Soccer Sign Up and Information Sheet
Preseason ConditioningPreseason Conditioning - November 30-December 18
Monday, Wednesday, select Fridays 3:45-5:00
Fitness – January 4-15
Monday, Wednesday, select Fridays 3:45-5:00
Try-OutsJanuary 19 – January 213:30-5:45
Regular PracticeJanuary 223:30-5:30
Kick-Off DinnerTBATBA
Bubble SoccerTBATBA
**All forms must be turned in before anyone can start practice or conditioning.
1. The attached school forms must be completed before the student can begin any type of conditioning with the team. Please make sure all forms are signed in all of the proper places. The following locations must all be singed
A. Pre-participation Physical Evaluation
1. Signature of Parent and Athlete at the bottom of page 1,2
2. Page 3 Name, Address, Date, Phone and Signature of Physician..
3. Page 4 Clearance Form Name, Address, Date, Phone, and Signature of Physician.
B. HenryCountySchool District Athletic Information and Consent Form
1. Please neatly fill in all blanks.
2. Signature of Parent and Athlete needed at the bottom of page 1.
3. You must have completeInsurance Information.
4. Parent initials Middle of Page 2.
5. Signature of Parent needed at the bottom of Page 2.
6. Signature of Student needed at the bottom of Page 2.
C. Student/Parent Concussion Awareness Form
1. Signature of Parent and Student with date on bottom of Page 1.
D. GHSA Heat Policy
1. Parent signature and date at the bottom of Page 1.
D. Expectations
1. Signature of Athlete and Parent at the bottom of page.
2. We will be having our annual Futsol Fundraiser. This is a mandatory event, just like practice. All players should attend. I would like everyone to get pledges, but we are not allowed to make that portion of the event mandatory. More information to follow.
3. As always, the soccer schedules are subject to change. If it rains, they will change a lot. Please note the date on the lower left of each schedule. This will allow you to know which schedule is the most current.
4. The Varsity will still be wearing the custom Black warm-up suit this year. If you need one, will place an order if we have enough interested players. In extreme cold weather we will wave this requirement at the coaches discretion.
A. Players do not have to have the warm-up. However, players will not be allowed to wear any other warm-up for games or warm-ups unless the team captains decide to wear something different.
B. Players will wear their warm-up shirts during team warm-ups. Those are the booster T-shirts for the JV and 9th grade and the warm-up shirts for the Varsity.
C. Players must have a black Adidas backpack (Estadio). If your child wants a bag, we can order one for them.
D. Please don’t get a warm-up or bag yet unless you are sure you want one. Getting a warm-up does not ensure a position on the team.
5. The varsity team will be attending the Jekyll Island Tournament of Champions again this year. The cost is around $150. I will need five chaperones (or couples) again. The cost for chaperones is around $125, single or couple. We will get exact amount when we have our hotels confirmed.