Table of Contents

1 Add Packages & Update Current Packages 2

2 Enable Syntax Highlighting for VIM 2

3 Switch Java to Sun Java 6 2

4 Tomcat 6 Configuration 2

4.1 Edit the default file for Tomcat 6 2

4.2 Edit the tomcat-users.xml 3

4.3 Configure SSL 4

4.4 Edit the server.xml 5

4.5 Restart Tomcat 6 Service 6

5 Configure PostgreSQL 6

5.1 Configure Access 6

5.1.1 Change postgres User Password 6

5.1.2 Import Additional Schema 6

5.1.3 Edit the postgresql.conf 7

5.1.4 Edit the pg_hba.conf 7

5.2 Restart PostgreSQL 8

5.3 Configure Database for Logicaldoc 8

6 Install Logicaldoc 8

6.1 Upload WAR File 8

6.2 Upload Email Plugin 9

6.3 Create Directory for Logicaldoc Documents 9

6.4 Setup Logicaldoc 9

7 Configure Email Plugin 13

8 Modify File Size for Uploads to Logicaldoc 13

8.1 Modify the web.xml 13

8.2 Restart Tomcat 6 Server 13

9 Configure Windows XP Workstations for Webdav 13

10 Configure Backups 17

10.1 Create Mount Directory and Verify Connectivity 17

10.2 Configure Share to Automatically Reconnect 17

10.2.1 Create File with for the User Credentials 17

10.2.2 Edit the fstab File 17

10.3 Create Backup Script & Schedule Cron Job 17

10.3.1 Create the Backup Script 17

10.3.2 Add Script to cron.d 18

11 Troubleshooting 19

11.1 CIFS problems 19

11.1.1 Version of CIFS 19

11.1.2 Enable Debug for CIFS 19

1  Add Packages & Update Current Packages

It is assumed that the user is logged in and has sudo privilege. These steps are performed from the command line.

1.  Type sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 vim sun-java6-jdkp, and then press Enter

2.  Type in the password for the user account

3.  Press Enter to accept the install of the new packages.

4.  Press Tab to highlight OK, then press Enter to accept terms for Configuring sun-java6-jre

5.  Move the cursor to the left to select Yes for agreeing with the DLJ license terms

6.  Type sudo apt-get update, press Enter

7.  Type sudo apt-get upgrade, press Enter

8.  Press Enter to accept the install of the packages that will be upgraded

2  Enable Syntax Highlighting for VIM

1.  Type sudo vim /etc/vim/vimrc, press Enter

2.  Scroll down and find the commented out line “syntax on

3.  Press I to edit, delete the “

4.  Press Esc, then type :wq

5.  Press Enter

3  Switch Java to Sun Java 6

1.  Type update-java-alternatives –l to verify that Sun Java 6 is installed

2.  Type sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

4  Tomcat 6 Configuration

4.1  Edit the default file for Tomcat 6

1.  Type sudo vim etc/default/tomcat6, press Enter

2.  Press I to edit

3.  Remove the # to uncomment TOMCAT6_USER=tomcat6

4.  Remove the # to uncomment JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-6-jdk

5.  Change JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-6-jdk to JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

6.  Remove the # to uncomment CATALINA_BASE=/var/lib/tomcat6

7.  Remove the # to uncomment JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx128M"

8.  Change –Xmx128M to –Xmx900M

9.  Remove the # to uncomment TOMCAT6_SECURITY=yes


11.  Press Esc, then type :wq

12.  Press Enter

4.2  Edit the tomcat-users.xml

1.  Type sudo vim /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml, press Enter

2.  Scroll down to the <tomcat-users> section

3.  Press I to edit

4.  Remove the comments <!-- and -->

5.  Delete the line <role rolename="role1"/>

6.  Under the last role type the following <role rolename="admin"/>, press Enter

7.  Type <role rolename="manager"/>

8.  Delete the line <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>, and <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>

9.  Under the last user type the following <user username="ldocadmin" password="password" roles="admin "/>, press Enter

10.  Type <user username="ldocmanager" password="password" roles="manager"/>

Note: Change the password to something other than password!

11.  Change the password for the tomcat user

1.  Press Esc, then type :wq

2.  Press Enter

4.3  Configure SSL

These steps will create a certificate request that can will either be a self signed certificate or use the certificate request and have it signed be another Certification Authority (CA). Notes will be mentioned for creating a certificate request that will be singed by an Entrust CA.

1.  Type cd /etc/tomcat6, press Enter

2.  Type sudo keytool -genkey -v -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore tomcat.jks -storepass logicaldoc -keypass logicaldoc

3.  Press Enter

4.  Type in the correct value for the prompts that follow.

Note: The first and last name needs to be the FQDN that will be used to access the server. Use the Entrust Reference number for the first & last name and leave the other fields blank if certificate request is going to be signed by an Entrust CA.

