SIGDOC, Special Interest Group on Design of Communication


(1) Promote the professional development of technical communication practitioners, researchers, and educators; (2) Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to solving communication problems related to online and print documentation and to human-computer interfaces; (3) Provide avenues for publication and for the exchange of professional information; (4) Support research that focuses on the needs of humans and their goals and tasks in technological contexts; (5) Support the development and improvement of computer-supported communication technologies.

Benefits of SIGDOC Membership- submitted by Scott Tilley11/15/03

* Discounted participation rates at all SIGDOC events, including a reduced registration fee for the annual conference

* Free access to past SIGDOC conference proceedings via the ACM Digital Library

* A free quarterly newsletter (via email)

* Complimentary materials available online at the SIGDOC Web site

* Broad professional contacts and networking opportunities

* For undergraduate students, the opportunity to apply for a SIGDOC Undergraduate Scholarship

* For graduate students, the chance to compete in the SIGDOC Graduate Program


SIGDOC newsletter, issued quarterly through November 1999. In February 2000, the SIGDOC newsletter is becoming an official Journal of the ACM.

As of November 2003, the Journal was dissolved by the ACM Publications Board. SIGDOC continues to issue a quarterly electronic newsletter via e-mail to

members only.

Membership 1st yr 2 + yearsTotal



June’01319 63260408 5039.0473.2161.29

June’0226047280335 3842.5074.9260.78

June’0325198241374 3945.8371.5566.48

Jan’0422680140320 1642.9564.4955.61

Fund Balance


June’00$41,980 3,93526,79815,182 33.96

June’01$56,03314,05330,52425,509 65.52

June’02$45,468 (10,565)26,87918,589 55.49

June’03$34,259 (11,209) 18,98315,276 40.84


Conference Activity
FY’00 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted
SIGDOC'99 100% New Orleans, LA115 Closed $10,275.00 9/12-14/99
FY’01 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus

SIGDOC’00 50% Cambridge,MA169closed $16,627.469/24-27/00 Not available

FY’02 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus

SIGDOC '01 100% Santa Fe, NM 57 closed ($22,046.89) 10/21-24/01 Not available

FY’03 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus

SIGDOC '02 100% Toronto 81 closed ($6.076.50) 10/20-23/02 Not available


FY’04 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus

SIGDOC '03 100% San Francisco, CA 57 closed $963.06 10/12-15/03 Not available

SIG Officers1999-2001 (election) 2001-2003 2003-2005

ChairKatherine Haramundanis Katherine Haramundanis Scott Tilley

Vice ChairMichael Carver Michael Priestley Michael Priestley

TreasurerLinda Sue Trapasso Michael J. Albers (Secretary/Treasurer) Michael J. Albers

SecretaryMichael J. Albers

Viability history

5/92Found viable.

2/96Found viable

2/00Found viable

Annual report submitted

Annual reports submitted for FY’99- FY’03 inclusive

SGB meeting attendance

SIGDOC represented at ALL SGB meetings from Oct 1999-September 2003