Chairman: Cllr. Mr Stephen Jones, 12 The Green, Long Lawford, CV23 9BL. Tel: 0787 654 7994

Parish Clerk: Miss D Groves, 7 College Road, Willoughby, CV23 8BN. Tel: 891 514

You are Invited to attend the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Memorial Hall at 9 Railway Street, Long Lawford on Tuesday 10th February 2015 at 7.30pm



1.  Welcome and Apologies for Absence

2.  To Receive Police Report

3.  To Invite Members of the Public to Speak on Matters of Concern

4.  To Receive Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests;

a.  Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.

b.  To declare any pecuniary interests in specific items on this agenda, stating the reference No. and their nature.

c.  To declare any non-pecuniary interests in specific items on this agenda, stating the reference No. and their nature. (Councillors with pecuniary interests must leave the room for the relevant items, subject to sub-paragraph 12 (2) of the Code of Conduct.

d.  Councillors are reminded that it is not sufficient to declare interests generally at the start of the meeting.

5.  To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 13th January 2015

6.  To Receive Progress Reports on Outstanding Items Not Covered Later on the Agenda

7.  To Receive Borough/County Council Reports

8.  Management/Finance & Administration

a)  Statement of Community Involvement consultation up to 6.3.15 – doc. Sent to all Cllrs. Purpose to review how RBC involve the PC in the development plan making process, inc. the new infrastructure levy, neighbourhood plans, supplementary planning docs and applications for planning permission. This is being reviewed due to the changes in the planning system. Changes need to be reflected in the way RBC consults on planning matters. The SCI has been reviewed and RBC is now consulting on the review.

b)  National Spring Clean 2015 – held during March & April – equipment offered for loan; litter sticks, hi-viz jackets and black sacks. Gloves are not provided but should be worn.

c)  Plan of action to recruit new Councillors following receipt of an application from a resident. Permission to co-opt must also be obtained following campaign of advertising.

d)  A parish overview of the community projects supported by the Central Warwickshire LEADER programme 2010-2013 has been received.

e)  Neighbourhood Plan update

9.  Recreation Grounds

a)  Works are now completed on flower beds - for info.

b)  Bus Shelter roof repair has been completed – for info.

c)  To consider quotes for repair costs on areas of the Breedon Stone Paths in Cherwell Way and King George Vth fields. (106 maintenance funds)

d)  Fresh evidence of horses being rode in Cherwell Way playing field, hoof prints in the field generally causes safety concerns but particularly on the football pitch for those playing football.

e)  Saturday morning football training sessions will now take place in an area behind the goals to help preserve the football pitch which is showing some signs of deterioration. Football teams will monitor pitches and not use them if this will result in further damaging the grass. Managers will ask/monitor those taking part in football to stay off the paths in football boots and refrain from digging heels/sticks into the paths when sitting on the benches – for info.

f)  To consider a quote for the replacement of a swing seat in King George Vth field (106 maintenance funds)

10. Transport, Highways, Drains and Street Lighting

a)  Street Lighting Columns 3, 4 and 5 in Woodleigh Road were reported as not working. The lights are still the responsibility of the developer. The developer is aware of the faults and is arranging for them to be repaired.

b)  A428 – National Grid Gas has flagged up that they have sensitive apparatus at the point where trenching across the road needs to be done. WCC are trying to resolve this.

11. To Receive Details of Financial Matters

a)  To approve the monthly payments (list circulated at meeting)

12. To Receive Details of Planning Matters

New Planning Applications

a)  R15/0132 – Single storey and two storey rear extension

153 Townsend Lane, CV23 9DE

b)  R15/0162 – Erection of a two storey rear extension and single storey side extension

17 Briars Close, CV23 9DW

Approved Planning Applications


Refused Planning Applications


Other Planning


13. To Receive Reports on minor matters and items for Future Agenda

14. To consider the exclusion of the public and press in the public interest

15. Date and Time of the Next Meetings.

To confirm the date and date of the next Parish Council Meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday 10th March 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall, Long Lawford.

Signed: Date:

Miss D Groves, Clerk, LLPC