral, Sitka with people in the foreground.] ca. 1886.

Miscellaneous Views

5-1 The Eskimo at Home [four people in front of a large tent with wooden buildings in the background]. Tinted photograph.

5-2 [Ship yard at Wrangel [Wrangell], 1878. Men with saws in front of a row of buildings including a bakery.]

5-3 Street in Dawson City, Klondike [Warehouse type buildings on either side of First Street.] Tinted photograph.

5-4 A Klondike Camp [man and dog on path with log structures in the background]. (no. 4) Tinted photograph.

5-5 [Ship in the harbor. Verso reads "Everett Hays leaving Unalaska. May 11, 1911."]

5-6 Looking up Lincoln Street, Sitka, Alaska [people on a street; women seated at the right selling items. Tinted view].

5-7 Christian Falls (150 Feet High), Alice Bay, Alaska [white waterfalls cascading into a large body of water]. (no. 800) Tinted photograph.

5-8 Juneau City from Across Gastineau Channel, Alaska. [View of buildings from water.] ca. 1890 (no. 1325) Tinted photograph.

5-9 Street on Ocean Front, Juneau City, Alaska [row of shops and buildings with a sidewalk and pilings in the distance]. ca. 1890. (no. 1326)

5-10 Indian Burial Houses, Juneau City, Alaska [small cabin, foreground with several Auk Indian burial houses on hill behind a cabin. This may be the foot of Telephone Hill where the State Office Building is today (8/94)]. ca. 1890. (no. 1327) Tinted photograph.

5-11 Kasa-an Village [Kasaan], Indians an Canoes, Alaska [Native people departing the village in a canoe]. (no 48) Tinted photograph.

5-12 Main St., Bennett, The Klondike, Alaska [street scene]. ca. 1900 (no. 1329) Tinted photograph.

5-13 "Last Discovery" Dominion Creek, The Klondike, Alaska [scene of a man on a creek]. (no. 1330) Tinted photograph.

5-14 A prosperous Miner's Camp in the Klondike [five people in front of a log cabin]. (no. 1331) Tinted photograph.

5-15 Sitka Bay, Indians in Canoe, Sitka, Alaska. (no. 1324)

5-16 Chief's House, Bear and Wolf Totems, Fort Wrangle (sic) Alaska. (no. 1328)

5-17 Juneau City. [View of "Old Curiosity Shop", Juneau.] (no. 229a)

5-18 Totem Poles and Indian House. Sitka (no. 297) [View of Indian Village with totems in front.] Tinted photograph.

Griffith and Griffith, publishers

6-1 Working No. 2 Bonanza, Klondike [men digging near long sluice box, mining buildings in foreground]. (no 3219)

6-2 Eldorado Claim No. 4, Klondike. [tents and campsite in distance]. (no. 3240) Series of 1902 by George W. Griffith.

6-3 Working No. 4 Bonanza, Klondike. [Men working in a mining operation.] Copyright Griffith & Griffith.

6-4 A Miner's Home at Cape Nome, Alaska. [Cabin with clothing and dogs at the entrance.]

6-5 The beach at Cape Nome, Alaska. (No. 3289)

Keystone View Co., publishers

7-1 Good-bye, good friends, good bye. We go to do or die. - Steamer Rosalie Leaving Seattle for the Klondike Gold Fields, Alaska. [Passenger ship at the dock with people on decks, ca. 1898]. (no. 9115)

7-2 Alaska by Moonlight. Bound for the Klondike [ship departing a dock]. (no 9063)

7-3 Steamer QUEEN at Haines Mission, Alaska enroute to the Klondike. [Two ships anchored? near Haines, Alaska.] (no. 9063)

7-4 A Halt by the Wayside, enroute to the Klondike. [man relaxing in an open tent near a campsite]. (no. 9256) Copyright 1900, by B.L. Singley.

7-5 Lunch by the Wayside, Dyea Trail, Alaska [five men with supplies and cook stoves]. (no. 9283)

7-6 A Picturesque Street in Sheep Camp, Alaska [men at a campsite]. (no. 9198) Copyright 1900, by B.L. Singley.

