Knowsley Learning Disability Partnership Board
Minutes – Tuesday 21 February 2013
Nita Cresswell / Partnership Board Chair, Director of Commissioning, Knowsley Health & WellbeingMichelle Ablewhite / Partnership Board Co-Chair, BIG Group
Debra Lawson
Ann Adcock / Head of Commissioning, Vulnerable Adults
Brothers of Charity
Lisa Woods / KDC (BIG Group)
Vicki Hornby / Knowsley Disability Concern
Mark Fox / Service Manager, Knowsley Health &
Paulette Lappin / Merseytravel
Stuart Sheridan / Commissioning Manager, Knowsley Health &Wellbeing
Jez Hunt / Service Development Manager, Knowsley
Health & Wellbeing
Tim Hall / Senior Manager, Knowsley Children & Families
Dot Ashton / Knowsley Disability Concern
Joyce Duckworth / Knowsley Disability Concern
Paula Lomax / BIG Group, Knowsley Disability Concern
Jan Box / GP Link Worker
Jane Calveley / Knowsley LINk / Healthwatch
Sarah Turner / Knowsley College
Wendy Green / Knowsley Health & Wellbeing (minutes)
1. Introduction & Apologies
Everyone introduced themselves.
Apologies from
Alison Joseph / Self Advocate, BIG GroupJoanne Thompson / Self Advocate, BIG Group
Johanna Lee / Clinical Lead Nurse, Learning Disabilities
Lorna Pink / Locality Manager, Knowsley & St Helens Community Learning Disability Team
Barry Kelly / Service Manager, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing
Rachel Cleal / Head of Care Management, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing
John Parkes / Knowsley Children’s Services
Karen Stewart / Community Integrated Care
2. Ground Rules
Michelle Ablewhite read through the ground rules.
3. Minutes and Matters Arising of the last meeting and feedback from the Open Event on 13 December 2012
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
Matters arising
We will talk about the final Health and Wellbeing Strategy at our meeting in June.
Feedback on the Parents Together Project will be provided at the next meeting in April.
The Development Fund Bid process and application form has been updated.
Winterbourne Hospital Review is on agenda for discussion.
Feedback from the LD Open Event on 13 December 2012
We held an informal meeting and more people attended
We talked about how easier the meetings should be so more people and self advocates will come along
We had lots of feedback and talked about what is working and what is not working
The Board discussed if it should have formal and informal meetings in the future – we will ask the BIG Group to help us make meetings better.
It is important to have formal meetings to feedback on Government issues and reports
We agreed to bring back the Traffic Light Cards and have a review on how our meetings should run and what we want to achieve
Since our meeting in December we were told the temperature of the swimming pool has now been raised to 28-30 degrees.
Centre 63 has been working with service users and young people in the area to help stop bullying of disabled people before the move of Sedburn House to Kirkby
An event will take place soon to find out what transport is needed in Knowsley.
The transport network for Knowsley will be presented to the Board at a future meeting
Actions /By Who?
Final Health and Wellbeing Strategy to be discussed at our meeting in June / Richard Holford / Stuart Sheridan
Feedback on the Parents Together Project to be provided at the next meeting / Vicki Hornby
Review future LDPB meetings and what we want to achieve / Stuart Sheridan / Wendy Green
Bring back use of Traffic Light Cards for future meetings / Stuart Sheridan / Wendy Green
Transport Network to be presented at a future meeting / Paulette Lappin/ Wendy Green
4. Healthwatch Update
From 1 April 2013 HealthWatch England will take over from local involvement networks or LINks.
HealthWatch Knowsley will be the local group speaking up for people using health and social care services in its area.
HealthWatch Knowsley will have a bigger office with more staff and a direct telephone line
They will carry on providing help and support and make sure you are signposted to the correct services
Coffee mornings and visits will continue with volunteers undergoing training.
HealthWatch Knowsley will listen to any worries you have about health and social care services
HealthWatch Knowsley has elected 9 voluntary members to its Management Committee.
A further update on HealthWatch Knowsley will be provided at the next meeting.
Actions /By Who?
Further update on HealthWatch Knowsley will be provided at the next meeting / Jane Calveley
5. Learning Disability Health Needs Assessment (New Project)
The University of Liverpool are doing an assessment across Merseyside on what people with a learning disability need for them to stay healthy.
The Board needs to make sure it supports this piece of work and that Knowsley people have their say.
This work will finish in June and feed into Knowsley’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
Actions /By Who?
Draft report attached below as agreed:
/ Stuart Sheridan / Wendy Green
6. BIG Group Update
The BIG group meets on a monthly basis and has been looking at what skills it has to provide training.
Sub Working Groups have been set up in Day Centres which include core members.
This will make sure that the BIG group meetings are fully accessible.
Lisa Woods did a presentation on the Self Advocates Conference in Blackpool.
The Conference included workshops on health, money, wellbeing, drama and a Gala Dinner with a Disco and Karaoke.
All those who attended enjoyed it and said it was a good and safe experience.
Work is taking place in March to produce a CD to advertise the Conference and what you can achieve from attending.
The BIG Group agreed to discuss what they want from future LDPB meetings and feedback to the Board.
Actions /By Who?
BIG Group to discuss future LDPB meetings and provide feedback / Paula Lomas / BIG Group
7. Development Fund
Although the council has had to make lots of savings, there is enough money for the Board to continue.
Further funding may be found to support future activities.
Development Funds Bids are needed to support creative ways of working.
The Board will look for opportunities to provide funding from other sources and funding streams.
8. Winterbourne View Hospital Review – Action Plan
The Department of Health have sent out a final report -Transforming Care and an action plan.
There are a total of 63 actions which need to be completed
This includes creating a register of all those with learning disabilities, including autism and mental health by April 2013.
It also makes sure that people have the right support in place and the right kind of placement live in by June 2014.
The Board discussed what work is taking place in Knowsley to put this action plan in place.
A review will take place on of these placements from November 2012.
Some placements are not paid for by the Council so we need to make sure these are also included in the review.
A new Model of Care is now in place in Knowsley so we were already using less inpatient services.
Knowsley are doing well in keeping people out of long stay hospitals.
We discussed the need to work with providers and use the Greenlight Toolkit to ensure joint working
Work is continuing locally and feedback will be provided to the Board.
Actions /By Who?
Update on Transforming Care Action Plan to be presented at a future meeting / Stuart Sheridan
9. 2013 LD Health and Social Care Self Assessment Framework
Changes are taking place this year joining up the Self Assessment Framework and the Learning Disability Partnership Board report.
This will now be one big assessment of the needs of people with learning disabilities and their families.
People with Learning Disabilities and their families experience more health inequalities
They also experience extra health needs such as diabetes, heart disease and early onset dementia.
The assessment will help us check how good services are for people with learning disabilities and their families and if they are getting the right support.
A copy of the ratings was given to everyone for information.
Information will be collected to measure how well we are meeting these standards.
It will include “I Statements” and monitor how Personalisation is working and live experiences using My Story
Consultation will take place in May 2013 – maybe the ULO could help with this?
Date for submission of the assessment is 31 July 2013.
A brief update will be provided at our next meeting in April.
Actions /By Who?
A brief update on the LD Health and Social Care Assessment to be provided at the meeting in April / Stuart Sheridan
10. AOB
Nita informed the Board that this will be her last meeting as she is retiring the end of March.
The Board thanked her for all the work she has done whilst working in Knowsley and wished her well.
Next Meeting: Thursday 11 April 2012, 10am – 12noon
Faraday Room, Old School House,
St John’s Road, Huyton.
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