Classroom Engagement Plan Teacher _____Anna Berceau______SY 15-16

Looks like: Response:

Entering the classroom / ·  Materials out & ready to go before the bell
·  Start the warm-up immediately & independently
·  If you are late, enter quietly & calmly. Place pass on teacher desk. Get materials out & join the activity. / ·  Positive feedback to acknowledge appropriate conduct
·  Nonverbal cues
·  Re-teaching/practicing modeling procedure
·  Dean referrals & “Hot Seat” for chronic tardies
Instructional time
·  Group work
·  Individual
·  Whole class / ·  Encourage equal participation.
·  Step up and participate.
·  Be accountable for the group’s work,
·  Check your notes, ask a classmate, then ask the teacher.
·  Be OK with struggling.
·  Know your deadlines.
·  Contributions should relate to the topic.
·  Enter the discussion appropriately.
·  Actively listen (note taking, contributing, adding on to a classmate’s comment). / ·  Positive feedback to acknowledge appropriate conduct
·  Nonverbal cues
·  Reminders
·  Peer support
·  Conferencing
·  Re-teaching/practicing modeling procedure
Personal needs / ·  Advocate for help without interrupting instruction / ·  Teacher will facilitate communication to the right support system and provide information about services available (Collaborative, Check & Connect, Dean, Counselors, Social Worker, Nurse)
·  Follow-up
·  Teacher will reinforce specific classroom processes
Exiting the classroom / ·  No passes available the first or last 10 minutes.
·  If called away, ask teacher for assignment or work.
·  Stay in your seat until the bell rings. Remain in seat if teacher holds you after the bell. / ·  Teacher will offer support
·  Work available in a pre-designated location in classroom or online
·  Positive feedback to acknowledge appropriate conduct
·  Nonverbal cues
·  Reminders
·  Peer support
·  Conferencing
·  Re-teaching/practicing modeling procedure
Academic Honesty / ·  Cite ideas that are not your own
·  Demonstrate your own learning/ideas in your own words
·  Teachers will model correct use of sources
·  Teachers will clarify group vs. individual products / ·  Teacher may ask for a re-write or to re-do assignment
·  Teacher may use dean or parent involvement to deal with repeated infractions.
·  Reteach academic honesty expectations.
Agreements / ·  Seat Chart (sit in assigned seat)
·  No passes the first and last 10 min of class
·  2 passes per quarter / ·  Reminders
·  Teacher will create opportunities for students to communicate where in the classroom and with whom they work best.