5.  Type yes, press Enter

6.  Type sudo keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore tomcat.jks -storepass logicaldoc -file tomcat-ssl-request.p10

7.  Press Enter

8.  To generate a self signed certificate type sudo keytool -selfcert -alias tomcat -keystore tomcat.jks, press Enter. Otherwise take the tomcat-ssl-request.p10 to get signed by a CA.

Note: The next steps are only if the certificate request was signed by a CA. It will be assumed that the signed certificate request and CA certificates have been uploaded to the server directory /etc/tomcat6

9.  Type sudo keytool -trustcacerts -import -keystore tomcat.jks -storepass logicaldoc -alias SubCA -file subca.crt

10.  Press Enter

11.  Type sudo keytool -trustcacerts -import -keystore tomcat.jks -storepass logicaldoc -alias RootCA -file rootca.crt

12.  Press Enter

13.  Type sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -keystore tomcat.jks -storepass logicaldoc -file logicaldoc.crt

14.  Press Enter

4.4  Edit the server.xml

1.  Type sudo /etc/tomcat6/server.xml, press Enter

2.  Press I to edit

3.  Scroll down to Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

4.  Change port=”8080” to port=”80”

5.  Change redirectPort="8443" to redirectPort="443"

6.  Scroll down to <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"

7.  Remove the <!-- and <-- around the Connector section

8.  Change port="8443" to port="443"

9.  Amend to the end of the Connector section keystoreFile="/etc/tomcat6/tomcat.jks" keystorePass="logicaldoc"

10.  Scroll down to <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

11.  Change redirectPort="8443" to redirectPort="443"

12.  Press Esc, then type :wq

13.  Press Enter

4.5  Restart Tomcat 6 Service

1.  Type sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart

2.  Press Enter

5  Configure PostgreSQL

5.1  Configure Access

5.1.1  Change postgres User Password

1.  Type sudo -u postgres psql template1, press Enter

2.  Type ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password 'N3wP@ssw0rd!';

3.  Press Enter

4.  Type \q

5.  Press Enter

5.1.2  Import Additional Schema

1.  Type sudo -u postgres psql < /usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/adminpack.sql

2.  Press Enter

3.  Type sudo -u postgres psql < /usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/pgcrypto.sql

4.  Press Enter

5.1.3  Edit the postgresql.conf

1.  Type sudo vim /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/postgresql.conf, press Enter

2.  Scroll down to #listen_addresses = 'localhost'

3.  Press I to edit

4.  Remove the # to uncomment listen_addresses = 'localhost'

5.  Change listen_addresses = 'localhost' to listen_addresses = '*'

6.  Scroll down to #password_encryption = on

7.  Remove the # to uncomment password_encryption = on

8.  Press Esc, then type :wq

9.  Press Enter

5.1.4  Edit the pg_hba.conf

1.  Type sudo vim /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf

2.  Scroll down toward the bottom

3.  Press I to edit

4.  Use the # to comment out all the lines

5.  host all all ::1/128 md5

6.  local all all ident sameuser

7.  local all postgres ident sameuser

8.  Type the following lines on the last line:

local all postgres trust

local all postgres…………..md5

host all all md5

Note: This will be the local network IP range that the server is on.

9.  Press Esc

10.  Type :wq

11.  Press Enter

5.2  Restart PostgreSQL

1.  Type sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart

2.  Press Enter

5.3  Configure Database for Logicaldoc

1.  Type sudo –u postgres createdb logicaldocdb, press Enter

2.  Type sudo –u postgres psql logicaldocdb

Note: If prompted for a password, use the postgres password

3.  Press Enter

4.  Type CREATE ROLE logicaldocgroup INHERIT;

5.  Press Enter

6.  Type CREATE ROLE logicaldocservice LOGIN NOINHERIT;

7.  Press Enter

8.  Type GRANT logicaldocgroup TO logicaldocservice;

9.  Press Enter

10.  Type ALTER USER logicaldocservice with encrypted password 'LogicaldocPassword';

11.  Press Enter

12.  Type ALTER DATABASE logicaldocdb OWNER TO logicaldocgroup;

13.  Press Enter

14.  Type \q, press Enter

6  Install Logicaldoc

6.1  Upload WAR File

1.  Open a web browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer

2.  Type, press Enter

Note: Point to the server that hosts Logicaldoc using either the FQDN or the IP address.