7-6a Main Street, Sheep Camp, Alaska [group of men and dog team with tents and "Golden Gate Restaurant" in the background]. (no. 9210) Copyright 1900 by B.L. Singley.

7-7 Bound for the Klondike Gold Fields, Chilkoot Pass, Alaska [men climbing the Chilkoot. Sign reads "Gasoline Tramway" on the right.] (no. 9191) Copyright 1900 by B.L. Singley.

7-8 Preparing to climb "The Golden Stair" and Peterson's Trail, Chilkoot Pass, Alaska [men climbing the Chilkoot Trail]. (no. 9195)

7-9 Miners and Packers Climbing the "Golden Stair " Trail. Chilkoot Pass, Alaska [snowy scene of men climbing the Pass]. (no. 9196)

7-10 Gold Miners Climbing to the Summit of Chilkoot Pass, Alaska. [Men with supplies strapped to their backs ascending the Pass.] (no. 9208)

7-11 On the Dyea Trail, Alaska. [Snowy scene of men ascending the Trail.] (no. 9394?)

7-12 Big Tree Store on the Trail from Chilkoot Pass to Lake Linderman, Alaska. [Crowd of men lined next to a sled of supplies harnessed to an ox.] (no. 9215)

7-13 Going up the Yukon River by Moonlight to Dawson City, Alaska. [Water scene of three vessels.] (no. 9357)

7-14 Placer Mining near the Yukon River, Alaska. [Two men sifting gold pans.] (no. 21100)

7-15 Whipsawing Lumber for Cabin, Alaska. [A group of men sawing logs with a partially constructed cabin in background.] (no. 11535)

7-16 Placer Mining, near the Yukon River, Alaska. [Two men with mosquito netting hats show off gold pan (sequential to 7-14?).] (no. 9374)

7-17 Gold Miners at Work, Alaska. [Men with picks and shovels working a hillside.] (no. 9299)

7-18 Prospectors Returning to Camp, 62 Degrees Below Zero. Alaska. [Head shots of three frost-covered men.] (no. 11548)

7-19 Prospecting for Gold in Alaska. [Man with a shovel posed in front of a fire? during the winter.] (no. 11500)

7-20 Prospectors Burning Down a Hole, North Arctic Circle, Alaska. [May be sequential to #7-19. Men chopping at a fire in the snow with logs on the right.] (no. 11562)

7-21 Gold Miners and Dog Team North of Arctic Circle, Alaska. [Men posed with a dog team during the winter; campsite in background.] (no. 11530)

7-22 Starting out for Caribou, Beaver City, Alaska. [Group of men clad in winter clothing posed near a log cabin with supplies loaded on sleds.] (no. 11502)

7-22a A Miner's Banquet, Beaver City, Alaska. [Men seated at a makeshift table eating a meal; summertime. Note a woman to the right.] (no. 11511).

7-23. Resting Malamut [Malamute] Dogs on the Trail, Alaska. [Sled dogs sleeping on snow, sled in foreground.] (no. 11517)

7-24. Willie Campbell and His Malamut (sic) Pets, Alaska. [Young boy holding puppy surrounded by young dogs; winter view.] (no. 11508)

7-25. Home in the Brush, Alaska. [A couple? posed outside during winter; cabin in the background.] (no. 11506)

7-26. Over the Ice, Alaska. [Man wearing a hat climbing on a large iceberg.] (no. 11503)

7-27. Malamut (sic) Indians Moving Camp, Alaska. [Men with two canoes full of supplies leaving a beach.] (no. 11549)

7-28. Eskimo Dog Team and Sledge. World Fair, St. Louis. [Native people posed with a team of dogs in front of a plywood structure (maybe a set?)] (no. 15447)

7-29. Visiting a Fox Farm at Carcross, Yukon. [Children inside a pen feeding a fox.] (no. 21069)

7-30. A Game of golf at Anchorage, Alaska. [A group of men playing golf.] (no. 21118)

