a)Biedja organika ikkomparata ma’ biedja tradizzjonali f’Malta: bidliet riċenti u r-raġunijiet warajhom

This project asks of you to compare the differences between the traditional agriculture and the organic agriculture here in Malta. As such, it is essential that you are able to make interviews with people in the organic agriculture buisiness. You also have to supply photos to indicate that you went onsite in different fields using different types of agriculture.

  1. Contents
/ Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………..…. PG 4
Chapter 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………..PG 5
  1. List of figures
/ Make a list of all photos, maps and graphs and give them numbers e.g.
Figure 1 – Map of location with most solar panels…………………………………….... PG 7
  1. List of tables
/ Make a list of all photos, maps and graphs and give them numbers e.g.
Table 1 – Types of solar water heaters found ……………………………………….PG 8
  1. Introduction
  • Describe in short the situation in Malta regarding farming.
  • Describe the farm as a system, with inputs, processes and outputs.
  • Explain the Aims of the project – what you are going to discuss.
  • Why you chose this project
(200 words)
  1. Chapter 1 –Explain in detail what organic agriculture is. Describe the basic nutrients that plants need, including the use of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. Describe the way that plants are cared for including the ways how plants are fertilised and the ways how pests are tackled. Make sure to include the different ways how fields were fertilised in the past. Mention the use of “il-Bank” and “in-Newba”. For places near to the sea, do not forget to mention the use of algae collected from the seashore. Also mention how certain dividing layers in the Globigerina Limestone were broken down to use as fertiliser. Use examples from the Mediterranean if possible. An interview with an old farmer here would be excellent. Do an interview with an organic farmer or someone from the Malta Organic Farming Association.
  2. Chapter 2 – Explain in detail how traditional agriculture is performed. Explore the use of different chemicals as fertilisers. Explain how excessive use of these chemicals might harm the environment as regards flora and fauna and as regards the water table. Here include a discussion about the effects of nitrates on aquatic environments – eutrophication should be explained here.Explain how the different fertilisers are dispersed – by direct fertilisation, fertigation (fertilising through irrigation) and through dusting/spraying.

Also explore the use of pesticides. What pesticides are used for. Explain the way that pesticides can be applied to plants and the way that they work – Contact and systemic pesticides. Discuss how a pest (whether animal or vegetative) becomes resistant to pesticides.

  1. Chapter 3: Comparing Traditional Agriculture to Organic Agriculture.

Discuss the overall agricultural sector in Malta. Explain how and why some sectors, such as that of chicken, pork and milk farming, have found it difficult to compete with products from the European Union. Discuss the importation of fruits and vegetables from the EU market, their prices and the effect this is having on the prices of local produce. Discuss concerns about the chemicals used as pesticides and herbicides on health. Compare the benefits of Organic Agriculture on the Environment compared to Traditional Agriculture. Do an interview with a local farmer who rears his products with traditional methods.

  1. Chapter 4: Conclusion.

Give a short summary of your findings. Discuss where farming should go – should it take a more organic approach or go for a more traditional way of farming.

  1. Bibliography:

Include all the books, websites, and people who you interviewed. E.G.

  • National Census of Agriculture :
  • Malta Organic Agriculture Movement -
  • Department of Agriculture: Organic Farming:
  • Traditional Farming -