3.  Type ldocmanager for the username, then type in the password

4.  Click OK

5.  Scroll down to the Deploy section

6.  Click Browse to select the WAR to upload

7.  Browse to where logicaldoc.war is located, click Open

8.  Click Deploy

9.  Message: OK should be displayed up top

6.2  Upload Email Plugin

1.  Type cd, press Enter

2.  Type wget, press Enter

3.  Type sudo cp /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/logicaldoc/WEB-INF/plugins/

4.  Type sudo chown tomcat6:tomcat6 /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/logicaldoc/WEB-INF/plugins/

5.  Press Enter

6.3  Create Directory for Logicaldoc Documents

1.  Type sudo mkdir /opt/Logicaldoc/, press Enter

2.  Type sudo chown tomcat6:tomcat6 /opt/Logicaldoc, press Enter

6.4  Setup Logicaldoc

1.  Open the web browser

2.  Type Type, press Enter

Note: Point to the server that hosts Logicaldoc using either the FQDN or the IP address

3.  Type ldocadmin for the user name and then type the password

4.  Click OK

5.  Type /opt/Logicaldoc, and then click Continue

6.  Enable the radio button for External database management system, click Continue

7.  Select PostgreSQL 8.x for the database type, fill in the information for the server, user name, password, and then click Continue

8.  Type in the information for the mail server, click Continue

9.  Click the Click here button to proceed with logging into Logicaldoc

7  Configure Email Plugin

1.  Open a web browser

2.  Type Type, press Enter

Note: Point to the server that hosts Logicaldoc using either the FQDN or the IP address

3.  Type ldocadmin for the user name and then type the password

4.  Click OK

5.  Proceed through the setup steps using the same data used previously to configure Logicaldoc

6.  After finishing the setup login to Logicaldoc

7.  Under the Administration column verify that E-mail Accounts is now present under the E-mail option

8  Modify File Size for Uploads to Logicaldoc

8.1  Modify the web.xml

1.  Type sudo vim /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/logicaldoc/WEB-INF/web.xml, press Enter

2.  Scroll down to the section





3.  Press I to edit

4.  Change the param-value 52428800 to 5242880000

5.  Press Esc, then type :wq

6.  Press Enter

8.2  Restart Tomcat 6 Server

1.  Type sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart

2.  Press Enter

9  Configure Windows XP Workstations for Webdav

1.  Double click on My Computer

2.  Navigate to C:\Windows\system32

3.  Locate and double click on webfldrs.msi

4.  Click on Select reinstall mode

5.  Uncheck Repair all detected reinstall problems

6.  Check the following:

  1. Force all files to be reinstalled, regardless of checksum or version
  2. Verify that required user registry entries are present
  3. Verify that required machine registry entries are present
  4. Validate shortcuts

7.  Click OK

8.  Click Reinstall

9.  Click OK

10.  Click Start=>Run

11.  Type regedit, click OK

12.  Naviagate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters

13.  Right click into the right field and choose New from the context-menu

14.  Choose DWord-Value

15.  Name the new value UseBasicAuth

16.  Right click on UseBasicAuth and choose Modify

17.  Change the value 0 (disabled) to 1 (enabled)

18.  Click OK

19.  Click File in the top left corner, select Exit to close the Registry

20.  Click Start=>Shut Down

21.  Select Restart, click OK

22.  After the computer Reboots, login to the workstation

23.  Double click on My Network Places

24.  Double click on Add Network Place

25.  A wizard will start, click Next

26.  Select Choose another network location, click Next

27.  Type, click Next

Note: Point to the server that hosts Logicaldoc using either the FQDN or the IP address

28.  Click Yes to proceed for the first Security Alert

29.  Click Yes to proceed for the second Security Alert

30.  Type in the username and password used for authenticating to Logicaldoc, click OK

31.  Type Logicaldoc for the name of the network place, click Next

32.  Click Finish

33.  Click Yes to accept the first Security Alert

34.  Click Yes to accept the second Security Alert

35.  Type in the username and password used for authenticating to Logicaldoc, click OK

10  Configure Backups

It is assumed that a share has been created and a user account has been provided that will allow read/write access to the share. The share that will be used is called backups, and the user name/password is Logicaldoc/password1234!. An IP or FQDN can be used to connect to the share.

10.1 Create Mount Directory and Verify Connectivity

1.  Type sudo mkdir /mnt/mountpoint, press Enter

2.  Type sudo mount -t cifs -o username=logicaldoc,password=password1234! // /mnt/mountpoint

3.  Type ls –l /mnt/mountpoint, and press Enter to verify mount point to Windows share

10.2 Configure Share to Automatically Reconnect

10.2.1  Create File with for the User Credentials

1.  Type sudo vim /etc/

2.  Press I to add text

3.  Type username=logicaldoc, press Enter

4.  Type password=password1234!

5.  Press the Esc button

6.  Type :wq, press Enter

7.  Type sudo chmod 600 /etc/, press Enter

8.  Type sudo chown root /etc/, press Enter

10.2.2  Edit the fstab File

1.  Type sudo vim /etc/fstab, press Enter

2.  Press I to add text

3.  Go to the end of the last line and press Enter

4.  Type the following:

#Mounts windows share drive backups

// /mnt/mountpoint cifs credentials=/etc/,mand 0 0

5.  Press the Esc button

6.  Type :wq, press Enter

10.3 Create Backup Script & Schedule Cron Job

10.3.1  Create the Backup Script

1.  Type sudo vim /usr/local/bin/, press Enter

2.  Press I to add text

3.  Type the following