7-31. The Famous "Iron Trail" Bridge over the Copper River, Alaska. [The "Million Dollar Bridge" with mountains in background.] (no. 21113)

7-32. The First White Man's Log Cabin, Haines, Alaska. [Two men at log cabin.] (no. 9282)

7-33. Dr. Sheldon Jackson and Government Reindeer, Alaska. (no. 9272)

7-34. Starting for the Gold Fields on Norway Sleds, Haines, Alaska. [Probably related to #7-33 men being towed behind reindeer.] (no. 9271)

7-35. Cannery Tenders in Winter Quarters, Ketchikan, Alaska. [Ketchikan waterfront] (no. 21108)

7-36. A mysterious monument of the old Hydah [Hyder] Indians-curious Totem at Wrangel, Alaska. [Man standing in front of a totem pole with a shelter in the background.] (no. (2) 4706)

7-37. Kasa An (sic) Village, Alaska. [Native people in a canoe, village in the background.] (no. 4707)

7-38 Main Street, Wrangel (sic), Alaska, famous for its saloons and Indian Totem Poles. [Boardwalk scene with signs advertising businesses.] (no. (1) 4705)

7-39. Lightering Provisions Ashore, St. Michael, Alaska. [Beach scene with a barge of supplies approaching the shore.] (11550).

7-40. Columbia Glacier, Alaska, One of the Most Stupendous Sights in the World. [glacier with a large steamship in the foreground.] (no. 21116)

7-41. Natives of Alaska--Alaskan Indians [Women and children posed outside a tent on the tundra.] (no. 9358)

7-42. Arctic Explorers, preparing for winter - Cape Sabine and Baffin Bay (79 deg. N. Lat) [Inuit men with a canoe on the rocks; glacier in background. Camera with a tripod in distance?]

7-43. Interior Fort Magnesia, Cape Sabine, Ellesmere Land. Visitors who accepted hospitality. [Three Inuit people posed at a table; interior view.] (no. 4688)

7-44. The world's most unique inhabitants -- Esquimaux with summer tents. Greenland. [Inuit people posed outside a tent dwelling against a flat background.]

7-45. Eskimaux mother and babe, and pet wolf, deck of S.S. "Diane" west coast Greenland. [Woman posed with a child on the deck of a vessel.]

7-46. Eskimos with Summer Tents, Greenland. [Similar to 7-44.] (no. V27203)

7-47. Herd of reindeer, hardy creatures of the northern wilds, and snows heights of Hardanger glacier, Norway. [View of reindeer.] (45)-742.

7-48 Harvesting Grain, Spain. [View of people hunched in a field.] (no. 28766)

7-49 Indian village of Klinkwan-modern natives, and Totem Poles of old Hydahs [Haidas] Alaska. [Village scene of houses, etc. Similar photo to PCA 87-52.] (no. 4709)

7-50 Kassan Village, indians and canoes, Alaska. (No. 21038).

Underwood and Underwood, publishers

8-1. Among the Icebergs in Takon [Taku] Inlet, Alaska. [Two men with a canoe between icebergs.] (no. 10657)

8-2. The head of the Windsor Glacier, Taku Inlet, Alaska. [Icebergs in front of glacier.] (no. 11720)

8-3. A mysterious monument of the old Hydah (sic) Indians- curious Totem at Wrangel [Wrangell] Alaska. [Similar to 7-36.] (no. (2) 4706)

8-4. Far north metropolis of Juneau in a setting mountains and sea, Alaska. [View of dwellings on pilings. The sub port is in this location today (1994).] (no. 10656)

8-5. Miners on the rim of the "glory hole" at the Treadwell Mine, Alaska. (no. 10655)

8-6. "Dan's Cabin", the most noted stopping place on the Klondike trail, Hootalinqua River, Alaska. [men posed in front “Dan’s Cabin” (log); sleds in foreground.] (no. 4713)

8-7. American railway climbing and tunneling the gold-bearing mountains, Alaska. [Men on tracks near a tunnel.] (no. 10658)

8-8. After the Ball. [A young woman reclining on a fur-covered couch.]

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