Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Carrsgate, Bardon Mill
On Monday 27 November2017 at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr P Reed (Chair), Cllr M Oliver, Cllr S Hingston,Cllr C Drake
Cllr T Lewis
In attendance:
Mrs K Little – Clerk
2 Members of the Public
Apologieswere received from County Cllr Sharp
120/17Minutes of Meeting held 14 August 2017 & 24 October 2017 to agree
Proposal that the minutes of meeting held 14 August 2017 be accepted as a true and accurate record.
Prop: Cllr Oliver Sec: Cllr Lewis
It was resolved to accept the minutes
Proposal that the minutes of meeting held 24 October 2017 be accepted as a true and accurate record.
Prop: Cllr Oliver Sec: Cllr Drake
It was resolved to accept the minutes
121/17Updates from last meeting
The clerk advised the information had been added and the website was now live
122/17Declarations of Interest
In accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any Pecuniary Interests in items on this agenda
Cllr Lewis and Cllr Hingston declared an interest in Agenda Item 123/17
123/17 Discussion from developer regarding Flatfield site
Ben Grisdale and planning consultant gave a presentation of outline plans for 12 units for the site, which are to be submitted to NCC at a later date.
124/17NCC – Public Byway No 41
Proposal to progress - ‘This Council calls upon NCC to progress with some urgency the long-awaited resolution to the currently obstructed Byway and making available the small sum required to reinstate the surface with NCC resources or via members small schemes’, Also for this Council to be fully updated on all matters relating to the same.
Prop: Cllr Reed Sec: Cllr Oliver
Clerk to write and request again requesting the removal of the concrete blocks which are restricting access to the play area
Prop: Cllr Drake - agreed
125/17.1H&DJBC - Minutes of meeting held 29 June, 29 July, 23 August & 4 October passed to Cllr Reed
125/17.2BHIB Insurance Broker – introductory letter - noted
125/17.3Citizens Advice – change of opening times noted
125/17.4/NCC – Consultation on a proposal around a New Partnership for bus information between Northumberland Parish and Town Councils -
Clerk to enquire if NCC is paid for the contract.
Northumberland National Park Authority
Proposed installation of two domestic wind turbines to generate electricity at Longsyke Farm, Haltwhistle, NE49 9PR
To support the application Prop: Cllr Hingston Sec: Cllr Oliver
127/17 Clerks Report/Accounts
127/17.1BDO – Conclusion of Audit YE 31 March 2017 - Matters raised
- The smaller authority does not contain an apportion of the JBC assets
- Smaller authority maybe double accounting receipts and payments in their apportionment of the JBC
- Prior year has not been restated to include apportion of JBC’s accounts
127/17.2NCC – Parish Precept to agree for 2018-19
The clerk advised H&DJBC had agreed to increase their budget levy request by 20%. Clerk requested to write and query the increase.
Proposal for the precept to remain at £3,000.00
Prop: Cllr Reed Sec: Cllr Hingston
127/17.3Financial Risk Assessment to agree – defer
127/17.4To determine whether a host council is necessary for H&DJBC & discussion relating to draft constitution
Following a discussion, it was proposed for the clerk to obtain more information on a host council
Prop: Cllr Reed - agreed
127/17.5 Accounts for approval and payment: -
Prop: Cllr Oliver Sec: Cllr Lewis
15.09.17 / CR / NCC / £1,500.00 / £2,174.4525.09.17 / 100403 / Ian Charlton / Grass cutting / £746.00 / £1,428.45
26.09.17 / CR / Village Green Committee / 50% contribution / £373.00 / £1,801.45
27.11.17 / 100404 / Mrs K Little / Salary & stationery / £246.43 / £1,555.02
27.11.17 / 100405 / HMRC / Salary / £50.40 / £1,504.62
27.11.17 / 100406 / Mrs K Little / Repayment for Printer & Ink / £109.98 / £1,394.64
128/17To agree purchase of Christmas Tree & Lights
Cllr Sharp had agreed to pay for the Christmas lights – Clerk to contact NCC and ask who is the supplier of the electricity for street lighting. Then ask how much it would cost to get a dedicated mains outlet to run Christmas lights
129/17.1H&DJBC– see above
129/17.2Village Green – The NCC flag which was damaged by the wind has been repaired
130/17Cleaning & tidying in Village
A letter of thanks to be sent to Archie Richardson who has cleaned the paths in
the village
131/17Any Other Business
132/17Date and Time of next meeting – 5 March 2018